Saturday ~ A very fast and busy day. I am traveling faster than the speed of light.
I woke up got ready for work, had my typical usual breakfast. I met some friends there by chance, had some small chat caught up on some of the Gumi Happenings if you will.
I think I should try to find out what's happening in Gumi more. I taught What is a Community to my class who doesn't care and learned a lot about what is my Hyung gok Community.
I think I need to be more involved but I am not sure how right now. The kids ended up getting punished and will write me a letter next week Tuesday
The schedule changed at work and I don't like it
I taught Tc1 first easy class. They like me and find me interesting even though I am sick and look awful right now.
I also taught TD3 just one student and honestly a complete waste of time since I haven't prepared for this class at all. The progress report is dismall too. Mr. Jeong doesnt even fill out his lesson plan with them and no one bothered to tell me until it was too late. So now I have a TD3 class which is totally ridiculous and doesn't make any sense at all. I wish he would get rid of it. If he did this I would feel comfortable asking for a day off.
After work I got my new glasses and ended up going downtown. This was probably a mistake since I had pizza and later sang songs and had a little to drink. I like it but I dont like staying out late right now.
I went to Dunkin Donuts had some coffee and enjoyed the nice architecture of the building...................
Many people I have talked to lately seem to think that I need to get out more. I have a 6 day work week and one day recovery. The holidays in Korea are something I am not too familiar with. Sunday is considered a Holiday and other than that there are only a few major breaks. New Year, Thanksgiving, Christmas Western New Year, and a few other special days here and there. There may also be a very special occasion like Election year where there is a few days off here and there. All in all when I go back home I will have worked for 300 days at least.
Anyways... I have some new ideas and I think that I will definitely put these to the test in the weeks to follow. I have 2 more days of March and one of them is a vacation.
I am going to Rest and hopefully do something fun i would like to go see a movie or something tomorrow. At any rate its a day to just gear up for the busy week ahead. Daegu? I hope so too. I may end up going there for awhile. I am a little hesitant to go travel just because I haven't found a good way to travel.
This is something I will fix this week!
Go Go Go Ga Ga Ga... Su Tong Kap She Da.... Ge Goom This is how it goes..
All a live long day...
Its almost time for bed.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Unraveling the Web
I am caught up in a web of confusion and also intricate paths that have been woven. Each day I just do the very best I can to unravel and figure out the answers.
This story is going to take on many different things. First, my day. It was as good as a Friday could be. I woke up with goop in my eyes and unfortunately may have to wear glasses for a long time. This isn't what I wanted or needed. I had a wonderful Lunch that I cooked part of and the other was brought by Christina. i had fried pork and also some golgi stew. It was deliciouso.
Ma1: The girl fell out of her chair, the kids didn't listen when I said its time to go...wait. They are barely able to say A is for Apple. or B is for Bird but somehow I have to instruct them. My Korean may be improving. I can easily speak basic commands without a slip of the tongue.
MB2: I will always be in wonder at how to teach kids who can't or won't lift a finger. I go to the kids and I tell them everything. I go through the motions of writing, I try everything. I have even given them praise even though they don't deserve it and nothing makes them try. The E-tae Twins are so in Love with me that they just want to hold my hand every time I see them. They don't care about English or anything. I desperately wanted to change their feeling because they could have been more like Rick but they ended up being more like Jake. This class is the remnants of the old MA1 and unfortunately with few exceptions its just a cow pen. I don't know how to change that.
MC2: Job Review nothing to it.
MC3: My punishment plan is effective starting April 3rd I will not tolerate any more crazy behavior from the kids. They are going to translate a letter to me that I wrote for them: "I'm sorry Nick I am so disrespectful..." I cant wait until my first victim falls to this. I hope its Alexa or some other student who I don't like.
MD2: Alexa was good today. I didn't prepare well. Forgive me I had 6 classes today. I can't wait until this book is over. It will probably be over in April so that means May i will have a new book. Yippee.
MD3: I think my Korean is improving. I can read the vocabularies that I give to the kids. I wish I had more power as a teacher. I am simply the walking talking example of Native English. Most of the kids if not all don't care that I am there.
