I am trying to be more creative with my titles. I want to make interesting stories everyday that not only expose the highlights or malfunctions of my day nor give a Palmer Rundown report of happenings but also insightful news to think about at ones discretion.
Today as usual I had my 4 Saturday Classes
A Quick Rundown because its hardly worth mentioning.
Saturday Classes are Tuesday-Thursday and of course Saturday
Saturday Alternates between morning and evenings. I work every time. I think I need a job that doesn't require my presence every Saturday.
Most of the kids are spoiled and don't give a care at all whether they learn English. Thats what gripes me---its not that they are stupid and can't speak English its because they don't care to try. I have learned many Korean words and phrases since being here and I am not reading Korean books or taking a class.
TC1- Fun but boring they aren't very talkative to me anymore. Some of the kids have developed a poor attitude too. They don't say hello or hi to me.
TC2-MY helpless children with no idea.
TD3-The only Saturday class. Today it was only Rachel. I like her but she was too tired to even listen. I don't like teaching this class just because its only 45 minutes a week.
Td2- The byung girls weren't here or at least together. I missed Jane but Ann and Magnus made the class alright. They are good students and I enjoy them.
Lunch with my darling was delicious. We had Glabei and relaxed just hanging out with the pouring rain. Its Saturday and I am staying at home. This is the last Saturday in June.
Time is going by way to fast.
I hope the rain clears up. Today I watched my favorite movie the Interpreter. I want to do this job. I would like to work for the UN Council or Secret Service. I think I have the feisty attitude for it.
So I am trying to go through priorities now. I am mind warped with just thinking about what I need to do. Its a problem I have but its all coming together.
So I am trying harder now to focus on regrouping myself. I have lost a large part of myself that I am slowly trying to put back together.
So with two days left of this month it is my hope to collect myself for a wonderful month of July. I had hoped to find a job in June but unfortunately I will have to wait until July.
I think this week I should call the Washington D.C job and ask about the position. I also think I should contact the Agency just to inform them about my progress. Its so hard to be responsible and care about this right now.
I really want a career job right now. Not a job that will be my permanent location but just a decent start.
So it being Saturday night I am relaxing and once again on a date with the night. I can't wait until the morning.
I am going to put my nose to the grindstone right now and try to put some things together before I go to bed. Its currently 9:30 and I want to finish many projects before 10. Following the Attitude in Korea its Go Go Go time.
Dreaming for Tomorrow.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Kid Gloves
I unfortunately think I lost my kid gloves along time ago. Today was unfortunately not a very good day at work. I had 6 classes, a wasted break, and before work was unfortunately not fun as well. So much for a Friday.
I think I ruined it though because I can't control my feelings sometimes. I think I also needed more sleep too.
Anyways I am happy that the day did get better.
I was drained for all of my classes but managed to fight through them and get out a live.
I saw my good students and wish I could have talked to them more. The kids were so so with me today. I am tired of fighting and yelling though. I let a few students have it though.
I don't care about their English Ability or their homework being done or not. I want them to try to talk to me and listen to me. I want to help them but only if they help me. I am done fighting them. If they anger me then they can get more homework and hopefully a ticket out of here.
I don't mean that negatively but I don't like the private school mentality which is you don't have to try unless you really want to or need to. Its a waste of teaching talent. I think through no ones fault this place is wasting our talent. christina especially is a gifted teacher and I hate seeing bad kids walk over her. They can walk on me because I don't care anymore but when it comes to her I will attack like a mother bear..
I worry the most in Korea I know this. I care so much thats why. ABOUT EVERYTHING
I will fight more.
The kid gloves are off though they are all students and will be treated the same. I do have a special spot though for some like Lisa, Jane, Ann, Chansuk, Dana, etc.
I hope that this weekend is going to be exciting!
more soon
I think I ruined it though because I can't control my feelings sometimes. I think I also needed more sleep too.
Anyways I am happy that the day did get better.
I was drained for all of my classes but managed to fight through them and get out a live.
