Living in a Land that moves at a very fast paced society has its benefits as well as pitfalls. I wish I had more time to quote the proverb: "Smell the Roses" and see what truly lies behind Korea rather than just living in the moment and seeing its passing but that's how it goes.
I had a wonderful time with Christina today. I am happy that our troubles passed yesterday. Things happen way to quickly and it takes awhile for everything to sink in.
This will be my last story I think until Monday or Tuesday.
At this time I would like to just mention~~~~ I love comments and feedback on any of my stories if I could post a reply to a comment though it would be nice please check into this if you are posting comments, ok.
Today was such a good day. I played with my race car at work. I have a little Toy and yes its childish but I have to think of new things to keep my mind from becoming a Hole. I named it Cheetah Killer since it runs over the toy Cheetah mobiles we play with at work (Me, Vicki, and Christina) Therefore, I play when I can which is lately more and more. Thank god tomorrow's passing soon cause the mistakes I do are already Erased with the big Eraser in Mr. J's Head.
Today I had 6 classes and maybe because its holiday season again I am not caring so much. I cruised my way through them and am just happy to be done with the day with few injuries to my ego.
I am so excited for tomorrow its going to be a busy day though.
I am going through the days so quickly its just nice when the end is in sight at the end of each work day.
I got up early today to get ready for a nice morning of packing and getting ready for a fun weekend^^
After work I went to the Tent had some food and relaxed in the night. I am trying to be a full fledged writer nowadays and so I would really like to develop these posting further. This is another short one since its almost time for me to hit the sack.
More soon to follow
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hangookin Trail Korean Life at a Glance Part II
Its not called LAND OF THE MORNING CALM for nothing. Its the best time I have in Korea by far. This is the only time that there is relative peace and tranquility surrounding Gumi. Right now is the only time I have to feel good about my life and see where I want to go from here. My heart seems to follow the clock. As the time gets closer to work I begin to sink and my heart slowly aches. Work isn't a pleasant experience for me its just mass confusion and somehow or another problems find me. I don't like all the unnecessary drama that unfolds at work because there is nothing I can do to solve it and sometimes I feel completely worthless and my work isn't worth the paycheck that I make.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a bigger city like Seoul where I could disappear and do something new everyday. I wouldn't catch the attention of everyone in my community. I personally don't like the small town feeling I have because there isn't much that I get to do in my community. I am always the outsider looking in and there isn't anyone who really wants to invite me in.
The Small Town Feeling
Here I am each morning and I get to see the same familiar sites and sounds each morning. The casual passer Byers to the big time yuppie sleazy businessmen who flaunt their standing with a wave of the necktie and dak's apparel.
As I stroll along my way to Breakfast I pass the Da Bong area where the "coffee Ladies are about to begin their daily tasks. I will admit I only notice them because of their fancy clothes and special scooters. What their job duties are I am not really sure but as a tea waitress I think they are invited to "special parties"
Maybe for the sleazy business people who hide behind their computers, and their briefcases all day. One way or another its just a part of the daily ritual.
The Hustling and Bustling stirs up quite a hub bub of sporadic behavior in the busy streets of this small town. This often leaves me discombobulated. A car backfiring incessant honking to taxis who I used to refer to as predators who are just looking for a quick ride and the fix for the taxi drivers who often act like junkies. After being rooked many times by my director I have lost the respect of Directors and upper class business people who think that they know what's the right way of doing things. I see them as people who are just con artists ready to get ready to do the dirty job for the day with no sense of what the consequences are or the effects it will have on the employees. I see it as a corrupt society who is just not only a male dominated society but a society who is driven only for self interests at the expense of anyone that will come into their system.
Day in Day out I stand immobilized by the idle transgressions that go on at work.
Pressurized Atmosphere
MWF classes are typically the same its a mad dash to just finish get in get out. THE KID LINE UP its a comparison to cows getting ready to do their final dance to the Butchers music heading off to the slaughterhouse. When you enter my class you are going to listen or be punished. The kids lack interest in anything I do. I have to do the same monotonous routine everyday. Vocabulary please, Workbook please, Whats this Whats that. I have even started asking them in Korean because I am so bored.
