Life here is taking many interesting turns.
To begin with, at work my boss hired a new teacher. Her arrival doesnt make my teaching any easier. In fact or on the contrary, it makes it a lot worse. I know have 31 classes and other than Thursday my days are long and arduous.
My favorite class TD1 was dropped on Thursday in order to accomodate the new teacher. My boss really didnt think this through when he hired a new teacher. She isn't necesary. I dont enjoy most of my classes because the kids dont learn from me as much as I would like.
TD1 is special for so many reasons. My star pupils (Rose and Jully) bring a twinkle to my eye everytime I see them. (I wish they would visit me because they are really special kids to me). I almost cried when I heard that i wouldnt get to teach them on Thursday. They get my jokes and enjoy my stories.
After Thursday at work I went to the Chicken Restaurant and ordered a tub of chicken. I ate 30 pieces and had a beer. It helped a little. It reminded me of the times my friends and I would put away 100 pieces of chicken at WOW Restuarant in paradise otherwise known as Missoula.
My personal life is getting much better. I am finding many things to enjoy in Korea nowadays.
My neighbor and adopted grandmother died a few days ago, I wish that i could have said goodbye properly.
You never know what will happen with the time that you have so its important to find a way to make the best of it and to work hard.
Its time I start thinking about a future with some real sense of direction.
Today at work was a long day. I had 4 classes on Saturday and was all by myself.
I felt really bad about losing my kids so i gave them some chocolate. I feel a little better.
Next week is going to bring some interesting changes yet again. Its going to be interesting to see what will happen next.
Now, its time to relax and enjoy the weekend.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dropping Like Flies
Its amazing at what my job is becoming.
This is how I am looking at my Teaching profession these days. With how globalization is working and how the desire to make money is imbreded into our way of thinking it comes as no surprise that kids are now the latest money scheme.
I teach at a private institution where the rules are lax. Yesterday, our boss added another class for just 3 students. This means that I now have 18 classes to teach within the week. My total amount of classes are over 30.
It is necessary that I see each class at least 2 times in the week. The philosophy of herding 150 students and spoon feeding them some english lesson doesn't make sense to me. I would rather have 30 students and focus all of my attention on catering to them. Its all about the Benjamins, or money.
Yesterday, my worst class TC2 told me that they Hate me, they dont care if they disrespect me when I am in front of them teaching. One of the girls said I dont like this academy and I am going to quit.
Personally I dont care anymore. What does this mean to me if a spoiled insullent rich kid quits this academy because she has a problem with me, or the academy in general.
I have done everything I can. I tried many persona's in the classroom to no avail. I tried talking to my boss. I tried to tell them to write me a note or write one to Chrisitina about me so I could understand them better. I have been angry at them, sad because of them, tried to be super nice, tried to not care, and now its just a blessing when I am finished with them.
Its amazing how kids or people can make you love or hate your job.
I keep thinking that when they are older they will truly regret how they treated me. Its the dumbest things too. For example, Would you please read this passage? NO, I dont want to.
Then in all honesty why are you here?
of course i dont ask that.
I dont mind hard work and I dont mind long hours but i have a distinction between WORK and Free Time. I will not think more for kids who dont care about me.
This is how I am looking at my Teaching profession these days. With how globalization is working and how the desire to make money is imbreded into our way of thinking it comes as no surprise that kids are now the latest money scheme.
I teach at a private institution where the rules are lax. Yesterday, our boss added another class for just 3 students. This means that I now have 18 classes to teach within the week. My total amount of classes are over 30.
It is necessary that I see each class at least 2 times in the week. The philosophy of herding 150 students and spoon feeding them some english lesson doesn't make sense to me. I would rather have 30 students and focus all of my attention on catering to them. Its all about the Benjamins, or money.
Yesterday, my worst class TC2 told me that they Hate me, they dont care if they disrespect me when I am in front of them teaching. One of the girls said I dont like this academy and I am going to quit.
Personally I dont care anymore. What does this mean to me if a spoiled insullent rich kid quits this academy because she has a problem with me, or the academy in general.
I have done everything I can. I tried many persona's in the classroom to no avail. I tried talking to my boss. I tried to tell them to write me a note or write one to Chrisitina about me so I could understand them better. I have been angry at them, sad because of them, tried to be super nice, tried to not care, and now its just a blessing when I am finished with them.
Its amazing how kids or people can make you love or hate your job.
I keep thinking that when they are older they will truly regret how they treated me. Its the dumbest things too. For example, Would you please read this passage? NO, I dont want to.
Then in all honesty why are you here?
of course i dont ask that.
I dont mind hard work and I dont mind long hours but i have a distinction between WORK and Free Time. I will not think more for kids who dont care about me.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
My Soul Yearns For Seoul

Well September continues to be Wonderful. I went to Seoul finally.
I saw two of my best friends: Hyung Jin and Min young. I stayed at their house and had a great breakfast that Hyung Jin's parents made. They made me feel so special and I can't wait until I can see them again.
I was a little naseated from the bus rides but other than that everything was ok.
The next day I went to Church tried something new with them. It was a service in English. I have only been to church a few times in my life and all 3 times its been Korean church and with them.
My friends were in Sewon.
They were impressed with how many Korean phrases I knew and in their opinion I was doing much better than Missoula so I am glad.
Seoul is so modern. Its also much cleaner and more friendly. I think that its more acccepting too.
Seoul made me feel good and had such a good vibe. I prefer Seoul much more than Gumi.
I will write another story just about Gumi sometime but for now I will just focus on the adventure.
I met another friend of mine too. All of us had a one thing in common. We had all been to Missoula. My other friend is a Korean English Teacher.
We had a good time walking around the busy streets of Seoul. I saw many interesting things but the time went by way to fast.
I took the Train to Seoul and back to Gumi. It takes 3 hours each way. Now I have been everywhere in Korea at least North to South in Korea. I still have a lot of exploration left to do but for now I am happy to have just gone to Seoul.
I can't wait until I return there and hope its soon. I could honestly see myself working more there.
I learned a lot from my friends and am looking forward to trying out some new way of thinking back here in Gumi.
Well more on this later this is part 1.
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