I saw my good students and wish I could have talked to them more. The kids were so so with me today. I am tired of fighting and yelling though. I let a few students have it though.
I don't care about their English Ability or their homework being done or not. I want them to try to talk to me and listen to me. I want to help them but only if they help me. I am done fighting them. If they anger me then they can get more homework and hopefully a ticket out of here.
I don't mean that negatively but I don't like the private school mentality which is you don't have to try unless you really want to or need to. Its a waste of teaching talent. I think through no ones fault this place is wasting our talent. christina especially is a gifted teacher and I hate seeing bad kids walk over her. They can walk on me because I don't care anymore but when it comes to her I will attack like a mother bear..
I worry the most in Korea I know this. I care so much thats why. ABOUT EVERYTHING
I will fight more.
The kid gloves are off though they are all students and will be treated the same. I do have a special spot though for some like Lisa, Jane, Ann, Chansuk, Dana, etc.
I hope that this weekend is going to be exciting!
more soon
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Following the Benjamins while Calendar Surfing
I will say it how it is I don't want anything left out My mind is in a whirlwind right now. Its much better all because of Christina and frankly now I can't stop Thinking about tomorrow^^
So today I went downtown to the KEB Bank. I did this in order to send some money home. I am sending all of my money home to my personal bank account in hopes to make it grow. I saw some information on my paper at the bank that disturbed me because I am not sure how much money I am making nowadays.
I went home in order to figure out how much money I have in my bank. I think it gave me a headache before work because I was drained before the day already began. Now that I am here I am understanding why today was such a dull day and why I was a nut.
I am unfortunately shutting myself off...It was so weird today that one of the kids said to me Don't worry, what happened smile. He has a 6th sense and he is one of the few kids that I can help and talk to.
I want to talk about kids a moment... Kids are our future.Its our hope in the Education System. Kids are immature, strange and difficult everywhere. But there are a few shining examples.
I used to work at a summer camp which actually had quite a few of Yuntagee Kids. These are all American kids and they still were difficult. I loved the job enough to return twice. I feel the kids are a reason why I love or hate the job. I will talk about more of the kids though...
Chansuk: He is a quiet kid who studies hard and listens. His English has improved as a result of simply going to class and listening. The other students have given him ridicule for his study habits. This scorn angers me so much because I think the kids are narrow minded and jealous. It burns my soul to see the kids act so poorly. This isn't your typical Stop Talking, Be Quiet type bad behavior its much worse. They compete, talk and disregard each other as much as they disregard me.
Chansuk mentioned to me that he considers me one of his best friends. I enjoy talking to him and seeing him makes me think of me in some ways. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Chansuk is one of the special kids in the Academy because he takes an interest which is rare. I used to take an interest too when I was his age and the kids branded me with scorn.
I always remember special students. I remember names like Lisa that I talked about last night because she tries. She gets high grades, she listens and she is always smiling. She can be a troublemaker but she is just being a kid and she is quiet about it. She is smart so I let her get away with more.
Jane and Ann study. Jane studies diligently and Ann listens well. Ann jokes around a little too much but her emails are wonderful. Jane tries very hard and also has a lovely smile. Pumpkin hair I am not so sure but there are interesting haircuts here sometimes.
There are many nice kids in the Academy. I should try to write more about them sometime. I got my mind running races though right now cause all I want is to find a new wonderful job. I want a new home and new life to start... I think today I was also tired because once again I think SSDD is kicking in to me. I have a syndrome
Today I focused too much on work and it nearly killed me. I finished my syllabus' almost. I did all the monthly progress, I did all my tests, I had my 3 classes and I did some work for Mr. Jeong. Miss Jeong was her byong self not knowing how to budget time and waste some of my time. I was agitated so I didn't open myself up to more at work.
There isn't really anything to open up to though at work. I love talking to Christina and Vicki. I think I am needing to try more though. I just want to do more I don't feel like I am doing anything good and I feel under appreciative about my work etc. I doubt my teaching in some cases. Why? Well the kids have for the most part shown me how much they appreciate and care about me or my teaching and as everyone knows there is no incentive.