People say that Routine is what makes us closer to perfection but I think it is also a step closer to insanity. Habitual Ways make us more toned but also hinder our growth I think.
Classroom Time
Time is arbitrary. I have broken it down into allotted times
5 minutes Vocab
5 minutes fun--Attendance, catch my breathe,
20 minutes of lecture
5 minute homework check
5 minute wrap up
5 minute wrap up is my Tirade of what I hope to see happen. Sometimes I think it works but most of the time it doesn't. Getting more homework is a bad social stigma and just a way for them to go home and complain to their parents but unfortunately it doesn't help my mindset. I still feel bad for not really teaching them. Save my energy though that's the thing that is crucial. After I am nearly done with my lecture the kids lose interest in me and class and begin to drift into oblivion which will get me into trouble. I have been on the verge of falling asleep because it bores me half to death.
Ways at Work
The class operates on a music program. 45 minute sessions and then marks a new class. I have heard the same songs for 11 months I think I will go insane not hearing Where's Roy or 3:15 Song most of these songs are so ridiculous. It would be nice to hear a change. I wish there was an American Holiday that we actually cared about soon but there is none.
Tuesdays and Thursdays I really get to see the business side of Yale Academy. Miss Jeong does two things that stick out to me. One is the clanking of Coffee mugs she is getting ready for some meeting that's meant to bring in a new kid/kids or solve a problem about one of the kids. She takes a tray of coffee cups into Room 207 Mr. Jeongs office where he meets with parents and children in hopes of bring in an extra amount of money for the month. Its all in the name of the business game but I can't help but feel its got a twinge of dishonesty. The facade is I have an Academy that works on a level up process, I have a Foreigner who teaches English in the Classroom and your son or daughter will be given a few sets of books. The truth is though is that they are just like coffee grounds where they will eventually just blend into the coffee and Yale can just drink it up.
Today I heard about a complaint about me because the book is too hard for her to understand. The irony is, is I stop the class every 10 minutes and ask them if they understand. This girl is drawing pictures, The other girl copies verbatim from the Textbook this isn't learning or teaching. I have two students who actually learn from me... oh how I miss Jully.
Mr. Jeong is figuring out his business move and I am on one of my breaks. Surfing the Internet and writing my Emails. I am supposed to write 17 emails in 45 minutes. I am a fast typer so I can finish in 30. I wrote some personal emails and checked basketball scores. He is teaching a class and I know this is wrong but if I can't go out and do something worthwhile except sit in front of the computer and write emails then I will play. Email writing is something that I have to do every Tuesday and Thursday. I have to write a letter to kids who can barely speak English and make it kind of long and basically its just so the parents can see that I am sending an email.
There are many loopholes though. I think I have at least 40 kids who dont have an email address, at least another 40 emails that dont work and another 20 or so who don't care. The 5 students who write me rarely write to me. I am supposed to waste my 45 minutes writing emails and it angers me that there isn't more details put into this. I could write one form letter a week and make everyone job more easier. I could put more time in my class work, making tests etc. But I play by Dr. Doks rules so thats how it goes.
I have been downtown a few times after getting off of work at 8:30. I n Gumi its not a very happening place. I think that people back home would be shocked for me to say this. Most of the people in my hometown haven't been exposed to seeing so many women dressed up in a "suit your fancy" provocative manner. Some of them being Prostitutes. Businesses are still open so you could go shopping even though its a rather small shopping district. People are throwing Sex Ads around like none other. The streets are plastered with posters of come to this club, drinks, women, blah blah blah. Its like everyone in Gumi is lonely and just looking for a good time. These people are sleazy in their dressed up way. I wouldn't buy business from them simply because its degrading to my namesake. I am so happy that I am myself and I have more riches than the most fashionable people in Gumi. I dont think that Koreans have a sense of Propriety when it comes to decency. Bikers or Business men just throw flyers every where (helter skelter) with no sense of purpose. its aggravating to say the least that not only are they littering but they seem so desperate for attention that it comes off as flaky and classless. I don't have respect for people who don't try to change the system but rather just stay the same. When people talk but don't walk they are losers. Anyways, Downtown is like a Mosh Pit. It seems to be dangerous at times as cars and people are found all over the place even when its an inappropriate time for a car to be driving down the street. Where there's a Will there's a Way but for Korea that's an overstatement. Its a free for all that's for sure.
