Monday, July 7, 2008

Career Change

Down with Yale is what I say nowadays.
Regardless of the opinions or what happens in Yale its not a good working environment.

I came to Korea seeking adventure and trying new things. Believing that anywhere I go I would be able to have a balance between work and relaxing. I thought Saturdays wouldn't be too bad.

I will stay until August for anyone reading this.
I would like to figure out a good option but I am not sure what that is right now.

Today our boss gave us a new class...the return of Ma2. Would a dumb idea. 3 kids learning ABCs who may end up dropping or just wasting my time. I feel that because its just bodies to him.

I teach 6 classes and now I think I will have to teach 7. That means no break. Even if I am given a break later in the day I think its ridiculous.

I was shocked at everyone's reactions today. Vicki seemed disappointed and I totally understand. Christina was angry too but just like everyday is different I never thought a day that started out with the Q-U-I-T word would go to a day of being fine.

Today was typically the same for me. 6 classes in a row. The kids fooling around, not listening, and my later classes were disrespectful. I am ashamed to teach these kids nowadays.

So my blogs are powerful I think. Why?---I think I am too honest. I think I am too honest with the kids. I told them I HATE it when you cause problems and have to attract my boss. He looked in my classes 3 times today. He is such a showboat.

Not for those reasons but just in his entire persona he is misguided.

I don't enjoy working for him.

This week is going to be painful I feel. Today was not bad because work is just too fast to care tomorrow I have to deal with business matters and with the new schedule its going to throw everyone out of proportion.

Today~ I just wanted to get out of the office asap simply because I don't see the point in doing more.

Gumi is a place to work and in the time I am here I can save more money. I am hoping that I can save a lot of money before I go home. I need all I can do just to build a future.

I hope I can figure out something soon because its driving me nuts.

Its July its sweating season, its so hot I feel that there must be a first going off.

The windows are open and I got dry air. The Academy is the only escape place.

I can't wait until tomorrow! Its going to be a better day and I know I can look forward to something better soon.

Today was great though! I had a Bopping Sue, I had a wonderful time with my darling, I cleared up a misunderstanding that had been aching me since Saturday, and I didn't have major problems with the kids. I choose to brush off 99% of it.

Tomorrow I will do more to open up to more opportunities.

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