Living in Korea has posed more challenges and obstacles than I had anticipated. I had braced myself for expected implications upon arrival but I think I missed the actual experience. I have been here for nearly 11 months to the date and have learned quite a bit about myself, Korea and the world in general. Ironically enough I have learned more about America and the pros's and con's of America. It still saddens me that there is so much HATE in the world. Most people would probably just laugh at that comment because I think everyone in their rational state of mind feels the same way but its just one big perpetual cycle of continued emotional anguish that there seems to be no end in sight.
I have come the conclusion that I wouldn't have been able to decipher Korea at all without my Rosetta Stone. I am not talking about any ancient writing or book that tells me How to Live in Korea in 500 words or less but simply Christina.
The Rosetta Stone is an ancient Tablet found in Egypt along the Nile River that has provided for the deciphering of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. While this is not Egypt it certainly is another culture with its own language and cultural practices.
Language has always been a strong forte of mine and something that I would really love to pick up. I can speak a lot of Korean nowadays or at least I believe I can. I also know Spanish and well when I was in Japan way back when I was in the process of learning fragmented sentences from my friends. I am reading another Paulo Cohello Book and I think the best part of it is, is the teaching of Calligraphy I would like to undertake some personal time learning this if I could.
The Cultural Differences in mannerisms, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings are what makes me sad more than language. Why am I writing about sad things? Well its not really sad things but just truthful things actually.
Teaching for example is where I feel the most shock. I have become accustomed to not really preparing for my classes. Having as many classes as I do, isn't teaching its detrimental and tantamount neglecting to what English really is. I struggle with my teaching because I have had nothing but interest in giving students a gift of grasping a second language.
Here is how the Academy functions in my estimation. The director pockets the money that is racked in by the coming of the kids. In my school it isn't successful if 30 students walk out speaking crystalline English but if he has 60 or more kids just filling the class seats where miracles are supposed to take place.
The kids don't learn a lick of English from me. I don't see how they could when they sit there like a blob of dust, just waiting for me to dust off the cobwebs and open up their noggins to English.
I will give you a run down of my 4 classes today
All of them have their own unique nomenclature that still escapes me how they manage in class.
TC1: A very bright group of kids but seem to just shut off and not want to talk to me whatsoever even if I am all smiles and promise them a good time. They are becoming my silent class and I already have to many of them. I either have silent class or loud class nothing in between.
TC2: Liam and Tom unnerve me. I didn't punish them because its Children's Day and I don't care about work right now. I have 2 more weeks of nice holidays and then I will care more.
They are loud and they are smart but don't care to learn at all from me. I am still doing a lot of mistakes that are not fixable right now because there is too much other more important things going on.
TD3: My Saturday class. I teach 1 student. I would like to think of her as my star pupil though. I have a Sensai-pupil relationship with her. I would like to strengthen this but its hopeless because its only on a Saturday. She is my favorite student though that I have. WE share cultural stories.
I told her today about people lining up for the trains like the train was going to be away if they were pushing and shoving themselves to get on the blessed train ASAP. Me and Christina just wait until there is no one in the way and then we board the train---last call so to speak. Its the same with the classroom. Kids push themselves in and out of the class as fast as they can because they are trained to always be on the GO GO GO. I hate this feeling.
Last Class.
There were only 2 girls. They both think they are smart-alacks. I can say that they aren't. There is no way I can get through to them. More homework, no homework. Patience, yelling, tattling on them to Mr. J anything I have done has been met with scorn.
They talk to each other all the time. They don't try to speak English. Then they act stupid when it comes to my matter how easy it is. I have MD class students who are much better than they are. They don't try to speak English they are just into being drama queens and talking about girly things that they shouldn't talk about in class. They can get away with it though because I don't understand a lot of Korean and my boss will not make them change. If they get in trouble then its somehow my fault. My Teaching skill. The Irony is that none of this will matter on Tuesday.
Once again I allude to my Rosetta because in my opinion this is a teaching gig that will only make us better people later on and its a first step up the rung of the social ladder.
Its Saturday night and now I am just contemplating and writing a lot of loose thoughts. I want to shoestring them to something so my thoughts can echo across Gumi and maybe some Epiphany will come. Anyways enough know I will write again shortly...
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Affirmed Ambitions
Its kind of hard thinking of a Creative Post each day. Here in Korea I can understand why my friends never call or emailed me much when I was living in America. The days are all kind of a blur as one. There is my work time and there is my free time. That's why Sundays are so special and also why holidays in the rare circumstance that they occur are important.
I am really trying to develop my writing in a way where its more interesting and not just the Daily Report of my life.
Teaching Korean kids is a nightmare for me. I am not very good at it and for all the patience that I believed I have I think I am out of it. When I go to the classroom I am deep down inside afraid. I am not really teaching the kids so much as trying to survive the pitfalls of doom if there happens to be many problems.
Here is a list of observations I see about the kids in the classroom and I guess what "Culture Shock" I have.
The kids dont take notes. There is nothing that I say that makes any difference to them whatsoever. I am truly not teaching them anything new.
When I check their homework it is full of spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and sloppy handwriting. I really don't see the point. I guess if they do something enough it will eventually stick but truthfully it doesn't work because the kids drop like flies as I pointed out in one of my other stories.
When it comes to classroom time, I feel like I am literally Teaching as fast as the Life pace is here. GO GO GO. I do this because its out of FEAR of Jeong Wrath. The kids line up at the door just like the people do when waiting for a Train. The train isn't going anywhere and neither is my class time. Unfortunately Time is Money and its ingrained into the kids.
I have found that handouts/extra sup. material and anything else you could possibly think of is a complete waste of time. They don't listen to this. Their favorite thing that they say to me in Korean Translated to is: Homework check, please. let me go, let me go, I dont want English I am bored.
I truly want to open up Kims Restuarant and make my Darling's dreams come true.
Teaching and Education are completely different than this place. I have been here nearly 11 months and I feel that We are still wasting time on unnecessary work and happenings. Work is Work but unfortunately it follows us home.
I live on the 5th floor and I feel there is no real escape for Yale. I have been branded with a Y stigma.
In another allusion to another story my heart yearns for Seoul. I still envision a Korean Experience glazed with adventure and success.
I am very ambitious and is such I strive to make possible anything to happen. I will succeed because I CARE so much and nothing will stop that from happening. I will always TRY harder.
Today was another Trial day at Work. I had a headache after 2 classes, took my one break and then taught 4 classes. I used to think napping was bad idea at work but truthfully not working is just What the DOCTOR ordered.
It gave me a chance to see that the sun was still shining, it was till a sweltering 70 something degrees outside and blue skies were all around.