Well thats part of my life for you. Its now morning and I am having a few extra time since I got up a little earlier than I usually do I am keeping plentifully busy and today being Friday I got to prepare for my long weekend jaunt ahead of me. This will probably signify the end of my streak of consecutive days in a row written but such is life. Its time for me to prepare for my BUSY class day another hectic day awaits me.
~~~~~ Life is what you make it and I plan on living it well. I have been held in a ramshackle type of situation and have overcome all odds with many fences left to jump over. I am trying to build a bridge right now and doing it as well as I can more on that later...
Sometimes I wish I lived in a bigger city like Seoul where I could disappear and do something new everyday. I wouldn't catch the attention of everyone in my community. I personally don't like the small town feeling I have because there isn't much that I get to do in my community. I am always the outsider looking in and there isn't anyone who really wants to invite me in.
The Small Town Feeling
Here I am each morning and I get to see the same familiar sites and sounds each morning. The casual passer Byers to the big time yuppie sleazy businessmen who flaunt their standing with a wave of the necktie and dak's apparel.
As I stroll along my way to Breakfast I pass the Da Bong area where the "coffee Ladies are about to begin their daily tasks. I will admit I only notice them because of their fancy clothes and special scooters. What their job duties are I am not really sure but as a tea waitress I think they are invited to "special parties"
Maybe for the sleazy business people who hide behind their computers, and their briefcases all day. One way or another its just a part of the daily ritual.
The Hustling and Bustling stirs up quite a hub bub of sporadic behavior in the busy streets of this small town. This often leaves me discombobulated. A car backfiring incessant honking to taxis who I used to refer to as predators who are just looking for a quick ride and the fix for the taxi drivers who often act like junkies. After being rooked many times by my director I have lost the respect of Directors and upper class business people who think that they know what's the right way of doing things. I see them as people who are just con artists ready to get ready to do the dirty job for the day with no sense of what the consequences are or the effects it will have on the employees. I see it as a corrupt society who is just not only a male dominated society but a society who is driven only for self interests at the expense of anyone that will come into their system.
Day in Day out I stand immobilized by the idle transgressions that go on at work.
Pressurized Atmosphere
MWF classes are typically the same its a mad dash to just finish get in get out. THE KID LINE UP its a comparison to cows getting ready to do their final dance to the Butchers music heading off to the slaughterhouse. When you enter my class you are going to listen or be punished. The kids lack interest in anything I do. I have to do the same monotonous routine everyday. Vocabulary please, Workbook please, Whats this Whats that. I have even started asking them in Korean because I am so bored.
People say that Routine is what makes us closer to perfection but I think it is also a step closer to insanity. Habitual Ways make us more toned but also hinder our growth I think.
Classroom Time
Time is arbitrary. I have broken it down into allotted times
5 minutes Vocab
5 minutes fun--Attendance, catch my breathe,
20 minutes of lecture
5 minute homework check
5 minute wrap up
5 minute wrap up is my Tirade of what I hope to see happen. Sometimes I think it works but most of the time it doesn't. Getting more homework is a bad social stigma and just a way for them to go home and complain to their parents but unfortunately it doesn't help my mindset. I still feel bad for not really teaching them. Save my energy though that's the thing that is crucial. After I am nearly done with my lecture the kids lose interest in me and class and begin to drift into oblivion which will get me into trouble. I have been on the verge of falling asleep because it bores me half to death.