They laughed and were surprised that I could read Korean so well. I did this in a few classes and got the same reaction. Jake gave me a smile that wow he can read Korean he was actually interested before dozing back of to Jake's personal La La Land.
So now back to the web of confusion: Christina and I talked about this and Koreans tend to think too deep. As do I ...WE all tend to get caught up in our work too much.
MR. Jeong works 4 jobs he wasn't there today or if he was he didn't bother to say hello. He is interesting guy because when I do email teaching Tuesday and Thursdays he may come out to say simply: " You need to write more sentences ask kids how they are and what they will do this weekend." Instead of just hey how are you Im fine...
1. The kids never write me and 2. They dont understand english well enough to write me complex sentences. Then he walks back into room 207 and closes the door as if to say Please dont talk to me.
Its like its just out of a story book of Fiction. This guy is confronted with all these strange things and he deals with them and manages to escape and find something he likes. Maybe its like a Harry Potter book. Today I could have been the Harry Potter. If my boss saw me in glasses and red eyes he would have said go to the hospital.
Irony is, that this isn't a fairy tale but its real life and the book is my writing.
I am just trying to stay a step or two ahead of my boss. I have 9 weeks left of "serious work" I don't know what kind of projects he wants me to do next but regardless of what they are, it doesnt matter because he doesn't know what is happening in the classes like Vicki, me and Christina do. The three of us are running his Academy and sometimes I wish I was clued in more just so I could actually feel more useful.
I feel like the lazy employee but is this way only because no one will tell me anything.
That's work in a nutshell there is more but that's for later.
So I had a busy day today and it will be even more busy in April.
I got some new glasses today I guess my glasses are a little too big and I think I need a change.
The pants/hand biter was friendly today. He said his first English sentence that meant anything: A big moment get ready: Chair Thank you.
He sat in my chair without asking me first (I was going to class) and afterthought said this. I was dumbfounded. What's the matter with him he should be hitting and screaming by now. Later he got in a fight with Ben and ended up crying.
Speaking of Crying: There is only 3 times that you should cry when you are alive. 1. Born 2. Loved one dies and 3. Parents die. something like this. I have cried 10 times since coming to Korea.
My last class My favorite student she gave me a bow. She always bows her head to me...much deeper than she needs to. She is going to be a smart woman someday. She shows teachers the proper amount of respect. I like her a lot and hope that she enjoys my teaching. I try to be funny. She always says stop but she is always laughing at me.
The boys in Ma1 all like me the best...they say I am the best teacher. The girls are too shy so they say Christina is the best teacher.
tomorrow its my classes...nothing really special right now about them. For the most part I think I am losing students. I lost 15 students in March I think.
More Webs later
I like webs the metaphor of the web:
WE all make a path and leave behind us a web that people can follow. WE are all responsible for what we do on this web and right now I am determined to develop a successful web that is both admirable and remembered.
This story is going to take on many different things. First, my day. It was as good as a Friday could be. I woke up with goop in my eyes and unfortunately may have to wear glasses for a long time. This isn't what I wanted or needed. I had a wonderful Lunch that I cooked part of and the other was brought by Christina. i had fried pork and also some golgi stew. It was deliciouso.
Ma1: The girl fell out of her chair, the kids didn't listen when I said its time to go...wait. They are barely able to say A is for Apple. or B is for Bird but somehow I have to instruct them. My Korean may be improving. I can easily speak basic commands without a slip of the tongue.
MB2: I will always be in wonder at how to teach kids who can't or won't lift a finger. I go to the kids and I tell them everything. I go through the motions of writing, I try everything. I have even given them praise even though they don't deserve it and nothing makes them try. The E-tae Twins are so in Love with me that they just want to hold my hand every time I see them. They don't care about English or anything. I desperately wanted to change their feeling because they could have been more like Rick but they ended up being more like Jake. This class is the remnants of the old MA1 and unfortunately with few exceptions its just a cow pen. I don't know how to change that.
MC2: Job Review nothing to it.