BLUE SKIES and Green grasses
I want to build a White Picket Fence and dream a brighter future^^
I am really trying to develop my writing in a way where its more interesting and not just the Daily Report of my life.
Teaching Korean kids is a nightmare for me. I am not very good at it and for all the patience that I believed I have I think I am out of it. When I go to the classroom I am deep down inside afraid. I am not really teaching the kids so much as trying to survive the pitfalls of doom if there happens to be many problems.
Here is a list of observations I see about the kids in the classroom and I guess what "Culture Shock" I have.
The kids dont take notes. There is nothing that I say that makes any difference to them whatsoever. I am truly not teaching them anything new.
When I check their homework it is full of spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and sloppy handwriting. I really don't see the point. I guess if they do something enough it will eventually stick but truthfully it doesn't work because the kids drop like flies as I pointed out in one of my other stories.
When it comes to classroom time, I feel like I am literally Teaching as fast as the Life pace is here. GO GO GO. I do this because its out of FEAR of Jeong Wrath. The kids line up at the door just like the people do when waiting for a Train. The train isn't going anywhere and neither is my class time. Unfortunately Time is Money and its ingrained into the kids.
I have found that handouts/extra sup. material and anything else you could possibly think of is a complete waste of time. They don't listen to this. Their favorite thing that they say to me in Korean Translated to is: Homework check, please. let me go, let me go, I dont want English I am bored.
I truly want to open up Kims Restuarant and make my Darling's dreams come true.
Teaching and Education are completely different than this place. I have been here nearly 11 months and I feel that We are still wasting time on unnecessary work and happenings. Work is Work but unfortunately it follows us home.
I live on the 5th floor and I feel there is no real escape for Yale. I have been branded with a Y stigma.
In another allusion to another story my heart yearns for Seoul. I still envision a Korean Experience glazed with adventure and success.
I am very ambitious and is such I strive to make possible anything to happen. I will succeed because I CARE so much and nothing will stop that from happening. I will always TRY harder.
Today was another Trial day at Work. I had a headache after 2 classes, took my one break and then taught 4 classes. I used to think napping was bad idea at work but truthfully not working is just What the DOCTOR ordered.
It gave me a chance to see that the sun was still shining, it was till a sweltering 70 something degrees outside and blue skies were all around.
BLUE SKIES and Green grasses
I want to build a White Picket Fence and dream a brighter future^^
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Zippity Do Da
It was a wonderful day. A little Topsy Turvy in the beginning but nothing I couldn't overcome. I at times am still feeling mood swings that I need to keep in better check. I will talk about that later.
Morning I had a nice Galbei lunch cooked by Christina. She makes wonderful food and I think I am the best Food Taster of her delicious Samples. I can't get enough of them. I am just happy to share good food together and it always feels so right together.
Everyday is the same when it comes to work time. I have my time before the kids get there which is usually spent talking or writing brisk lesson plans. In my opinion, the lesson plans are best if they are scant simply due to the maltreatment and lack of interest involved with the students.
You never know who will not show up and why. They are coming and going faster than you can say "Zippity do Da. I think this roughly translates into Su Tong.
I am trying my hand at Korean but its a slow process.
More Peculiarities just because I can't seem to stop lately noticing the odd scenes that are unbecoming of a school and leave me feeling unnerved. We are starting to supply ourselves with our own markers. I see Vicki doing the same things that I did when I first arrived and unfortunately I just hope we can find a way to make this place better. She gave Christina and I a marker for class. Its new and it will work for hopefully a week but the markers that I use behind the counter are all dried up and already used. I can't believe he can't invest into some proper equipment.
A copy machine that doesnt print successfully, a computer that constantly freezes and is no where close to being your run of the mill station. I don't need state of the art but I need something that would be reliable.
Today he was yelling at the secretary for this or that. I was asking her a question in the mist of his tirade and I could see the look of panic and desperation on her face. His condescending cavalier attitude would get him into hot water if it were with me but his domineering mentality does nothing to her. For the record, yes he does hit her on occasion, it has happened at least 3 times. Maltreatment would make me quit but like I said for her, I think the best part of her day is checking the "bad" kids homework. I say bad kids because they are the ones that stay longer and have to finish their homework. Miss Jeong always is so kind to them.
Another one, Today he gave us Fresh milk, and some sandwiches for a late night snack. He bought us these and gave them to us as a reward for our hard work. I told the joke about the Trojan Horse and Beware of Greeks bringing Gifts...sometimes I wonder if he is part Greek because everytime he gives us a gift of some sort its because he feels bad about something. I think there will be hell to pay soon. I think its because of holiday and that means no work. He hates it when there is a break. Anyways, he bought this for us and apparently he asked us if we wouldn't mind if he had some of his snack because he was hungry. "Why didn't he just buy something for him?
Its weird.
I went to dinner with Christina at a Galbei place again. It was so good and its always so nice sharing Korean style food with her.
I LOVE KOREA a lot actually. I don't like that people stare at me like: How can you be here or what is your purpose? I don't like the domineering condescending attitude and the way people make me feel like a peon but its just out of ignorance and lack of understanding. I have people speaking Konglish to me all the time in hopes to hear their voices and hope that they can impress their friends by saying: What's your name? Where are you from? Pure Hollywood style if you ask me.
So, I am sitting here its almost 11 o'clock I have to clean up my house and prepare for a busy week a head. Its MAY!!!!!
April Showers Bring MAY FLOWERS!!! I think last night shower's are promising for a blooming of Flowers to come. I am happier now and know that we really are special. My Adoration is constant.
Morning I had a nice Galbei lunch cooked by Christina. She makes wonderful food and I think I am the best Food Taster of her delicious Samples. I can't get enough of them. I am just happy to share good food together and it always feels so right together.
Everyday is the same when it comes to work time. I have my time before the kids get there which is usually spent talking or writing brisk lesson plans. In my opinion, the lesson plans are best if they are scant simply due to the maltreatment and lack of interest involved with the students.
You never know who will not show up and why. They are coming and going faster than you can say "Zippity do Da. I think this roughly translates into Su Tong.
I am trying my hand at Korean but its a slow process.
More Peculiarities just because I can't seem to stop lately noticing the odd scenes that are unbecoming of a school and leave me feeling unnerved. We are starting to supply ourselves with our own markers. I see Vicki doing the same things that I did when I first arrived and unfortunately I just hope we can find a way to make this place better. She gave Christina and I a marker for class. Its new and it will work for hopefully a week but the markers that I use behind the counter are all dried up and already used. I can't believe he can't invest into some proper equipment.
A copy machine that doesnt print successfully, a computer that constantly freezes and is no where close to being your run of the mill station. I don't need state of the art but I need something that would be reliable.