Ways at Work
The class operates on a music program. 45 minute sessions and then marks a new class. I have heard the same songs for 11 months I think I will go insane not hearing Where's Roy or 3:15 Song most of these songs are so ridiculous. It would be nice to hear a change. I wish there was an American Holiday that we actually cared about soon but there is none.
Tuesdays and Thursdays I really get to see the business side of Yale Academy. Miss Jeong does two things that stick out to me. One is the clanking of Coffee mugs she is getting ready for some meeting that's meant to bring in a new kid/kids or solve a problem about one of the kids. She takes a tray of coffee cups into Room 207 Mr. Jeongs office where he meets with parents and children in hopes of bring in an extra amount of money for the month. Its all in the name of the business game but I can't help but feel its got a twinge of dishonesty. The facade is I have an Academy that works on a level up process, I have a Foreigner who teaches English in the Classroom and your son or daughter will be given a few sets of books. The truth is though is that they are just like coffee grounds where they will eventually just blend into the coffee and Yale can just drink it up.
Today I heard about a complaint about me because the book is too hard for her to understand. The irony is, is I stop the class every 10 minutes and ask them if they understand. This girl is drawing pictures, The other girl copies verbatim from the Textbook this isn't learning or teaching. I have two students who actually learn from me... oh how I miss Jully.
Mr. Jeong is figuring out his business move and I am on one of my breaks. Surfing the Internet and writing my Emails. I am supposed to write 17 emails in 45 minutes. I am a fast typer so I can finish in 30. I wrote some personal emails and checked basketball scores. He is teaching a class and I know this is wrong but if I can't go out and do something worthwhile except sit in front of the computer and write emails then I will play. Email writing is something that I have to do every Tuesday and Thursday. I have to write a letter to kids who can barely speak English and make it kind of long and basically its just so the parents can see that I am sending an email.
There are many loopholes though. I think I have at least 40 kids who dont have an email address, at least another 40 emails that dont work and another 20 or so who don't care. The 5 students who write me rarely write to me. I am supposed to waste my 45 minutes writing emails and it angers me that there isn't more details put into this. I could write one form letter a week and make everyone job more easier. I could put more time in my class work, making tests etc. But I play by Dr. Doks rules so thats how it goes.
I have been downtown a few times after getting off of work at 8:30. I n Gumi its not a very happening place. I think that people back home would be shocked for me to say this. Most of the people in my hometown haven't been exposed to seeing so many women dressed up in a "suit your fancy" provocative manner. Some of them being Prostitutes. Businesses are still open so you could go shopping even though its a rather small shopping district. People are throwing Sex Ads around like none other. The streets are plastered with posters of come to this club, drinks, women, blah blah blah. Its like everyone in Gumi is lonely and just looking for a good time. These people are sleazy in their dressed up way. I wouldn't buy business from them simply because its degrading to my namesake. I am so happy that I am myself and I have more riches than the most fashionable people in Gumi. I dont think that Koreans have a sense of Propriety when it comes to decency. Bikers or Business men just throw flyers every where (helter skelter) with no sense of purpose. its aggravating to say the least that not only are they littering but they seem so desperate for attention that it comes off as flaky and classless. I don't have respect for people who don't try to change the system but rather just stay the same. When people talk but don't walk they are losers. Anyways, Downtown is like a Mosh Pit. It seems to be dangerous at times as cars and people are found all over the place even when its an inappropriate time for a car to be driving down the street. Where there's a Will there's a Way but for Korea that's an overstatement. Its a free for all that's for sure.
Well thats part of my life for you. Its now morning and I am having a few extra time since I got up a little earlier than I usually do I am keeping plentifully busy and today being Friday I got to prepare for my long weekend jaunt ahead of me. This will probably signify the end of my streak of consecutive days in a row written but such is life. Its time for me to prepare for my BUSY class day another hectic day awaits me.
~~~~~ Life is what you make it and I plan on living it well. I have been held in a ramshackle type of situation and have overcome all odds with many fences left to jump over. I am trying to build a bridge right now and doing it as well as I can more on that later...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Boung ee da
Today was supposed to be the best day of the week. I love Thursdays so much. I have 3 classes and everyone else has 4. So that means plenty of breaks. I also get to have a break with Christina which is supposed to be fun and entertaining but today was a Boung ee da day. the bad happenings that transpired at Yale took effect.