MC3: My punishment plan is effective starting April 3rd I will not tolerate any more crazy behavior from the kids. They are going to translate a letter to me that I wrote for them: "I'm sorry Nick I am so disrespectful..." I cant wait until my first victim falls to this. I hope its Alexa or some other student who I don't like.
MD2: Alexa was good today. I didn't prepare well. Forgive me I had 6 classes today. I can't wait until this book is over. It will probably be over in April so that means May i will have a new book. Yippee.
MD3: I think my Korean is improving. I can read the vocabularies that I give to the kids. I wish I had more power as a teacher. I am simply the walking talking example of Native English. Most of the kids if not all don't care that I am there.
They laughed and were surprised that I could read Korean so well. I did this in a few classes and got the same reaction. Jake gave me a smile that wow he can read Korean he was actually interested before dozing back of to Jake's personal La La Land.
So now back to the web of confusion: Christina and I talked about this and Koreans tend to think too deep. As do I ...WE all tend to get caught up in our work too much.
MR. Jeong works 4 jobs he wasn't there today or if he was he didn't bother to say hello. He is interesting guy because when I do email teaching Tuesday and Thursdays he may come out to say simply: " You need to write more sentences ask kids how they are and what they will do this weekend." Instead of just hey how are you Im fine...
1. The kids never write me and 2. They dont understand english well enough to write me complex sentences. Then he walks back into room 207 and closes the door as if to say Please dont talk to me.
Its like its just out of a story book of Fiction. This guy is confronted with all these strange things and he deals with them and manages to escape and find something he likes. Maybe its like a Harry Potter book. Today I could have been the Harry Potter. If my boss saw me in glasses and red eyes he would have said go to the hospital.
Irony is, that this isn't a fairy tale but its real life and the book is my writing.
I am just trying to stay a step or two ahead of my boss. I have 9 weeks left of "serious work" I don't know what kind of projects he wants me to do next but regardless of what they are, it doesnt matter because he doesn't know what is happening in the classes like Vicki, me and Christina do. The three of us are running his Academy and sometimes I wish I was clued in more just so I could actually feel more useful.
I feel like the lazy employee but is this way only because no one will tell me anything.
That's work in a nutshell there is more but that's for later.
So I had a busy day today and it will be even more busy in April.
I got some new glasses today I guess my glasses are a little too big and I think I need a change.
The pants/hand biter was friendly today. He said his first English sentence that meant anything: A big moment get ready: Chair Thank you.
He sat in my chair without asking me first (I was going to class) and afterthought said this. I was dumbfounded. What's the matter with him he should be hitting and screaming by now. Later he got in a fight with Ben and ended up crying.
Speaking of Crying: There is only 3 times that you should cry when you are alive. 1. Born 2. Loved one dies and 3. Parents die. something like this. I have cried 10 times since coming to Korea.
My last class My favorite student she gave me a bow. She always bows her head to me...much deeper than she needs to. She is going to be a smart woman someday. She shows teachers the proper amount of respect. I like her a lot and hope that she enjoys my teaching. I try to be funny. She always says stop but she is always laughing at me.
The boys in Ma1 all like me the best...they say I am the best teacher. The girls are too shy so they say Christina is the best teacher.
tomorrow its my classes...nothing really special right now about them. For the most part I think I am losing students. I lost 15 students in March I think.
More Webs later
I like webs the metaphor of the web:
WE all make a path and leave behind us a web that people can follow. WE are all responsible for what we do on this web and right now I am determined to develop a successful web that is both admirable and remembered.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yogurt and Bananas
I can no longer brag of the fact that I never cried at work in my life. Today I melted. plain and simple it was another oddity that left me feeling incapable.
I had 3 classes
MB3: The one known as U Tae Ge bit me again. This time on the leg. He wanted to play monkey with my arm but I wasn't feeling like it and so he jumped on my lap and bit my leg he sunk his teeth through my pants and grabbed skin. It angered me a lot because there is nothing that will ever be done about it. My boss won't do shit about it. He doesn't even know about it. I broke down and cried because I feel like I am not doing anything worthwhile with my Teaching. The kids walk over me like I am dirt and its starting to drag me down
TC1: The best class I have. I only have to tell them to keep focus a little bit. They are excitable and interesting though. ***I need to know about Hankubs... I want to see them^^
TD1: This class is amazing they aren't doing very well and I wish they would all leave. They don't try at all. This used to be my favorite class but know I hate this class so much. They are depressing and they don't show any sign of trying.