Today he was yelling at the secretary for this or that. I was asking her a question in the mist of his tirade and I could see the look of panic and desperation on her face. His condescending cavalier attitude would get him into hot water if it were with me but his domineering mentality does nothing to her. For the record, yes he does hit her on occasion, it has happened at least 3 times. Maltreatment would make me quit but like I said for her, I think the best part of her day is checking the "bad" kids homework. I say bad kids because they are the ones that stay longer and have to finish their homework. Miss Jeong always is so kind to them.
Another one, Today he gave us Fresh milk, and some sandwiches for a late night snack. He bought us these and gave them to us as a reward for our hard work. I told the joke about the Trojan Horse and Beware of Greeks bringing Gifts...sometimes I wonder if he is part Greek because everytime he gives us a gift of some sort its because he feels bad about something. I think there will be hell to pay soon. I think its because of holiday and that means no work. He hates it when there is a break. Anyways, he bought this for us and apparently he asked us if we wouldn't mind if he had some of his snack because he was hungry. "Why didn't he just buy something for him?
Its weird.
I went to dinner with Christina at a Galbei place again. It was so good and its always so nice sharing Korean style food with her.
I LOVE KOREA a lot actually. I don't like that people stare at me like: How can you be here or what is your purpose? I don't like the domineering condescending attitude and the way people make me feel like a peon but its just out of ignorance and lack of understanding. I have people speaking Konglish to me all the time in hopes to hear their voices and hope that they can impress their friends by saying: What's your name? Where are you from? Pure Hollywood style if you ask me.
So, I am sitting here its almost 11 o'clock I have to clean up my house and prepare for a busy week a head. Its MAY!!!!!
April Showers Bring MAY FLOWERS!!! I think last night shower's are promising for a blooming of Flowers to come. I am happier now and know that we really are special. My Adoration is constant.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Another Kim Lucky Day
Wednesday in Hyung-gok dong is not the best day of the week. As we say in America its the mid week hump^^
My Days here in Korea wouldn't be the same without my Darling. I have a special day just knowing that I love and am Loved so much. Its truly the best feeling in the world and even though I have 6 classes i feel exuberantly vibrant and full of euphoria.
I do still get down about some things every know and then to understand you will have to see my next posting. Sometimes I am stuck in the moment and other times the moments are lost on me. I project ahead a lot which is often a problem .
Morning was best time. Our Kim Family Recipe is growing. I really enjoy building up our cookbook because its something that our customers will love someday! I can't wait to have this so much and I will definitely make sure it will become possible if I can do anything^^

Classes were ok. I had 6 classes and they weren't so bad. I had first break with Christina and we were able to relax a little bit more before the daunting 6 class triage session. I call it this because its often times a casualty report. Damage control and Assessment in order to not catch a lot of unnecessary flack later.
All I will say about this is that work often is depressing. I feel I am not teaching but simply a punisher in hopes to make the classes better. My heart is torn about a lot of things with Teaching. Classes are damage reports: Who has dropped, who will drop, Who deserves less homework because their respectful to me, or their English is good, or they are fun time. Who deserves more homework.I am living up to my notorious name: The Punisher its not what I had in mind for teaching.
I don't like how the kids pretty much spit at my feet and don't care what I have to say. Its so disrespectful. They act like Spoiled little rich kids back in America where they are only here because their parents make them. That gives them full fledged rights to disrespect Teachers and pretty much get away with this. I had a nervous breakdown about a month ago and every now and then I still get all riled up.
Today MB2 the class came 5 minutes left and totally disregarded everything I say. IT does no good to get angry or sniffle to Mr. Jeong nothing changes. All I know is that Vicki and Christina are two wonderful teachers. It makes me so mad when I see the kids treat them bad because they truly are genuine and caring people. Warm hearted individuals. This is why I am often disappointed when Christina goes the extra mile for a student only to get burned later. I want to be a better bodyguard but it appears I just make it worse if I care too much:(
After work Mr. Jeong invited me out for dinner. What's his motive? oh wait I already know and I dont want to think about it. I went with my Saving Grace to the bookstore. I wish Time wasn't so fast here. Days fly by here and its just plain amazing how fast it curtails through the wind.
Bookstore Jaunt was shortlived and I made my way back to The tent area for some quick golgi snack( meat dinner). I met this Korean guy named Kim. JUST CALL ME KIM. He is a nice guy but with how short time is, I dont think I will ever seem him again. He really wanted to hang out though and be my friend. He wasn't boung eeda either.
Who is to know...Time will tell if it was Time well spent. Onward I go looking to bridge gaps in my venture out of America which has been over 300 days now...I am a Gumi Survivor in the making ...more on the next story...
My Days here in Korea wouldn't be the same without my Darling. I have a special day just knowing that I love and am Loved so much. Its truly the best feeling in the world and even though I have 6 classes i feel exuberantly vibrant and full of euphoria.
I do still get down about some things every know and then to understand you will have to see my next posting. Sometimes I am stuck in the moment and other times the moments are lost on me. I project ahead a lot which is often a problem .
Morning was best time. Our Kim Family Recipe is growing. I really enjoy building up our cookbook because its something that our customers will love someday! I can't wait to have this so much and I will definitely make sure it will become possible if I can do anything^^

Classes were ok. I had 6 classes and they weren't so bad. I had first break with Christina and we were able to relax a little bit more before the daunting 6 class triage session. I call it this because its often times a casualty report. Damage control and Assessment in order to not catch a lot of unnecessary flack later.
All I will say about this is that work often is depressing. I feel I am not teaching but simply a punisher in hopes to make the classes better. My heart is torn about a lot of things with Teaching. Classes are damage reports: Who has dropped, who will drop, Who deserves less homework because their respectful to me, or their English is good, or they are fun time. Who deserves more homework.I am living up to my notorious name: The Punisher its not what I had in mind for teaching.
I don't like how the kids pretty much spit at my feet and don't care what I have to say. Its so disrespectful. They act like Spoiled little rich kids back in America where they are only here because their parents make them. That gives them full fledged rights to disrespect Teachers and pretty much get away with this. I had a nervous breakdown about a month ago and every now and then I still get all riled up.
Today MB2 the class came 5 minutes left and totally disregarded everything I say. IT does no good to get angry or sniffle to Mr. Jeong nothing changes. All I know is that Vicki and Christina are two wonderful teachers. It makes me so mad when I see the kids treat them bad because they truly are genuine and caring people. Warm hearted individuals. This is why I am often disappointed when Christina goes the extra mile for a student only to get burned later. I want to be a better bodyguard but it appears I just make it worse if I care too much:(
After work Mr. Jeong invited me out for dinner. What's his motive? oh wait I already know and I dont want to think about it. I went with my Saving Grace to the bookstore. I wish Time wasn't so fast here. Days fly by here and its just plain amazing how fast it curtails through the wind.