I made a big mistake to to check July progress. All I will say about that is its better to just focus on Now.
I am worried about a lot of changes taking place. I hear from someone about things that have happened to people I used to know. I guess its just a phase because all I am wanting is to find the best things possible out of life. Nothing else really matters to me other than making use of the TIME. forgive me because I am scared and just want things to be best. I also say sorry that this is really personal but I have nothing to hide and thus in my travel around the world in hopes of unifying humanity I say all.
So today I went downtown to the KEB Bank. I did this in order to send some money home. I am sending all of my money home to my personal bank account in hopes to make it grow. I saw some information on my paper at the bank that disturbed me because I am not sure how much money I am making nowadays.
I went home in order to figure out how much money I have in my bank. I think it gave me a headache before work because I was drained before the day already began. Now that I am here I am understanding why today was such a dull day and why I was a nut.
I am unfortunately shutting myself off...It was so weird today that one of the kids said to me Don't worry, what happened smile. He has a 6th sense and he is one of the few kids that I can help and talk to.
I want to talk about kids a moment... Kids are our future.Its our hope in the Education System. Kids are immature, strange and difficult everywhere. But there are a few shining examples.
I used to work at a summer camp which actually had quite a few of Yuntagee Kids. These are all American kids and they still were difficult. I loved the job enough to return twice. I feel the kids are a reason why I love or hate the job. I will talk about more of the kids though...
Chansuk: He is a quiet kid who studies hard and listens. His English has improved as a result of simply going to class and listening. The other students have given him ridicule for his study habits. This scorn angers me so much because I think the kids are narrow minded and jealous. It burns my soul to see the kids act so poorly. This isn't your typical Stop Talking, Be Quiet type bad behavior its much worse. They compete, talk and disregard each other as much as they disregard me.
Chansuk mentioned to me that he considers me one of his best friends. I enjoy talking to him and seeing him makes me think of me in some ways. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Chansuk is one of the special kids in the Academy because he takes an interest which is rare. I used to take an interest too when I was his age and the kids branded me with scorn.
I always remember special students. I remember names like Lisa that I talked about last night because she tries. She gets high grades, she listens and she is always smiling. She can be a troublemaker but she is just being a kid and she is quiet about it. She is smart so I let her get away with more.
Jane and Ann study. Jane studies diligently and Ann listens well. Ann jokes around a little too much but her emails are wonderful. Jane tries very hard and also has a lovely smile. Pumpkin hair I am not so sure but there are interesting haircuts here sometimes.
There are many nice kids in the Academy. I should try to write more about them sometime. I got my mind running races though right now cause all I want is to find a new wonderful job. I want a new home and new life to start... I think today I was also tired because once again I think SSDD is kicking in to me. I have a syndrome
Today I focused too much on work and it nearly killed me. I finished my syllabus' almost. I did all the monthly progress, I did all my tests, I had my 3 classes and I did some work for Mr. Jeong. Miss Jeong was her byong self not knowing how to budget time and waste some of my time. I was agitated so I didn't open myself up to more at work.
There isn't really anything to open up to though at work. I love talking to Christina and Vicki. I think I am needing to try more though. I just want to do more I don't feel like I am doing anything good and I feel under appreciative about my work etc. I doubt my teaching in some cases. Why? Well the kids have for the most part shown me how much they appreciate and care about me or my teaching and as everyone knows there is no incentive.
I made a big mistake to to check July progress. All I will say about that is its better to just focus on Now.
I am worried about a lot of changes taking place. I hear from someone about things that have happened to people I used to know. I guess its just a phase because all I am wanting is to find the best things possible out of life. Nothing else really matters to me other than making use of the TIME. forgive me because I am scared and just want things to be best. I also say sorry that this is really personal but I have nothing to hide and thus in my travel around the world in hopes of unifying humanity I say all.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Idle Drifts
I felt like sleeping in class today. I was so tired. I feel the onset of old age growing in my bones.