My darling and I cooked some wonderful Spaghetti again and it was very delicious. My Dream is to open up a Restaurant. I asked Ciarra (TC1 Student) what should a restaurant name be... She said, Nick Store: It took me back to the Days when people called me Nickster. I want to name it Kim Palmer's Specialty
I think I am going bananas today thus the title. I am letting things get under my skin when I shouldn't.
I think I needed some Yogurt today. It does well for my health. I have Bananas in the house and they are getting old fast.
Today at work Christina and I practiced Dialogues for Self Study and it was interesting. I love it everytime we can talk about things and gain a new perspective about our viewpoints. There was nothing that was surprising she and I know our answers and reasons before we say them.
After work I had some Kim bob Galbeitang (meat bone soup with rice) and also made a mess at my house trying to enjoy some more meat. I spilled milk. It made a mess.
I hope tomorrow that we can find a way to make work bearable and painless. We have 6 classes and its the last Friday of the month. I hope it can be a special one.
Still keeping real busy Waiting for what tomorrow will bring.
I had 3 classes
MB3: The one known as U Tae Ge bit me again. This time on the leg. He wanted to play monkey with my arm but I wasn't feeling like it and so he jumped on my lap and bit my leg he sunk his teeth through my pants and grabbed skin. It angered me a lot because there is nothing that will ever be done about it. My boss won't do shit about it. He doesn't even know about it. I broke down and cried because I feel like I am not doing anything worthwhile with my Teaching. The kids walk over me like I am dirt and its starting to drag me down
TC1: The best class I have. I only have to tell them to keep focus a little bit. They are excitable and interesting though. ***I need to know about Hankubs... I want to see them^^
TD1: This class is amazing they aren't doing very well and I wish they would all leave. They don't try at all. This used to be my favorite class but know I hate this class so much. They are depressing and they don't show any sign of trying.
My darling and I cooked some wonderful Spaghetti again and it was very delicious. My Dream is to open up a Restaurant. I asked Ciarra (TC1 Student) what should a restaurant name be... She said, Nick Store: It took me back to the Days when people called me Nickster. I want to name it Kim Palmer's Specialty
I think I am going bananas today thus the title. I am letting things get under my skin when I shouldn't.
I think I needed some Yogurt today. It does well for my health. I have Bananas in the house and they are getting old fast.
Today at work Christina and I practiced Dialogues for Self Study and it was interesting. I love it everytime we can talk about things and gain a new perspective about our viewpoints. There was nothing that was surprising she and I know our answers and reasons before we say them.
After work I had some Kim bob Galbeitang (meat bone soup with rice) and also made a mess at my house trying to enjoy some more meat. I spilled milk. It made a mess.
I hope tomorrow that we can find a way to make work bearable and painless. We have 6 classes and its the last Friday of the month. I hope it can be a special one.
Still keeping real busy Waiting for what tomorrow will bring.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mid week Hump
Today was a day that really wasn't special. I got up at 8 am in order to do some housework and try to prepare as best as I could before work.
I finished my book it was a very sad book but it was also a GREAT read. It made me think a lot.
Sometimes I wonder why I am so careless especially with my mouth. I need to buy a safeguard for my reactions. I did something that basically made me feel bad the entire day.
Work didn't help much either.
I finished all the textbooks I should give it to my boss tomorrow when I am bored because I have 4 breaks! I am excited for that.
I am not sure what I will do with so much time actually.
I finished Report Cards too. I finished Syllabus even though they aren't perfect and I am waiting to finish lesson plans for next week.
I could find more though I am sure.
Work Schedule
BREAK: It was good. I got coffee and was able to talk to Christina and see my star student get the best grade. Molly is so smart even when surrounded by stupid students who don't try at all.