Bookstore Jaunt was shortlived and I made my way back to The tent area for some quick golgi snack( meat dinner). I met this Korean guy named Kim. JUST CALL ME KIM. He is a nice guy but with how short time is, I dont think I will ever seem him again. He really wanted to hang out though and be my friend. He wasn't boung eeda either.
Who is to know...Time will tell if it was Time well spent. Onward I go looking to bridge gaps in my venture out of America which has been over 300 days now...I am a Gumi Survivor in the making ...more on the next story...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Yale Peculiarities: Behind Closed Doors
In light of some new revelations I have been given I would like to portray as detailed account of what I can about my Academy. These are nothing more than excerpts that are trying to depict my life as best as possible. Time is always of the essence and for the most part going against me. I am as they say working with the hand that was dealt to me. I am muddling through it and plotting my next course of action and trying to take away the best case scenarios. I know that there is a lot of anguish that is going on with what happens at work. This is definitely a high level stress induced job but through everything I have found something out of the thicket of peculiarities that occur which are uncountable in nature but do exist.
Each day I try to give an accurate story of what happens. I am trying to be as honest and forthcoming as I can be. My stories are for the most part rather personal but I would like to show people what it means to be living in Korea. As is always the case I do strive to learn more about things that surround me and would truly like to hear every standpoint out there.
The oddities that surround Yale...
Each morning is relatively the same. At precisely 10:30 the door opens to Yale and ever so slowly work begins. You have to keep in mind that I live on the 5th floor and work on the 2nd. I hear everything. There are 2 other directors in this building who are much nicer than my director. Whether its because I work for my boss and naturally I have more beef with him or if its just because my boss tends to be a self-centered maniac who thinks he is a whiz at everything I am not entirely sure.
When the Academy opens around 10:30 its due to the arrival of the secretary. The Secretary Miss Jeong and I have always been at opposite sides. She is a very obscure person if you ask me. Her primary function is secretary, but she is also study hall teacher, janitor, and daily obligingly and humbly does her servitude. She comes in the morning but most of the time she just reads her book and sits behind her desk just waiting to badger Christina. She tells Christina about some kids needing this or that. What is the homework, etc. etc. She is literally a 30 year old baby kid. She drives me nuts with her inability to act normal. i find it really weird that she daily will show up to do menial tasks, and just sit there and do nothing. She could plug in the hot water, load the paper trays, get the progress reports, and well do whatever else her slave driver (distant family member) beckons her to do. In the end, if she doesn't do it she is prone to getting slapped. No joke. When it all gets down to it, I feel sorry for her because she is a fragile woman who lacks any sense of dignity. I don't like to cross paths with her because its just upsetting and hard to get any point across because she doesn't make an effort to speak English. I do know that she understands more than she lets on but she is comfortable living her life in the Shadow of Yale. At least this is my interpretation of it.
Telephone Teaching is something that Christina and Vicki have to do each month. They have to call twice each month. I think they need to talk at least 5 minutes. Christina has 60 kids I think. 300 minutes on the phone just to telephone teach. Its a complete waste of time because the kids come and go on their parents accord and its just busy work. I can't believe the lavish demands that my boss has us to. Its all a scam to appease the parents who know nothing of the happenings in the school.
Practicing What you Preach
It is constantly becoming harder and harder for me to be a good teacher. There is nothing to solidify my beliefs on, they are as translucent as my Academy lords lure for money.
Everyday I notice many things that I would like to be more apart of the School life. For example, since I work in this place so much it would seem that we would all want to work together and be nice to each other but we are kind of separated at work. Mr. Jeong hides in his office and rarely walks into the Teacher's office. Miss Jeong sits behind the counter where she keeps mainly to herself and well the 3 of us: Vicki, Christina, and I enjoy our time together as we should. The three of us have personable talks, and interact like friends/co-workers should. I don't know Vicki very well and unfortunately I don't know Pearl anymore but I consider them very good friends and a pleasure to know them and spend my time in Korea with them. On the other hand, Christina is Family in my eyes and I couldn't live in Korea without her.
The Kids have a funny way of treating me. They don't talk to me unless they absolutely have to. I have very few interactions with the kids and its kind of sad because supposedly I am here to help them with their English ability. Its hard for me to teach kids who can barely understand English and who don't understand what I say outside of the book. If they can't see the words (no matter how easy the words are) then they can't understand the question.
I use the example: Hi, how are you? Im fine Thank you and you?
Most people don't talk like that and even we did say that a lot... We have an expanded thought which the kids fail to even recognize. The kids know I am having a bad day I don't need to say I'm bad...they just know.. but they can't tell me a thought of their own. Its a problem with memorization. I don't know if this makes sense but these are my own thoughts outside of what I ever learned reading etc.
I can tell Vicki and Christina my feelings in Korean. I don't understand why kids can't do it a little bit in English. They have had 11 months of me its not learning unless you see a change.
I may have to expand on this post later but these are a few of my thoughts about Yale and Life in Korea Part I of II I will return to this later and soon!
Each day I try to give an accurate story of what happens. I am trying to be as honest and forthcoming as I can be. My stories are for the most part rather personal but I would like to show people what it means to be living in Korea. As is always the case I do strive to learn more about things that surround me and would truly like to hear every standpoint out there.
The oddities that surround Yale...
Each morning is relatively the same. At precisely 10:30 the door opens to Yale and ever so slowly work begins. You have to keep in mind that I live on the 5th floor and work on the 2nd. I hear everything. There are 2 other directors in this building who are much nicer than my director. Whether its because I work for my boss and naturally I have more beef with him or if its just because my boss tends to be a self-centered maniac who thinks he is a whiz at everything I am not entirely sure.
When the Academy opens around 10:30 its due to the arrival of the secretary. The Secretary Miss Jeong and I have always been at opposite sides. She is a very obscure person if you ask me. Her primary function is secretary, but she is also study hall teacher, janitor, and daily obligingly and humbly does her servitude. She comes in the morning but most of the time she just reads her book and sits behind her desk just waiting to badger Christina. She tells Christina about some kids needing this or that. What is the homework, etc. etc. She is literally a 30 year old baby kid. She drives me nuts with her inability to act normal. i find it really weird that she daily will show up to do menial tasks, and just sit there and do nothing. She could plug in the hot water, load the paper trays, get the progress reports, and well do whatever else her slave driver (distant family member) beckons her to do. In the end, if she doesn't do it she is prone to getting slapped. No joke. When it all gets down to it, I feel sorry for her because she is a fragile woman who lacks any sense of dignity. I don't like to cross paths with her because its just upsetting and hard to get any point across because she doesn't make an effort to speak English. I do know that she understands more than she lets on but she is comfortable living her life in the Shadow of Yale. At least this is my interpretation of it.