Today was a day that I saw the full spectrum of emotions. I woke up with a desire to have the best possible day because its something that I count down the days until Thursday. I don't enjoy Friday at all. Its not a special day in my opinion. I ended up feeling Hopeless: unable to help.
The Atmosphere at work was sad. I wore new clothes and tried to look real nice because I wanted to dress up special today. I think that most of the kids are seriously Boung ee da. I am flipped off on a regular basic, told things like stupid, crazy, etc and its just a part of the culture here. There is no enforcement which is even more boung ee da in itself.
Me, Christina and Vicki all have the same mindset. Here is what happened why I say again I don't know but its the day:
Sungmin this awful Smart ass sent us text messages including foul language. I deleted it thinking it was an advertisement or wrong number while Vicki and Christina tracked him down. I remembered giving him my phone number out of pure genuineness thinking as a teacher there is no harm letting kids have my number. I regret this because this kid just proved me wrong. Kids have no respect for teachers whatsoever. Kids like him don't belong here.
I was upset because there are bigger things going on than kids at work. Work is always going to drag us down. I think that the best things at work just like at Gumi are hidden. I don't have to look any further than my left side. I don't like to see her upset and bothered. Iccigo Iccie all the time.
I am looking forward to a nice weekend where I hope to make anything happen and enjoy more than any dream. This is my life and the only dream I believe in is the one I am living. Going to Korea was a dream come true. It took me 2 years to find a way but I came and I don't regret coming ever. As a result of coming I have found my dreams.
This day is probably the worst day this month and I just hope its the last.
Boung ee da: Diseased, thinking bad thoughts, ill happenings,
So here I am waiting for the sun to shine again and hopefully forget this miserable excuse of a day. I just want to think of the wonderful things in my life and forget the awfulness.
Today was a day that I saw the full spectrum of emotions. I woke up with a desire to have the best possible day because its something that I count down the days until Thursday. I don't enjoy Friday at all. Its not a special day in my opinion. I ended up feeling Hopeless: unable to help.
The Atmosphere at work was sad. I wore new clothes and tried to look real nice because I wanted to dress up special today. I think that most of the kids are seriously Boung ee da. I am flipped off on a regular basic, told things like stupid, crazy, etc and its just a part of the culture here. There is no enforcement which is even more boung ee da in itself.
Me, Christina and Vicki all have the same mindset. Here is what happened why I say again I don't know but its the day:
Sungmin this awful Smart ass sent us text messages including foul language. I deleted it thinking it was an advertisement or wrong number while Vicki and Christina tracked him down. I remembered giving him my phone number out of pure genuineness thinking as a teacher there is no harm letting kids have my number. I regret this because this kid just proved me wrong. Kids have no respect for teachers whatsoever. Kids like him don't belong here.
I was upset because there are bigger things going on than kids at work. Work is always going to drag us down. I think that the best things at work just like at Gumi are hidden. I don't have to look any further than my left side. I don't like to see her upset and bothered. Iccigo Iccie all the time.
I am looking forward to a nice weekend where I hope to make anything happen and enjoy more than any dream. This is my life and the only dream I believe in is the one I am living. Going to Korea was a dream come true. It took me 2 years to find a way but I came and I don't regret coming ever. As a result of coming I have found my dreams.
This day is probably the worst day this month and I just hope its the last.
Boung ee da: Diseased, thinking bad thoughts, ill happenings,
So here I am waiting for the sun to shine again and hopefully forget this miserable excuse of a day. I just want to think of the wonderful things in my life and forget the awfulness.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Disregarding Hobby
The only good things about Wednesday are Morning, Evening and my break with Christina. Its an important break because it gives me strength to get through the day.