MB1: NO RICK... I don't know why but frankly its OK. I need a Rick break he is kind of bothering me a little lately too. I was surprisingly in a funny mood considering my feelings. Nam ju, Jack and the boy are interesting. Sarah was "sleepy" but break time she had enough energy to go play with a friend and talk in the office.
MB2: Not bad the kids are getting better. I read Vocab a lot. One of the twins had a sore throat.
MC1: EASY... dialogue practice.
MC2: Not bad review jobs
MD1: The 2nd worst class. They dont have homework prepared and they didnt show me anything.
MD2: I think this is the worst class for me now. The kids are bored so much that they barely talk to me they just speak in Korean. Its time to just yell basically. If It wasn't me it would be OK. But I do care a lot about everything.
The biggest thing I don't like about Monday Wednesday and Friday Class is office talk
The kids come into the office thinking that they own the place. The disregard everything, no matter how personal it is. They sit in my chair push me aside like I was nothing. They look through my things and more so they go through Christina's things. They are like beggars they ask for treats, snacks, everything...Oh what is this. I wish that they wouldn't it doesn't make it easy or possible to have a work time. Even if I am not doing anything its still impossible to think. I hate seeing kids abuse the things that are there for us to use to teach them.
I told a kid to leave the office today I had to raise my voice for him to finally get out of the office. I close the door hoping that they will go away but they just slam against the door. I don't like it because it creates stress and adds work for Christina and in some ways me.
Anyways thats it about work.
Its the mid week hump and that means there is only 2 and for me Saturday left of work.
Maybe its because I have been fighting a cold bug or maybe because I have had a lot of things just come up on me all of a sudden but I am trying to be more careful and methodical in my work and also unfortunately making snap decisions.
Its Thursday tomorrow and I am happy.
I finished my book it was a very sad book but it was also a GREAT read. It made me think a lot.
Sometimes I wonder why I am so careless especially with my mouth. I need to buy a safeguard for my reactions. I did something that basically made me feel bad the entire day.
Work didn't help much either.
I finished all the textbooks I should give it to my boss tomorrow when I am bored because I have 4 breaks! I am excited for that.
I am not sure what I will do with so much time actually.
I finished Report Cards too. I finished Syllabus even though they aren't perfect and I am waiting to finish lesson plans for next week.
I could find more though I am sure.
Work Schedule
BREAK: It was good. I got coffee and was able to talk to Christina and see my star student get the best grade. Molly is so smart even when surrounded by stupid students who don't try at all.
MB1: NO RICK... I don't know why but frankly its OK. I need a Rick break he is kind of bothering me a little lately too. I was surprisingly in a funny mood considering my feelings. Nam ju, Jack and the boy are interesting. Sarah was "sleepy" but break time she had enough energy to go play with a friend and talk in the office.
MB2: Not bad the kids are getting better. I read Vocab a lot. One of the twins had a sore throat.
MC1: EASY... dialogue practice.
MC2: Not bad review jobs
MD1: The 2nd worst class. They dont have homework prepared and they didnt show me anything.
MD2: I think this is the worst class for me now. The kids are bored so much that they barely talk to me they just speak in Korean. Its time to just yell basically. If It wasn't me it would be OK. But I do care a lot about everything.
The biggest thing I don't like about Monday Wednesday and Friday Class is office talk
The kids come into the office thinking that they own the place. The disregard everything, no matter how personal it is. They sit in my chair push me aside like I was nothing. They look through my things and more so they go through Christina's things. They are like beggars they ask for treats, snacks, everything...Oh what is this. I wish that they wouldn't it doesn't make it easy or possible to have a work time. Even if I am not doing anything its still impossible to think. I hate seeing kids abuse the things that are there for us to use to teach them.
I told a kid to leave the office today I had to raise my voice for him to finally get out of the office. I close the door hoping that they will go away but they just slam against the door. I don't like it because it creates stress and adds work for Christina and in some ways me.
Anyways thats it about work.
Its the mid week hump and that means there is only 2 and for me Saturday left of work.
Maybe its because I have been fighting a cold bug or maybe because I have had a lot of things just come up on me all of a sudden but I am trying to be more careful and methodical in my work and also unfortunately making snap decisions.