Telephone Teaching is something that Christina and Vicki have to do each month. They have to call twice each month. I think they need to talk at least 5 minutes. Christina has 60 kids I think. 300 minutes on the phone just to telephone teach. Its a complete waste of time because the kids come and go on their parents accord and its just busy work. I can't believe the lavish demands that my boss has us to. Its all a scam to appease the parents who know nothing of the happenings in the school.
Practicing What you Preach
It is constantly becoming harder and harder for me to be a good teacher. There is nothing to solidify my beliefs on, they are as translucent as my Academy lords lure for money.
Everyday I notice many things that I would like to be more apart of the School life. For example, since I work in this place so much it would seem that we would all want to work together and be nice to each other but we are kind of separated at work. Mr. Jeong hides in his office and rarely walks into the Teacher's office. Miss Jeong sits behind the counter where she keeps mainly to herself and well the 3 of us: Vicki, Christina, and I enjoy our time together as we should. The three of us have personable talks, and interact like friends/co-workers should. I don't know Vicki very well and unfortunately I don't know Pearl anymore but I consider them very good friends and a pleasure to know them and spend my time in Korea with them. On the other hand, Christina is Family in my eyes and I couldn't live in Korea without her.
The Kids have a funny way of treating me. They don't talk to me unless they absolutely have to. I have very few interactions with the kids and its kind of sad because supposedly I am here to help them with their English ability. Its hard for me to teach kids who can barely understand English and who don't understand what I say outside of the book. If they can't see the words (no matter how easy the words are) then they can't understand the question.
I use the example: Hi, how are you? Im fine Thank you and you?
Most people don't talk like that and even we did say that a lot... We have an expanded thought which the kids fail to even recognize. The kids know I am having a bad day I don't need to say I'm bad...they just know.. but they can't tell me a thought of their own. Its a problem with memorization. I don't know if this makes sense but these are my own thoughts outside of what I ever learned reading etc.
I can tell Vicki and Christina my feelings in Korean. I don't understand why kids can't do it a little bit in English. They have had 11 months of me its not learning unless you see a change.
I may have to expand on this post later but these are a few of my thoughts about Yale and Life in Korea Part I of II I will return to this later and soon!
April Bloomings (Monthly Report)
The conclusions of my 10th month in Korea has left me with a lot of things to ponder and mull over for the month of May. As of May 11th this will be the official marker of the 11th month I have spent in Korea. While working 6 days a week hasn't left a lot of time for exploration my growth is coming in many ways.
Work Happenings
I have realized the routine that I have gotten in for the last 9 months. The first few months I was out of sync but the truth of the matter is, is that I have a rhythm that I do whether its for the best or not. My boss is never completely satisfied. He always gripes about this or that and working for him isn't enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination. I really hope that Christina and I leave this place and build a stronger future elsewhere. I am willing to put forth so much effort to see that happen esp. this month of May. April was Vicki's first full month and I think I have corrupted Vicki because I told her of my plight and she has started to see things the same way Christina and I do about YALE. I just hope that we can make everything work. My 4 classes are dissolving and dwindling in class size. I couldn't care less but I just wish I had respectful kids who at least tried. Its not worth the teaching effort because the kids don't care how much work is put forth into the lesson plan.
The last Saturday of the month I didn't do a very good job and nothing happened good or bad.
The sad fact of the matter is that the students don't really care about my teaching or me at all. Most of them barely awknowledge me and look to me as just the teacher who makes them understand the concepts better. In other words, I don't really teach them. To learn English you have to understand the translation directly first. Hello, An yung. same. etc. My repore with the kids is far from satisfactory but when I make a breakthrough its dully noted.
Sometimes I wonder if I am actually preparing them for the real world. My teaching is only confined to the realm of what's in the book. So if I say: Where is he from? he is from Missoula Montana. They can answer but unless the reading says Missoula is in America the kids don't know how to answer. This is a poor example but every reading material is the same.
This month I taught 25 days. I had 4 Sundays off and a Wednesday that was elections. It was nice but I wish that I didnt have so many teaching days. It makes travel impossible. I have my Darling beside me literally all the time at work. She is the cornerstone of my Life and the centerpiece of things to come. Teaching so much has made a burn out almost inevitable. I am slowly regressing into a lackluster state
The work day goes by pretty fast when you realize that things aren't going to change. Its just cut and dry and always to the point. I compared it to meatball teaching. The kids come and go and I get ready for the next onslaught of casualties. When I find out that kids will drop I am happy only because it means less telephone teaching and maybe some quiet in the classroom. My boss is so stubborn and dutifully unaware of teh shabbiness that surrounds and percleates through the plastered walls of Yale that he is oblivious to Logical courses of action. I scoff at his idea that this is a place to prepare students for College English. Its a self insured way to bring money home to support his family. His college prepatory program I am calling B.S. on this one. Everyone including myself works literally to bring the bacon home and thats it plain and simple. Thus far I feel my teaching has warranted uneffective.
My humble Abode
I have many good ideas heading into May. I think April has been a really good month and one of my best ones in Korea. I am looking forward to trying more possibilities in May. I am upgrading my blog constantly. I would like to write more compelling stories and try to make sense of my place and hopefully make a positive influence on someone's life, anywhere and everywhere. As I said I am also trying to put together more videos and share more with the world what's going on in the corner of Hyung gok dong Kyungbok province in Gumi. I would like to put Gumi on the map.
Elections happened this month or was that in March? At any rate I miss the music trucks that would pass on by and help me get through the classes. When there is a No Rae Song going I like it because its a distraction that no one can pass up. I need all the help i can get because its hard to muster the energy of the kids day in day out.
Following my Dreams
This month I went to Daegu more, I enjoyed some nice quiet relaxing Sundays. I finished a couple good books about Afghanistan. I decided a lot of personal things. I will not give up fighting for my Dream. I will go back to school at some point. I will work a good job if I can find one. I am really nervous about this. I am considering many things right now. I am leaning on my Pillar of Strength though as I always find solace and comfort through everything We do.
Plans for the Month ahead
I will write more and try everything I can to enjoy Korea. I think there is a lot of things left to try and do in Korea. Its my hope to do all of them that I can.