Disregarding is becoming a lifestyle in Hyung gok dong. Disregarding is apparently what I do because I don't follow the Rules at the school. The rules are ever so in a constant state of change that the only Rule I can foresee is do things your way. Days change so fast here that yesterdays pitfalls provides for tomorrows folly's.
Today I want to mention Concepts at the School. I hold these to be Universal Concepts. School is a place for learning not for playing. Teachers are supposed to be given respect they are entitled because its our livelihood. We aren't there to be walked over by our students, we aren't a babysitter and even if the students don't like us as teachers obscene and bad text messages aren't acceptable. Why my school allows kids to say Crazy, Stupid F*** SH**, and any other word that they want to say is above me. It lacks total concept.
There is no principal system. I learned a long time ago that I can't let the kids bother me. I disregard them. I used to care about trying to solve their problems and also not making them fight with each other, or disrespect me but its a complete waste of time.
I think its just important to realize that its a job and its making me money for right now. I want to do my best everyday but I am tired of being treated like shit. I feel really bad when I am like an Island out in the middle of nowhere because no one wants to talk to me civilly. I always finish early because I am tired of talking to myself. I am ruthless when it comes to punishment because I want the kids to change.
I am naive to think that they will. They haven't for 11 months. They insulted me, Christina and Vicki on numerous occassions.
Here is a good class:
The kids only talked 20 minutes in Korean. They didn't cause any problems that would have made me notice. I don't want them to attract my boss. They don't do homework they don't have any materials ready. Its a free for all to see if I will survive or if I will get beaten down.
I am increasingly become more and more reputable for Disregarding. I have my priority and I want to see it through. Everything else is secondary and that's why I will continue to strive for my goal more and more.
Disregarding is becoming a lifestyle in Hyung gok dong. Disregarding is apparently what I do because I don't follow the Rules at the school. The rules are ever so in a constant state of change that the only Rule I can foresee is do things your way. Days change so fast here that yesterdays pitfalls provides for tomorrows folly's.
Today I want to mention Concepts at the School. I hold these to be Universal Concepts. School is a place for learning not for playing. Teachers are supposed to be given respect they are entitled because its our livelihood. We aren't there to be walked over by our students, we aren't a babysitter and even if the students don't like us as teachers obscene and bad text messages aren't acceptable. Why my school allows kids to say Crazy, Stupid F*** SH**, and any other word that they want to say is above me. It lacks total concept.
There is no principal system. I learned a long time ago that I can't let the kids bother me. I disregard them. I used to care about trying to solve their problems and also not making them fight with each other, or disrespect me but its a complete waste of time.
I think its just important to realize that its a job and its making me money for right now. I want to do my best everyday but I am tired of being treated like shit. I feel really bad when I am like an Island out in the middle of nowhere because no one wants to talk to me civilly. I always finish early because I am tired of talking to myself. I am ruthless when it comes to punishment because I want the kids to change.
I am naive to think that they will. They haven't for 11 months. They insulted me, Christina and Vicki on numerous occassions.
Here is a good class:
The kids only talked 20 minutes in Korean. They didn't cause any problems that would have made me notice. I don't want them to attract my boss. They don't do homework they don't have any materials ready. Its a free for all to see if I will survive or if I will get beaten down.
I am increasingly become more and more reputable for Disregarding. I have my priority and I want to see it through. Everything else is secondary and that's why I will continue to strive for my goal more and more.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Perseverance through an Apple Maze
As always I got up to the sound of bells at 8 am. I took a shower, ended up talking to a good friend of mine from Japan. He called me. It was good to hear from him. He is one person I hope to see again. I feel at times I have lost so much since coming here. I think I ruined at least one friendship and maybe a few others. Anyways, I was happy to talk to him and see how he was doing. He is in the hospital recuperating right now from a leg injury he sustained when Jumping off of a trampoline. He apparently broke his leg.
I found a new breakfast place called PappaRotti but its a little two expensive. I think maybe 2 times a week. It was nice to relax and enjoy the comforts of being in a nice cafe with my darling.
We studied and I am hoping I can be more of a help soon. I always want to help her study.I would like to buy her more books to help her and anything else I can do. I want to make a real Don Il E gai Vocabulary list for her.