I spent the morning eating delicious food and watching Law and Order. I am refraining from spending money as much as I can because I am focused on bigger things nowadays and want to use my money for that. I will eat at home more often now.
It was a wonderful morning before the work shifts began.
Work was a new story
I have 3 work phases
Phase 1: The Ma/Mb level classes
They are wild, uncontrollable and curious. So they rampage through the office going helter skelter and no matter how hard we try to control or yell at them they are unstoppable. WE need a principle and we need more stability.
Today my classes were Mb1 and Mb2
I want to write about something new. I have a couple girlfriends in the Mb level classes. --___-- no not really girlfriends but they really like me. These girls like to play with me and they show me respect they try. They are fun too! Its kids like them that make me love my job. TEACHING job.
Phase 2 The MC level classes
Hyena is the best in the Mc level courses I think. Jennifer has gone to the dark side since falling to LeeAnn and the "bad" girls who just talk. I call LeeAnn Nu na just to make her say something to me.
The MC level courses are curious and also just loud
Finally there is the Md level courses which are more calm and not so loud but since they are more mature they are harder to control sometimes.
I have many good girls though. One guy can only be so lucky. I enjoy MD1 now these days. I had the Babo class which is short for stupid and Idiotic Class.
Md2 is the weirdest class in the Academy. They have even passed MB3 in my mind. I made the girl cry today. She is so dumb I can't figure her out. I say hi and I tried to be nice, everything to get on her level but she just hastens me a dirty look. Today she gestured the middle finger and like all the kids just talk bad in Korean. Korean is something I don't want to hear anymore because its English Time when it comes to me and my teaching.
If Mr. Jeong lived up to his rule which is NO KOREAN in my class there would be no kids in this school. Most of them don't try and I have to punish the ones who affect my teaching.
Sukjae Police will be on high duty Friday. Today I just wanted to get through the day. When I don't care It goes better.
I heard my ex-worst student the kid who bit me will drop. Him and his worthless brother. I don't care for Yun tagee because of his clueless behavior but his brother is just babo. he doesn't do anything at all.
* I am not happy that kids drop but I no longer don't care. Some kids don't have books whether its their fault or not. There is no incentive when we have more kids. I am just a kid factory thats all. The kids leaving means that there will be less telephone teaching. There will be less noise because they caused a lot of it. There will be no more fits of anger and there will be many other bonus from this.
I feel bad for the kid. He is going through a rough time in his life and hopefully he will get better. I don't care though because I have been hit with more than just work work work but with blatant disrespect.
I just want a JOB where I can move on with my life and make everything work. I don't want to end up failing and going no where. I don't want to make more mistakes either. I have problems but I can solve them, I just want to know more that's all.
So today is over. I will relax the rest of this month. I hope that I can travel more and I hope a job opportunity lands in my emails. I also hope that Miracles can flourish because I go to work everyday with the aspiration that Change is coming---Its inevitable I just don't know how it will happen.
I am waiting for a Sign and waiting for things at work to miraculously change. I do care about my work but only in the sense that it will provide a stable future. I know I can do many things. I just want to find it! I am looking for the key so to speak,
Thats what I want to do...Bust some balls doing what my man Elliot Does!
I can drive a car and find bad people and get rid of them it would pay well! Do you like?
I spent the morning eating delicious food and watching Law and Order. I am refraining from spending money as much as I can because I am focused on bigger things nowadays and want to use my money for that. I will eat at home more often now.
It was a wonderful morning before the work shifts began.
Work was a new story
I have 3 work phases
Phase 1: The Ma/Mb level classes
They are wild, uncontrollable and curious. So they rampage through the office going helter skelter and no matter how hard we try to control or yell at them they are unstoppable. WE need a principle and we need more stability.
Today my classes were Mb1 and Mb2
I want to write about something new. I have a couple girlfriends in the Mb level classes. --___-- no not really girlfriends but they really like me. These girls like to play with me and they show me respect they try. They are fun too! Its kids like them that make me love my job. TEACHING job.