Work Happenings
I have realized the routine that I have gotten in for the last 9 months. The first few months I was out of sync but the truth of the matter is, is that I have a rhythm that I do whether its for the best or not. My boss is never completely satisfied. He always gripes about this or that and working for him isn't enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination. I really hope that Christina and I leave this place and build a stronger future elsewhere. I am willing to put forth so much effort to see that happen esp. this month of May. April was Vicki's first full month and I think I have corrupted Vicki because I told her of my plight and she has started to see things the same way Christina and I do about YALE. I just hope that we can make everything work. My 4 classes are dissolving and dwindling in class size. I couldn't care less but I just wish I had respectful kids who at least tried. Its not worth the teaching effort because the kids don't care how much work is put forth into the lesson plan.
The last Saturday of the month I didn't do a very good job and nothing happened good or bad.
The sad fact of the matter is that the students don't really care about my teaching or me at all. Most of them barely awknowledge me and look to me as just the teacher who makes them understand the concepts better. In other words, I don't really teach them. To learn English you have to understand the translation directly first. Hello, An yung. same. etc. My repore with the kids is far from satisfactory but when I make a breakthrough its dully noted.
Sometimes I wonder if I am actually preparing them for the real world. My teaching is only confined to the realm of what's in the book. So if I say: Where is he from? he is from Missoula Montana. They can answer but unless the reading says Missoula is in America the kids don't know how to answer. This is a poor example but every reading material is the same.
This month I taught 25 days. I had 4 Sundays off and a Wednesday that was elections. It was nice but I wish that I didnt have so many teaching days. It makes travel impossible. I have my Darling beside me literally all the time at work. She is the cornerstone of my Life and the centerpiece of things to come. Teaching so much has made a burn out almost inevitable. I am slowly regressing into a lackluster state
The work day goes by pretty fast when you realize that things aren't going to change. Its just cut and dry and always to the point. I compared it to meatball teaching. The kids come and go and I get ready for the next onslaught of casualties. When I find out that kids will drop I am happy only because it means less telephone teaching and maybe some quiet in the classroom. My boss is so stubborn and dutifully unaware of teh shabbiness that surrounds and percleates through the plastered walls of Yale that he is oblivious to Logical courses of action. I scoff at his idea that this is a place to prepare students for College English. Its a self insured way to bring money home to support his family. His college prepatory program I am calling B.S. on this one. Everyone including myself works literally to bring the bacon home and thats it plain and simple. Thus far I feel my teaching has warranted uneffective.
My humble Abode
I have many good ideas heading into May. I think April has been a really good month and one of my best ones in Korea. I am looking forward to trying more possibilities in May. I am upgrading my blog constantly. I would like to write more compelling stories and try to make sense of my place and hopefully make a positive influence on someone's life, anywhere and everywhere. As I said I am also trying to put together more videos and share more with the world what's going on in the corner of Hyung gok dong Kyungbok province in Gumi. I would like to put Gumi on the map.
Elections happened this month or was that in March? At any rate I miss the music trucks that would pass on by and help me get through the classes. When there is a No Rae Song going I like it because its a distraction that no one can pass up. I need all the help i can get because its hard to muster the energy of the kids day in day out.
Following my Dreams
This month I went to Daegu more, I enjoyed some nice quiet relaxing Sundays. I finished a couple good books about Afghanistan. I decided a lot of personal things. I will not give up fighting for my Dream. I will go back to school at some point. I will work a good job if I can find one. I am really nervous about this. I am considering many things right now. I am leaning on my Pillar of Strength though as I always find solace and comfort through everything We do.
Plans for the Month ahead
I will write more and try everything I can to enjoy Korea. I think there is a lot of things left to try and do in Korea. Its my hope to do all of them that I can.
Creme Spaghetti a la carte Bon apetite
A Kim's Family Restaurant in the Making!!!
Christina is the best cook there is. I am so happy to share her meals with her and I know that I will always be there to bring her the best type of food that I can find. As they say in SPAIN. My house is your house^^
It is our hope to start a Recipe book so when we do open up Kim's the possibilities will just be rolling off of our sleeves as we labor furtively for an onslaught of people for chow time.
KIM'S COOKBOOK: Special Secrets by Eun Ju^^
Here is our meals and preparation

Vicki came over for lunch and it was a real perfect time. I was enjoying a very good and scrumptious cuisine and am forever indebted to the wonderful taste of Kim's luscious cooking. Its purely ambrosia when Christina is being associated to the Kitchen.
I had 4 classes. Ma1 which was cake. I still enjoy that class because they haven't turned into demonic creatures yet. When they do they maybe fit for the movie I am Legend and join the herd of the "Sam" callers. They lurk behind the dark corners of the Academy and pounce "homework check ju se yo" I could go on and on but thats for later.
Tc2: I am hoping that I just survive another week getting through the Liam and company baloney. Most of the kids were absent today so it was relatively an easy day. Its unfortunate when kids are absent because their is no way to catch them up. I dont have to telephone or anything if they are absent.
TD2: I punished the girls for their bad behavior but I am scared to because they will just complain more to Mr. J. I dont want that. I will deal with them on Saturday i guess.
TD1 I gave all of them a reprieve I gave them homework credit for pretty much doing nothing. I think May will be more promising for them.
After work I had more delicious Spaghetti and enjoy the company of my darling. I am keeping real busy still.
More posts soon to follow
Monday, April 28, 2008
Carpe Diem
The meaning of this Latin Expression is simple Seize the Day. Take every available moment and make it yours because once its gone its gone.
I would like to think of myself as a busy person with a very focus agenda. I definitely have my routine and a Ritual if you will. Ritual new Dong il e gae for the day.
Carpe Diem is a good lifestyle to live by. Live Life to its fullest and make use of all the small time you could possibly muster no matter how busy you are in the hectic day at school
I definitely made use of my time today. I emailed, read a book, cleaned, and studied at the library.
I love the library a lot and its a good hobby to get into. I want to also shoot some more videos.
6 Classes back to back
I finished early in every single one. My Teaching hasn't been as good as I would like it and personally I think my job is just talking to kids. When I explain why things are this way they aren't interested. Basically I have failed still after nearly 11 months on the scene in my teaching. Its Teaching Skill says the Voice of Reason.
Pish Posh
i made use of my 5 minute breaks each time. If you add that up its a half hour of non-teaching time during the day. If you add up the 5 minutes to check homework its another half hour. I work from 1 until 8:30. I teach from 2:30 until 8:20. I have one period of 45 minute breaks and 6 45 minute sessions. If you add it all up:
Its a total of 4.5 hours teaching, and 2.5 hours of working. That is overlapping the homework time check too!
After Work I went to the bookstore. I looked at Quilt books with my Darling and we found a good one. She is really good at her art projects. She made me a pillow, a key holder, Owls, and she has made some handbags, and other Nicknack's too.