Its Thursday tomorrow and I am happy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Trivial Pursuit
I wrote about Time in the morning and tonight I am continuing with more information...
Sometimes I stare at the calendar at work and realize strange things. For example, I have to make 2 more monthly tests, two more syllabus and what it all comes down to is 82 days. It leaves me with mixed feelings and I really don't know what to do about it.
Work was good today. I think Tuesday is the perfect day. We had a schedule change again for the 3rd time this month. I have had 3 classes and now I have 4. I will not teach 4 on Thursday though!
Lunch was with Christina and company. We cooked a wonderful Spaghetti and had it at work. I wish we cooked more but that's OK.
I like Vicki a lot. She is really nice and understanding. I am so happy Mr. Jeong finally did well with his choice. I don't think she will last long though. Just like Pearl and I did we share our thoughts during break time. Its nice to have good breaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I was able to share my break with Christina once and Vicki once. I like having breaks I wish I had 2 everyday at least.
I LOVED THE SPAGHETTI so much. I think it was really good.
Class Schedule
MA1: Taught them new steps learned new words
The girl came back too! I think she is smart she is just not sure of herself and when she was here I felt more comfortable with the class. I don't know why.
TC2: I am getting through the chapter. I think that if I can finish the new textbook I will not have to worry about much in May/June. I want to get most of my work done now in the start of April.
TD2: The next Reading Advantage Chapter will soon start its not a problem I am always good for a review. Things get so complicated and so fast that I tend to forget things like reading Vocabulary and things like that. I hope April goes well.
TD1: Review Test This is the last time I will do pages 120-122 its been too many weeks since I have spent on this one. NEW textbook soon!
It looks like April will be a good month
I am looking forward to it and I can't wait until it comes actually
After work I had some dinner at Lotteria with my Sweetheart and we enjoyed the night. Its so cold here now I hope it warms up soon.
Things are going well right now. I am happier than I was yesterday^^

Here are some pictures of things that are my life^^ and just some treasures that Christina has given me
There is my Keyholder with my name etched on it, MY big heart that is continually growing
My Ocarina where if I ever learn how to play properly. England Pillow which is my hobby: I like proper English and I teach the language of this country
MY OWL Family too
They smell so nice! haha
Anyways thats my night for you more soon!
Sometimes I stare at the calendar at work and realize strange things. For example, I have to make 2 more monthly tests, two more syllabus and what it all comes down to is 82 days. It leaves me with mixed feelings and I really don't know what to do about it.
Work was good today. I think Tuesday is the perfect day. We had a schedule change again for the 3rd time this month. I have had 3 classes and now I have 4. I will not teach 4 on Thursday though!
Lunch was with Christina and company. We cooked a wonderful Spaghetti and had it at work. I wish we cooked more but that's OK.
I like Vicki a lot. She is really nice and understanding. I am so happy Mr. Jeong finally did well with his choice. I don't think she will last long though. Just like Pearl and I did we share our thoughts during break time. Its nice to have good breaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I was able to share my break with Christina once and Vicki once. I like having breaks I wish I had 2 everyday at least.
I LOVED THE SPAGHETTI so much. I think it was really good.
Class Schedule
MA1: Taught them new steps learned new words
The girl came back too! I think she is smart she is just not sure of herself and when she was here I felt more comfortable with the class. I don't know why.
TC2: I am getting through the chapter. I think that if I can finish the new textbook I will not have to worry about much in May/June. I want to get most of my work done now in the start of April.
TD2: The next Reading Advantage Chapter will soon start its not a problem I am always good for a review. Things get so complicated and so fast that I tend to forget things like reading Vocabulary and things like that. I hope April goes well.
TD1: Review Test This is the last time I will do pages 120-122 its been too many weeks since I have spent on this one. NEW textbook soon!
It looks like April will be a good month
I am looking forward to it and I can't wait until it comes actually
After work I had some dinner at Lotteria with my Sweetheart and we enjoyed the night. Its so cold here now I hope it warms up soon.