Phase 2 The MC level classes
Hyena is the best in the Mc level courses I think. Jennifer has gone to the dark side since falling to LeeAnn and the "bad" girls who just talk. I call LeeAnn Nu na just to make her say something to me.
The MC level courses are curious and also just loud
Finally there is the Md level courses which are more calm and not so loud but since they are more mature they are harder to control sometimes.
I have many good girls though. One guy can only be so lucky. I enjoy MD1 now these days. I had the Babo class which is short for stupid and Idiotic Class.
Md2 is the weirdest class in the Academy. They have even passed MB3 in my mind. I made the girl cry today. She is so dumb I can't figure her out. I say hi and I tried to be nice, everything to get on her level but she just hastens me a dirty look. Today she gestured the middle finger and like all the kids just talk bad in Korean. Korean is something I don't want to hear anymore because its English Time when it comes to me and my teaching.
If Mr. Jeong lived up to his rule which is NO KOREAN in my class there would be no kids in this school. Most of them don't try and I have to punish the ones who affect my teaching.
Sukjae Police will be on high duty Friday. Today I just wanted to get through the day. When I don't care It goes better.
I heard my ex-worst student the kid who bit me will drop. Him and his worthless brother. I don't care for Yun tagee because of his clueless behavior but his brother is just babo. he doesn't do anything at all.
* I am not happy that kids drop but I no longer don't care. Some kids don't have books whether its their fault or not. There is no incentive when we have more kids. I am just a kid factory thats all. The kids leaving means that there will be less telephone teaching. There will be less noise because they caused a lot of it. There will be no more fits of anger and there will be many other bonus from this.
I feel bad for the kid. He is going through a rough time in his life and hopefully he will get better. I don't care though because I have been hit with more than just work work work but with blatant disrespect.
I just want a JOB where I can move on with my life and make everything work. I don't want to end up failing and going no where. I don't want to make more mistakes either. I have problems but I can solve them, I just want to know more that's all.
So today is over. I will relax the rest of this month. I hope that I can travel more and I hope a job opportunity lands in my emails. I also hope that Miracles can flourish because I go to work everyday with the aspiration that Change is coming---Its inevitable I just don't know how it will happen.
I am waiting for a Sign and waiting for things at work to miraculously change. I do care about my work but only in the sense that it will provide a stable future. I know I can do many things. I just want to find it! I am looking for the key so to speak,
Thats what I want to do...Bust some balls doing what my man Elliot Does!
I can drive a car and find bad people and get rid of them it would pay well! Do you like?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Slippers in Daegu
So its official after a week of scurrying around I think I am finally done. I had a babysitting trip today. My boss is happy that everything is in order but for all of his knowledge he lacks trust in his employees. He made me wait for him and waste my entire morning.
I will say this though... It was nice to talk to him just casually. Its too bad he couldn't be more open at work because I don't want to approach him unless I have to. I say this not from any perspective other than an employee not as a friend or someone else.
I learned a few things about me today. I have Blood Type B. I forgot my blood type. Secondly, I am officially an English Conversational Teacher---I talk mostly to myself. I am not a grammar teacher.
My English is far from perfect.I don't use words or phrases properly its part of my wild and vivid imagination. Its my creative juices that build me up and destroy me at the same time. I am pressed for time all the TIME so my stories aren't proofread as well as I would like. I don't write to be grammatically correct. I would like to say this too...
I am a White American who hates distinguishing that. I still want to hide my face when kids notice my whiteness. I do this because its not cool to be white here. I only say that because there is resentment I feel that a lot of people have. I also say this because I don't want to write for "white people" or anyone in particular. I am color blind and maybe most people who read this are too but I don't want to notice what white people say Black people etc. Its not what I am about. Before I get lambasted for this comment I am not meaning any disrespect or judgment I just think that grammar is not that important and I just want to try to clarify things.
Because I live here I want to clear away all misconceptions and try to learn as much as I can even though its hard at times.