The Shenanigan's going on at Yale Hawgwan are Pay Ong E Da. I think seriously there are mysterious circumstances surrounding Yale Academy. I will figure out later.
I went to the Kim bob place in order to get a late meal.
Time is flying and no matter what happens Always Remember Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem: 2 Small Words that carry a lot of weight.
I write from the heart and I should warn any reader in the future that what I say has a lot of opinions and judgments. I am not afraid to voice my opinions and I use my writing creativity to just let it flow with whatever pops into my head. I am trying to learn more about Korea, practice my writing and do as much as I can. Hence Carpe Diem. I love hearing comments from people but it would be nice if I knew where exactly you were coming from and also if you actually knew who I was. Judgments are good but only if there is a point and purpose. I am a very open minded individual who is interested in hearing about what anyone has to say but I think I should also be entitled to knowing who you are. If you want to leave a comment please open yourself up to a rebuttal or please don't bother posting a comment. Most of the comments I get I don't know where they are coming from and I am starting to find some of them offensive since its impossible to understand the other point of view. Enjoy The Blog^^ Its a work in practice and I am reveling in my creation~ its the only place that's just for me.
I would like to think of myself as a busy person with a very focus agenda. I definitely have my routine and a Ritual if you will. Ritual new Dong il e gae for the day.
Carpe Diem is a good lifestyle to live by. Live Life to its fullest and make use of all the small time you could possibly muster no matter how busy you are in the hectic day at school
I definitely made use of my time today. I emailed, read a book, cleaned, and studied at the library.
I love the library a lot and its a good hobby to get into. I want to also shoot some more videos.
6 Classes back to back
I finished early in every single one. My Teaching hasn't been as good as I would like it and personally I think my job is just talking to kids. When I explain why things are this way they aren't interested. Basically I have failed still after nearly 11 months on the scene in my teaching. Its Teaching Skill says the Voice of Reason.
Pish Posh
i made use of my 5 minute breaks each time. If you add that up its a half hour of non-teaching time during the day. If you add up the 5 minutes to check homework its another half hour. I work from 1 until 8:30. I teach from 2:30 until 8:20. I have one period of 45 minute breaks and 6 45 minute sessions. If you add it all up:
Its a total of 4.5 hours teaching, and 2.5 hours of working. That is overlapping the homework time check too!
After Work I went to the bookstore. I looked at Quilt books with my Darling and we found a good one. She is really good at her art projects. She made me a pillow, a key holder, Owls, and she has made some handbags, and other Nicknack's too.
The Shenanigan's going on at Yale Hawgwan are Pay Ong E Da. I think seriously there are mysterious circumstances surrounding Yale Academy. I will figure out later.
I went to the Kim bob place in order to get a late meal.
Time is flying and no matter what happens Always Remember Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem: 2 Small Words that carry a lot of weight.
I write from the heart and I should warn any reader in the future that what I say has a lot of opinions and judgments. I am not afraid to voice my opinions and I use my writing creativity to just let it flow with whatever pops into my head. I am trying to learn more about Korea, practice my writing and do as much as I can. Hence Carpe Diem. I love hearing comments from people but it would be nice if I knew where exactly you were coming from and also if you actually knew who I was. Judgments are good but only if there is a point and purpose. I am a very open minded individual who is interested in hearing about what anyone has to say but I think I should also be entitled to knowing who you are. If you want to leave a comment please open yourself up to a rebuttal or please don't bother posting a comment. Most of the comments I get I don't know where they are coming from and I am starting to find some of them offensive since its impossible to understand the other point of view. Enjoy The Blog^^ Its a work in practice and I am reveling in my creation~ its the only place that's just for me.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A Harmonious Union a Dedication of Sa Rang
Being in Korea has represented a lot of firsts for me. Its the first time I have been away from America. Its the longest time I have been away from my family and friends. Its the first time where I have been really exposed to a non-native tongue where I can't go somewhere and just understand everything in English. My time in Korea hasn't always been ideal. It isn't by any means an enjoyable job but just like everything in life Finding the positives and maintaining positive and a hopeful nature makes my a big difference in my world.
For the First time I have found True Love as well. Christina has aspired me to become better in all aspects of life. I have reached out more to learn more than I originally thought possible. I have taught better as a result of things she has taught me. I enjoy good scrumptious food, laughter, going places and experiencing Korea with her. I don't think I could have taught here in Korea without her. As a result of her I have thought more about how to be a stronger mindful person uninhibited by bad reflections. In other words, I am trying hard to ignore the animosity and the bizarreness of the situation at Yale.
More importantly, I have learned what it is to truly share with someone. I live alone, I spend a lot of my time by myself. At work I feel like I am talking to myself. I am often as my Foreign friends would also agree with this comment "A Lone and distant Island" or another analogy a Lone Cacti in the middle of an Oasis.
The Oasis is Korea.
Maybe this analogy doesn't really fit or make sense but its just my English: Nicklish or Palmish...or Nipalmish
I am coining phrases
Through everything I can always turn to Christina. Anywhere I go I feel I can count on her and truly rely on her for everything. I have many close friends who know me very well but the bond I have with Christina is infinitely taut and sealed with Love and Affection.
Building a kinship or bond with people has always been important and an integral part of my life. I have always sought to make connections stronger and to lay a better foundation where ever I could.
Its with great pleasure that I have found the best thing in the world, which is an inseparable Link that is immeasurable between Christina and I.
For the First time I have found True Love as well. Christina has aspired me to become better in all aspects of life. I have reached out more to learn more than I originally thought possible. I have taught better as a result of things she has taught me. I enjoy good scrumptious food, laughter, going places and experiencing Korea with her. I don't think I could have taught here in Korea without her. As a result of her I have thought more about how to be a stronger mindful person uninhibited by bad reflections. In other words, I am trying hard to ignore the animosity and the bizarreness of the situation at Yale.
More importantly, I have learned what it is to truly share with someone. I live alone, I spend a lot of my time by myself. At work I feel like I am talking to myself. I am often as my Foreign friends would also agree with this comment "A Lone and distant Island" or another analogy a Lone Cacti in the middle of an Oasis.
The Oasis is Korea.
Maybe this analogy doesn't really fit or make sense but its just my English: Nicklish or Palmish...or Nipalmish
I am coining phrases
Through everything I can always turn to Christina. Anywhere I go I feel I can count on her and truly rely on her for everything. I have many close friends who know me very well but the bond I have with Christina is infinitely taut and sealed with Love and Affection.
Building a kinship or bond with people has always been important and an integral part of my life. I have always sought to make connections stronger and to lay a better foundation where ever I could.