Things are going well right now. I am happier than I was yesterday^^

Here are some pictures of things that are my life^^ and just some treasures that Christina has given me
There is my Keyholder with my name etched on it, MY big heart that is continually growing
My Ocarina where if I ever learn how to play properly. England Pillow which is my hobby: I like proper English and I teach the language of this country
MY OWL Family too
They smell so nice! haha
Anyways thats my night for you more soon!
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Concept of Time
A Special Report from the Land of the Morning Calm....
Its now 10 in the morning on a Tuesday and I have a few hours before work to rest/relax and basically do whatever I would like to do.
I am trying to learn everything I can about Korea and that's including the language. Its a slow process and will take a lot of TIME.
Time is something that is critical to Korean culture. Everything is literally planned around the clock.
Work starts at 1 not 12:50 not 1:10 but 1. The bus runs as close to every 10 minutes as possible.
Time is of the essence and its not just because its a business transaction or whatever but also because its the time of our lives.
In Korea the morning is a slow time and reminds me of Missoula all the time. People are doing things at their own leisure. The Concept of time is a lot different though for me than it is for most people here.
Regardless of how my feelings are for my job and for how things are going in Korea the truth is that I don't have a lot of time left here. I have 10 weeks, I have less than 90 days left.
What do I want to do in 90 days? There is still a lot to be done and many things that I would like to learn.
Its really important to start doing more with the time that I am given than wasting it away like I did on Sunday. Maybe it was because I was sick and just didn't feel like moving around but Time in Idleness is a problem.
This week is already feeling like its going by fast and it just started.
Its Time to move on to my next endeavor of the day and I will be back here later tonight or in your case early morning....
Its now 10 in the morning on a Tuesday and I have a few hours before work to rest/relax and basically do whatever I would like to do.
I am trying to learn everything I can about Korea and that's including the language. Its a slow process and will take a lot of TIME.
Time is something that is critical to Korean culture. Everything is literally planned around the clock.
Work starts at 1 not 12:50 not 1:10 but 1. The bus runs as close to every 10 minutes as possible.
Time is of the essence and its not just because its a business transaction or whatever but also because its the time of our lives.
In Korea the morning is a slow time and reminds me of Missoula all the time. People are doing things at their own leisure. The Concept of time is a lot different though for me than it is for most people here.
Regardless of how my feelings are for my job and for how things are going in Korea the truth is that I don't have a lot of time left here. I have 10 weeks, I have less than 90 days left.
What do I want to do in 90 days? There is still a lot to be done and many things that I would like to learn.
Its really important to start doing more with the time that I am given than wasting it away like I did on Sunday. Maybe it was because I was sick and just didn't feel like moving around but Time in Idleness is a problem.
This week is already feeling like its going by fast and it just started.
Its Time to move on to my next endeavor of the day and I will be back here later tonight or in your case early morning....
Able minded
Monday the Bane of all work days...Its the start of the week.
There is no reason why I should allow classes to disappoint me anymore. Its totally a waste of time and there is nothing good that will come out of worry.
I had 6 classes which is unfortunately typical of me. I am getting sick of this quite fast. I teach 30 classes a week and work Saturday and I have been doing this for nearly everyday since I have been here I think I will say something in April I need one Saturday off that's not a holiday. Its called Burnout. There are 52 Sundays in a year, and I have had maybe 10 vacation days so that means I will work a total of 293/365 days I think this is insane.
MB3: No Chris! I think it helped the control a little bit
MB1: Easy for the most part I just relax and don't be so serious and it helps.
Mr. Jeong wasn't here until MC Class times
MC3: Kids are cheating and they aren't understanding my punishments and its seriously a waste of time because even if they don't do homework they will not be forced to leave.
MC1: I don't like this class. I punished many kids today because I am so tired of hearing myself compete with their incessant cater walling. Thus my name THE PUNISHER...should I change?
MD3: I feel so bad for Molly who is still barely surviving the problems of the class. Cindy, Lucy, Hope, Erica, etc. are a huge problem. I have my favorites and I don't like good students become bad students because of poor students.
MD1: Its a smart class but none of them had homework or homework sheets to show me.
So that's the run down on classes nothing special or too important.
After work I went to a tent for a dinner and relaxed. I am looking forward to a busy rest of the week and hopefully finding a way to enjoy.