Today~ I was in a bad mood. I was hungry because I was cheated a lunch. I missed my normal morning routine for the 2nd straight day and I am angry because its the most important week that I am here. I had to make sure I wasn't leaving soon.
I still have many things to do but at least now I have a small breathing room. I am fighting teacher and to be honest with you I am tired of fighting- I nearly give up upon occasion. The baloney I go through at work is hardly worth it--I just care about the bonus' I get.

Today I had 4 classes
1. Ma1: a disrespectful class who I no longer view as the smart group that started out to be. 3 kids didn't do homework and never have their books etc. I wish they weren't here. They have no purpose. I doubt their parents know what the hell they are doing there which is nothing. I enjoy the new boys the most. One is a prince type kid who jokes too much but is as Christina says Cute and funny. The other is quiet and s getting bolder and smarter. There is hope for him. I gave the one I call "james" 10 times homework. I don't care for him at all.
you would have to be here to understand don't ask unless you want an earful.
2. I had TC2: So so .... the kids talk to much. Kerri is great, Amy surprised me was really smart today and well the boy were so so I didn't want to give more homework. They talked only half in Korean and wasted only 20 minutes instead of 30.
3. TD2: THE best class. We learned something. Jane, Ann, and Magnus thats all I want. I don't like Sarah, Peachy, or Julie. They are gossipers, princess syndrome and self righteous.
4. TD1: 2 star students no homework.
I graded some tests, and am making steps towards getting the end of the month in sight.
Daegu: my boss dragged me on a wild goose chase but its over! I can sleep
I can relax in my slippers.
daegu :( Daegu, -_- DAEGU------------___________---------- ahhhh
slippers SLIPPERS^^ SLIPPERS ^^ ^o^

I will say this though... It was nice to talk to him just casually. Its too bad he couldn't be more open at work because I don't want to approach him unless I have to. I say this not from any perspective other than an employee not as a friend or someone else.
I learned a few things about me today. I have Blood Type B. I forgot my blood type. Secondly, I am officially an English Conversational Teacher---I talk mostly to myself. I am not a grammar teacher.
My English is far from perfect.I don't use words or phrases properly its part of my wild and vivid imagination. Its my creative juices that build me up and destroy me at the same time. I am pressed for time all the TIME so my stories aren't proofread as well as I would like. I don't write to be grammatically correct. I would like to say this too...
I am a White American who hates distinguishing that. I still want to hide my face when kids notice my whiteness. I do this because its not cool to be white here. I only say that because there is resentment I feel that a lot of people have. I also say this because I don't want to write for "white people" or anyone in particular. I am color blind and maybe most people who read this are too but I don't want to notice what white people say Black people etc. Its not what I am about. Before I get lambasted for this comment I am not meaning any disrespect or judgment I just think that grammar is not that important and I just want to try to clarify things.
Because I live here I want to clear away all misconceptions and try to learn as much as I can even though its hard at times.
Today~ I was in a bad mood. I was hungry because I was cheated a lunch. I missed my normal morning routine for the 2nd straight day and I am angry because its the most important week that I am here. I had to make sure I wasn't leaving soon.
I still have many things to do but at least now I have a small breathing room. I am fighting teacher and to be honest with you I am tired of fighting- I nearly give up upon occasion. The baloney I go through at work is hardly worth it--I just care about the bonus' I get.

Today I had 4 classes
1. Ma1: a disrespectful class who I no longer view as the smart group that started out to be. 3 kids didn't do homework and never have their books etc. I wish they weren't here. They have no purpose. I doubt their parents know what the hell they are doing there which is nothing. I enjoy the new boys the most. One is a prince type kid who jokes too much but is as Christina says Cute and funny. The other is quiet and s getting bolder and smarter. There is hope for him. I gave the one I call "james" 10 times homework. I don't care for him at all.
you would have to be here to understand don't ask unless you want an earful.