Work wasn't very good today. I feel I am losing my caring. I am amazed at the kids poor attitude and there is nothing I can do to stop it at all anymore. Its mostly my fault but I still feel violated.
I am happy that I am not at work right now. I am starting to slowly recede into the depths of insanity and I am trying to mask myself but to no avail. I ask myself today in the mirror who am I while wearing my WHO A U shirt...I am really worried about things and my GOM (BeAR) ORb that says Fighting is spurring me on to continue.
I went out to eat with Aaron even though I shouldn't have because I am really busy. It was good to see Aaron but unfortunately my mind is pit of quick sand and I need to just get some rest.
Carrying on because of the Apple of my Eye makes Work more than bearable its the only thing that makes it fun for me. Without her I couldn't go more for a day.
I am wrapping my mind on better projects all in hopes to find self improvement and the answers I am seeking before my perseverance runs out. I am Fighting Teacher I will always have that. I am solidified and poised for anything. I will not be duped by the Yale Maze for I have all the riches that I could need.
I found a new breakfast place called PappaRotti but its a little two expensive. I think maybe 2 times a week. It was nice to relax and enjoy the comforts of being in a nice cafe with my darling.
We studied and I am hoping I can be more of a help soon. I always want to help her study.I would like to buy her more books to help her and anything else I can do. I want to make a real Don Il E gai Vocabulary list for her.
Work wasn't very good today. I feel I am losing my caring. I am amazed at the kids poor attitude and there is nothing I can do to stop it at all anymore. Its mostly my fault but I still feel violated.
I am happy that I am not at work right now. I am starting to slowly recede into the depths of insanity and I am trying to mask myself but to no avail. I ask myself today in the mirror who am I while wearing my WHO A U shirt...I am really worried about things and my GOM (BeAR) ORb that says Fighting is spurring me on to continue.
I went out to eat with Aaron even though I shouldn't have because I am really busy. It was good to see Aaron but unfortunately my mind is pit of quick sand and I need to just get some rest.
Carrying on because of the Apple of my Eye makes Work more than bearable its the only thing that makes it fun for me. Without her I couldn't go more for a day.
I am wrapping my mind on better projects all in hopes to find self improvement and the answers I am seeking before my perseverance runs out. I am Fighting Teacher I will always have that. I am solidified and poised for anything. I will not be duped by the Yale Maze for I have all the riches that I could need.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Remembering the Youth
Today was Children's Day in Korea. Monday May 5th and tomorrow would have been my grandmothers 90th birthday? I believe. I do miss her a lot. Yesterday was my brother's birthday and I spent it well~~ watching a movie and relaxing.
My life is centered around kids nearly 24-7 -365 in my opinion they don't need an extra day of remembrance. I think there is Mother's Day, Father's Day (no kid's day in America) there should be Teacher Appreciation Day. All being said I am just happy that there was a day of remembrance so I could have my day off. The days off are life savers because every time I go to school I fear it will be my last day simply because I am afraid I will have a conniption fit and lose control. The No Concept lifestyle is starting to boggle my mind.
Today was terrific. I am a spoiled guy. I have the best girl, the best cook, the best any man could ever ask for. She made me cream spaghetti, and fried rice curry. Both of these will be a permanent recipe in the Kim Family Restaurant which will become a reality as soon as I can find a way to make it become one.
I went to the grocery store twice today I was busy trying to prepare the best possible home day I could. I got lucky this weekend because I was able to spend so much good time with my girlfriend. It was one of the best weekends I have spent in Korea.
I promised Christina no leftovers today at lunch. Unfortunately, I didn't keep my promise. I am just polishing off the last bowl of pasta now and its so good. Mine isn't as good as hers was but I am just House Manager she's the chef.
I think its going to be a nice restaurant plan. I want an outside patio, Italian, Korean, and maybe some Mexican food authentic and good. I would even consider opening it in Korea if I couldn't find a place back in America. I am trying to find a job though my grapevine of friends and relatives but so far nothing. I am really worried about this since whatever I do in my future is very important and crucial to making a right decision. More about this later.