Its with great pleasure that I have found the best thing in the world, which is an inseparable Link that is immeasurable between Christina and I.
Daegu Express
I Love Daegu so much. Its the best place in the Southern Area of Korea. I always have a good time regardless of ups and downs that may occur along the way.
I have been listening to Big Bang for the past hour. They are a great rock group here in Korea and they have English interposed within their song writing.
Yes! Big Bang is back! Most definitely, incredible! Hey move! B to the I to the G (bang bang) about love I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we baby baby baby are still loving each other baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening, Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl You, who filled me with only pain and treated me cruelly I, who stroked you soothingly, but then changing again, avoided you Worry from wondering how we went wrong Wandering inside a problem that has no answer Even if I am a wanderer lost on a path enclosed inside a maze, I can’t do this at all Only being able to wait, asking you to come to me in muffled steps girl Like when we first met, like when this was still new Like this, like this, like this, like that, like that, like that never leave my side I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we baby baby baby are still loving each other baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening, Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl You didn’t contact me after leaving without a single word (Without a single word) But one day you suddenly appeared (Asking how I was doing) Are you playing around with me or is this really love Even in a single day, I get confused twelve more times (about love) I asked you in return why you would want a toy that you were going to play with only once or twice The sweet taste for a very short moment, the cotton candy that we melted too easily (Because it seems like I also won’t be able to block the weary heart anymore) Grab me quickly (Before you leave) I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we baby baby baby are still loving each other baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening, Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl Although I still love you, although you’re so important to me ye That nobody can take my place, I know (you know) Oh please just hug me quietly I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we (although it’s a little awkward) baby baby baby are still loving each other (But I love you) baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl B to the I to the G (bang bang) Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl (about love)
We went there around 11 and had Bulgogi and some good pork meat. WE tried some new restaurant and it was pretty good. I enjoy going to nice places and exploring Korea.
Last time we went to Daegu we went to Little Italy place this time was Authentic good Korean food with FRESH Kimchee.
We went to the Bookstore and I bought another book about Afghanistan. The situation with the Taliban actually has stirred a new fire in me. I hate to see suffering in people's lives in any country in the world. I feel sad and bad for the people in the books I just finished reading. Hoeseini writes with a poise that just grabs your soul.
I will continue reading more about Afghanistan. I Love the bookstore in Daegu. Everything in Daegu is so much better. It actually seems like a city whereas Gumi is still undergoing major transformational shifts in mental thoughts, growth, urban nomenclature and stratification. The technological growth is still a little stagnated and therefore behind. Daegu is good! I like big cities and plan on living in bigger cities from here on out.
WE watched Becoming Jane? It was about Jane Austin and she is the writer of Pride and Prejudice I think I was supposed to have read that in high school but skipped it. It was too hard. I get the main points though. The movie made me sad. A woman who aspired to be a writer even though the times were not in her favor. There weren't female writers back then. She wasn't making much money. Her family was poor. They lived in the countryside and the man she loved she couldn't have because he was upper class rich type. Anyways more details but it was a sad story for me. I am too sensitive but its my CARING nature that is my strength and weakness.
Home~ I immediately went to work on taking care of things around the house. Laundry, reading, cleaning, I want to finish this weekend with a Bang! I want to make this next week wonderful!
I hope to figure out everything and do as much as I can before its too late...
I have been listening to Big Bang for the past hour. They are a great rock group here in Korea and they have English interposed within their song writing.
Yes! Big Bang is back! Most definitely, incredible! Hey move! B to the I to the G (bang bang) about love I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we baby baby baby are still loving each other baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening, Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl You, who filled me with only pain and treated me cruelly I, who stroked you soothingly, but then changing again, avoided you Worry from wondering how we went wrong Wandering inside a problem that has no answer Even if I am a wanderer lost on a path enclosed inside a maze, I can’t do this at all Only being able to wait, asking you to come to me in muffled steps girl Like when we first met, like when this was still new Like this, like this, like this, like that, like that, like that never leave my side I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we baby baby baby are still loving each other baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening, Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl You didn’t contact me after leaving without a single word (Without a single word) But one day you suddenly appeared (Asking how I was doing) Are you playing around with me or is this really love Even in a single day, I get confused twelve more times (about love) I asked you in return why you would want a toy that you were going to play with only once or twice The sweet taste for a very short moment, the cotton candy that we melted too easily (Because it seems like I also won’t be able to block the weary heart anymore) Grab me quickly (Before you leave) I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we baby baby baby are still loving each other baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening, Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl Although I still love you, although you’re so important to me ye That nobody can take my place, I know (you know) Oh please just hug me quietly I don’t wanna be without you girl, I wish that the last farewell is not near Just today for the entire day, I don’t wanna be without you girl, my clumsy heart please hug it and go, I love you I need you girl Baby baby baby although it’s a little awkward, we (although it’s a little awkward) baby baby baby are still loving each other (But I love you) baby baby baby and even though it’s frightening Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl B to the I to the G (bang bang) Even though the end can be seen, for me [there’s] only you girl (about love)
We went there around 11 and had Bulgogi and some good pork meat. WE tried some new restaurant and it was pretty good. I enjoy going to nice places and exploring Korea.
Last time we went to Daegu we went to Little Italy place this time was Authentic good Korean food with FRESH Kimchee.
We went to the Bookstore and I bought another book about Afghanistan. The situation with the Taliban actually has stirred a new fire in me. I hate to see suffering in people's lives in any country in the world. I feel sad and bad for the people in the books I just finished reading. Hoeseini writes with a poise that just grabs your soul.
I will continue reading more about Afghanistan. I Love the bookstore in Daegu. Everything in Daegu is so much better. It actually seems like a city whereas Gumi is still undergoing major transformational shifts in mental thoughts, growth, urban nomenclature and stratification. The technological growth is still a little stagnated and therefore behind. Daegu is good! I like big cities and plan on living in bigger cities from here on out.
WE watched Becoming Jane? It was about Jane Austin and she is the writer of Pride and Prejudice I think I was supposed to have read that in high school but skipped it. It was too hard. I get the main points though. The movie made me sad. A woman who aspired to be a writer even though the times were not in her favor. There weren't female writers back then. She wasn't making much money. Her family was poor. They lived in the countryside and the man she loved she couldn't have because he was upper class rich type. Anyways more details but it was a sad story for me. I am too sensitive but its my CARING nature that is my strength and weakness.
Home~ I immediately went to work on taking care of things around the house. Laundry, reading, cleaning, I want to finish this weekend with a Bang! I want to make this next week wonderful!
I hope to figure out everything and do as much as I can before its too late...
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