2. I had TC2: So so .... the kids talk to much. Kerri is great, Amy surprised me was really smart today and well the boy were so so I didn't want to give more homework. They talked only half in Korean and wasted only 20 minutes instead of 30.
3. TD2: THE best class. We learned something. Jane, Ann, and Magnus thats all I want. I don't like Sarah, Peachy, or Julie. They are gossipers, princess syndrome and self righteous.
4. TD1: 2 star students no homework.
I graded some tests, and am making steps towards getting the end of the month in sight.
Daegu: my boss dragged me on a wild goose chase but its over! I can sleep
I can relax in my slippers.
daegu :( Daegu, -_- DAEGU------------___________---------- ahhhh
slippers SLIPPERS^^ SLIPPERS ^^ ^o^

Monday, June 23, 2008
Anniversary Special
I was thinking of this all last week but I will have to make up for it later this week.
On my first Anniversary I was chasing down Visa Consult Employees in order to sustain my Visa status. I have one more city to go to and unfortunately its alone again.
I don't like trips alone and I can't wait until the trips are enjoyable again and that will probably mean a time to return to normalcy and no 6 days of work.
I missed my darling all day. She had to go to work on time and teach 6 classes while I got up at 5 am rode two trains, two subways and raised cane with the Immigration Department.
I missed 2 classes of work^^I usually would be happy but I would have rather spent the day with her its the only thing that makes the time easier. I am looking forward to pure relaxation again.
Honey I want to take you out for a grandiose time in Seoul I would like to go this weekend. I hope you could be able to go.
MY Anniversary this is how I want it^^ Spending my days with her. We have been together a year and everything we have is planted firmly and is deeply rooted.
I enjoyed taking the train sometimes its nice to "sightsee"
I hope to do more of it soon
By the way they are hot!!^^I like them a lot and when my camera regenerates I will post some pictures!
Talk soon!
Happy Anniversary Baby~ I couldn't be in a happy spot maybe just a solo trip tomorrow it would be quicker I wish you could go with me
next weekend :)
On my first Anniversary I was chasing down Visa Consult Employees in order to sustain my Visa status. I have one more city to go to and unfortunately its alone again.
I don't like trips alone and I can't wait until the trips are enjoyable again and that will probably mean a time to return to normalcy and no 6 days of work.
I missed my darling all day. She had to go to work on time and teach 6 classes while I got up at 5 am rode two trains, two subways and raised cane with the Immigration Department.
I missed 2 classes of work^^I usually would be happy but I would have rather spent the day with her its the only thing that makes the time easier. I am looking forward to pure relaxation again.
Honey I want to take you out for a grandiose time in Seoul I would like to go this weekend. I hope you could be able to go.
MY Anniversary this is how I want it^^ Spending my days with her. We have been together a year and everything we have is planted firmly and is deeply rooted.
I enjoyed taking the train sometimes its nice to "sightsee"
I hope to do more of it soon
By the way they are hot!!^^I like them a lot and when my camera regenerates I will post some pictures!
Talk soon!
Happy Anniversary Baby~ I couldn't be in a happy spot maybe just a solo trip tomorrow it would be quicker I wish you could go with me
next weekend :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Living and Loving
Sundays are always the best in Korea. At least in Gumi for sure. The days go by way to fast but at least I can spend it the best possible way.
I was supposed to go to Seoul today in order to prepare for my Visa information but I have opted to go tomorrow morning instead I just hope I can make the 6 oclock train. I am a little worried about that.
My boss is so stingy that he couldn't give me one day to make sure everything is straight at the Visa Immigration Office which will be the second stop. Forget him I don't care tomorrow is my day to get things done and enjoy Korea unfortunately by myself for the last time at least this month. I am as little worried since I called them on Thursday and they said I didn't need any appointment and because I was bored tonight I called just to check the times they were available (I thought I would get a voice memo) the woman answered and said I supposedly needed to make an appointment but I think I should be fine I will call from the train since I will be up a long time tomorrow. BUSY BUSY BUSY
Its too bad I have a estranged boss and have to run as fast as I can in Seoul. Yet again a country bumpkin will hit the big city leagues tomorrow.