Teach the Children~~~I am reading a book right now where the main theme I got out of it today was Do something Different and Learn all that you can and Try to be a Teacher through your actions and everything will fall into place.
Thank you Kids for Giving me a day off. It was a very meaningful day^^
My life is centered around kids nearly 24-7 -365 in my opinion they don't need an extra day of remembrance. I think there is Mother's Day, Father's Day (no kid's day in America) there should be Teacher Appreciation Day. All being said I am just happy that there was a day of remembrance so I could have my day off. The days off are life savers because every time I go to school I fear it will be my last day simply because I am afraid I will have a conniption fit and lose control. The No Concept lifestyle is starting to boggle my mind.
Today was terrific. I am a spoiled guy. I have the best girl, the best cook, the best any man could ever ask for. She made me cream spaghetti, and fried rice curry. Both of these will be a permanent recipe in the Kim Family Restaurant which will become a reality as soon as I can find a way to make it become one.
I went to the grocery store twice today I was busy trying to prepare the best possible home day I could. I got lucky this weekend because I was able to spend so much good time with my girlfriend. It was one of the best weekends I have spent in Korea.
I promised Christina no leftovers today at lunch. Unfortunately, I didn't keep my promise. I am just polishing off the last bowl of pasta now and its so good. Mine isn't as good as hers was but I am just House Manager she's the chef.
I think its going to be a nice restaurant plan. I want an outside patio, Italian, Korean, and maybe some Mexican food authentic and good. I would even consider opening it in Korea if I couldn't find a place back in America. I am trying to find a job though my grapevine of friends and relatives but so far nothing. I am really worried about this since whatever I do in my future is very important and crucial to making a right decision. More about this later.
Teach the Children~~~I am reading a book right now where the main theme I got out of it today was Do something Different and Learn all that you can and Try to be a Teacher through your actions and everything will fall into place.
Thank you Kids for Giving me a day off. It was a very meaningful day^^
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Holiday Happenings Day 1
Its Sunday and that means a 2 day weekend! I didn't go to Busan but instead I stayed in Gumi and saw a movie and later went singing with my girlfriend.
The Movie was Iron Man~I thought it was a good movie and I want to go again with Christina next time. I ate a pack of cookies by was meant to be shared with her. CGV is a good theater though and its probably one of my favorite places in Gumi.

Inside this building is also VIPS a place I used to go to eat. Its too expensive and once in awhile ordeal.
Home~I cleaned up and rested. I was really excited at the prospect of meeting Christina's Brother. I am a little scared though since I haven't really met anyone in 11 months. Maybe I will meet everyone later.
Going out at night with Christina was wonderful. We had a good dinner, looked at some stores and sang many songs. I love singing to her even though my voice isn't very good and I could improve my ability. Her voice is soothing and I love her songs. She's much better than me.
I look forward to tomorrow so much. There is no work so whatever happens is got to be better than usual. I would like to travel some more and maybe even see another movie. I guess Time will see what I plan on doing next.
more writings to follow shortly...
The Movie was Iron Man~I thought it was a good movie and I want to go again with Christina next time. I ate a pack of cookies by was meant to be shared with her. CGV is a good theater though and its probably one of my favorite places in Gumi.
Inside this building is also VIPS a place I used to go to eat. Its too expensive and once in awhile ordeal.
Home~I cleaned up and rested. I was really excited at the prospect of meeting Christina's Brother. I am a little scared though since I haven't really met anyone in 11 months. Maybe I will meet everyone later.
Going out at night with Christina was wonderful. We had a good dinner, looked at some stores and sang many songs. I love singing to her even though my voice isn't very good and I could improve my ability. Her voice is soothing and I love her songs. She's much better than me.
I look forward to tomorrow so much. There is no work so whatever happens is got to be better than usual. I would like to travel some more and maybe even see another movie. I guess Time will see what I plan on doing next.
more writings to follow shortly...
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