There is no reason why I should allow classes to disappoint me anymore. Its totally a waste of time and there is nothing good that will come out of worry.
I had 6 classes which is unfortunately typical of me. I am getting sick of this quite fast. I teach 30 classes a week and work Saturday and I have been doing this for nearly everyday since I have been here I think I will say something in April I need one Saturday off that's not a holiday. Its called Burnout. There are 52 Sundays in a year, and I have had maybe 10 vacation days so that means I will work a total of 293/365 days I think this is insane.
MB3: No Chris! I think it helped the control a little bit
MB1: Easy for the most part I just relax and don't be so serious and it helps.
Mr. Jeong wasn't here until MC Class times
MC3: Kids are cheating and they aren't understanding my punishments and its seriously a waste of time because even if they don't do homework they will not be forced to leave.
MC1: I don't like this class. I punished many kids today because I am so tired of hearing myself compete with their incessant cater walling. Thus my name THE PUNISHER...should I change?
MD3: I feel so bad for Molly who is still barely surviving the problems of the class. Cindy, Lucy, Hope, Erica, etc. are a huge problem. I have my favorites and I don't like good students become bad students because of poor students.
MD1: Its a smart class but none of them had homework or homework sheets to show me.
So that's the run down on classes nothing special or too important.
After work I went to a tent for a dinner and relaxed. I am looking forward to a busy rest of the week and hopefully finding a way to enjoy.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Igniting Passions
Today wasn't a very good day for me. I felt like I was living in slow motion and for the first time since getting here my world was collapsing beneath my feet.
I woke up still sickly. I said goodbye to James and Rochelle who I hope I see again someday. I also had Sungjin come over to give me some Easter Eggs.
I have spent the last 48 hours feeling a lot of uncertainty. Today I didn't leave my house. I didn't do anything other than just read my book-Paulho Coehlo.
I just hope that this is a bad weekend in March and it will pass and the work week will be better but I am nervous. Maybe its because I had a fever and felt like I was going to pass out when I was in Daegu with James and Rochelle. Maybe I am stressing out about things a little bit to much but whatever the case may be I am nervous.
I went to McDonald's twice today. Once for food that I hadn't had since TGIF in Daegu for lunch and the other for some hot chocolate drink. I am hoping to not be sick tomorrow.
Today was a Cloudy Rainy day. I said goodbye to James and I did not go anywhere. I stayed in my house. I felt like I was just waiting for them to leave. I had a great time with them but preoccupation made me drift to other things.
I sure hope it was the weather that made me feel this sad I have Norwegian ancestry in my blood so apparently it makes us prone to depression with the weather.
I have many things that I need to figure out in the weeks to come and it also makes me scared. I need to take a giant leap of faith because I am strong and can handle the dilemma's that are thrown to me.
In Life we only have one chance its time to Wake up
I woke up still sickly. I said goodbye to James and Rochelle who I hope I see again someday. I also had Sungjin come over to give me some Easter Eggs.
I have spent the last 48 hours feeling a lot of uncertainty. Today I didn't leave my house. I didn't do anything other than just read my book-Paulho Coehlo.
I just hope that this is a bad weekend in March and it will pass and the work week will be better but I am nervous. Maybe its because I had a fever and felt like I was going to pass out when I was in Daegu with James and Rochelle. Maybe I am stressing out about things a little bit to much but whatever the case may be I am nervous.
I went to McDonald's twice today. Once for food that I hadn't had since TGIF in Daegu for lunch and the other for some hot chocolate drink. I am hoping to not be sick tomorrow.
Today was a Cloudy Rainy day. I said goodbye to James and I did not go anywhere. I stayed in my house. I felt like I was just waiting for them to leave. I had a great time with them but preoccupation made me drift to other things.
I sure hope it was the weather that made me feel this sad I have Norwegian ancestry in my blood so apparently it makes us prone to depression with the weather.
I have many things that I need to figure out in the weeks to come and it also makes me scared. I need to take a giant leap of faith because I am strong and can handle the dilemma's that are thrown to me.
In Life we only have one chance its time to Wake up
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