So last night I felt deflated I don't know why entirely. I have nerves that are nearly about to tear because they are so tight with pressure. I now know that anything can happen and that nothing else matters except for keeping sight of my intended Goal.
A picture is worth a Thousand words and Loving sums it up best. This is my ultimate Dream. I want to buy a Dream Catcher and hang it over the bed someday because my dreams have been extended.
I watched movies most of the day! I went to see Kyung Fu Panda with Christina and we had lunch and coffee downtown as well. Since I have been flooded with "business trips" I haven't had the chance to really enjoy downtown so much as I would like this month. After tomorrow I should have more time.
Today was best day^^
I think I need to put my worrying aside. I Love my girl so much its nothing short of Amazing. I am overjoyed being with her and tomorrow is our Anniversary. Our first of what I hope to be 80?

Its amazing to think of everything that we have done in the last year together. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am scared to get on a train for what will be 6 hours total, maybe 2-3 hours in Seoul dealing with paperwork and then if all goes well I will be teaching 2-4 classes. I do plan to hurry but I know my boss is going to be mad. Whats new though.
Its the beginning of the work week and the worst part is that I will not be able to see my darling tomorrow on our special day. I will not be able to see her until we finish work.
I cleaned my house today, I wanted to start afresh. We only have one more week of June before July and I want to make July perfect.
Gumi may not be the most wonderful place in the world nor even in Korea but its a place where dreams can be unlocked. This week I will do more to make things happen I will be happier because the stress of Visa work is away. I can focus more on just the most important things in my life.
I was supposed to go to Seoul today in order to prepare for my Visa information but I have opted to go tomorrow morning instead I just hope I can make the 6 oclock train. I am a little worried about that.
My boss is so stingy that he couldn't give me one day to make sure everything is straight at the Visa Immigration Office which will be the second stop. Forget him I don't care tomorrow is my day to get things done and enjoy Korea unfortunately by myself for the last time at least this month. I am as little worried since I called them on Thursday and they said I didn't need any appointment and because I was bored tonight I called just to check the times they were available (I thought I would get a voice memo) the woman answered and said I supposedly needed to make an appointment but I think I should be fine I will call from the train since I will be up a long time tomorrow. BUSY BUSY BUSY
Its too bad I have a estranged boss and have to run as fast as I can in Seoul. Yet again a country bumpkin will hit the big city leagues tomorrow.
So last night I felt deflated I don't know why entirely. I have nerves that are nearly about to tear because they are so tight with pressure. I now know that anything can happen and that nothing else matters except for keeping sight of my intended Goal.
A picture is worth a Thousand words and Loving sums it up best. This is my ultimate Dream. I want to buy a Dream Catcher and hang it over the bed someday because my dreams have been extended.

I watched movies most of the day! I went to see Kyung Fu Panda with Christina and we had lunch and coffee downtown as well. Since I have been flooded with "business trips" I haven't had the chance to really enjoy downtown so much as I would like this month. After tomorrow I should have more time.
Today was best day^^
I think I need to put my worrying aside. I Love my girl so much its nothing short of Amazing. I am overjoyed being with her and tomorrow is our Anniversary. Our first of what I hope to be 80?

Its amazing to think of everything that we have done in the last year together. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am scared to get on a train for what will be 6 hours total, maybe 2-3 hours in Seoul dealing with paperwork and then if all goes well I will be teaching 2-4 classes. I do plan to hurry but I know my boss is going to be mad. Whats new though.
Its the beginning of the work week and the worst part is that I will not be able to see my darling tomorrow on our special day. I will not be able to see her until we finish work.
I cleaned my house today, I wanted to start afresh. We only have one more week of June before July and I want to make July perfect.
Gumi may not be the most wonderful place in the world nor even in Korea but its a place where dreams can be unlocked. This week I will do more to make things happen I will be happier because the stress of Visa work is away. I can focus more on just the most important things in my life.
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