Saturday, June 14, 2008

Better Together 365

Today marks my one year anniversary since I last set food on American Soils.

Its been a interesting year filled with barn burner excitement and a lot of hectic worry.

Today was Saturday and I worked in the morning with Christina. Work went fast and pretty painless. I didn't have any major teaching and next Saturday is my test day.

I have had many testing trials in Korea I have a boss who put me through a lot of unneeded stress and a lot of extra work or loopholes just because it had to be more difficult than it really needed to be.

I have kids who show absolutely no respect to me, Christina or even have a concept when it comes to School. A kid bit me for crying out loud and nothing happened to him. Nowadays he gives me cookies though so I guess its OK.

Today I went to VIPS with a very special V.I.P. the only VIP that truly matters.

We have tumultuous times at work and the hardships and stresses we go through are not a lost effort.

My ONE year Anniversary and still going strong.


In this world I am trying to make my way as best as I can. I feel I can change the world. I truly want to make this world a better place. Teaching and Education are so important I told this to one of my star pupils. I only have 2 that I consider Rock Star Students.

I want to be a better Teacher but my main principle is practicing what I preach. I will become a better man somehow. I want to make everything right and not do wrong. I want to figure out things so much and I will do whatever it takes. I want to find a way to do everything. I am currently searching for a job opportunity back home in the states. Whether this is right or wrong I am looking at my life with a new approach one that will unravel new threads and hopefully open up all dreams.

I don't want to let any dream perish and I really don't want to lose hope with any goals that I have come up upon. I also told some kids today from a lesson in Jennifer Lopez Life is a prime example of what Fighting can do.

Anyways Today I ate good food, spent too much money and am watching movies.

I got lots to think about as it slowly creeps towards Monday. Above all I do want to work harder and find a way to make my the Education I hold at the palm of my hand work wonders. Right now I am learning more about Korea than I am able to teach Korea.

365 Days here and I know that one thing is for certain I am better together than alone. I have had my life enriched and I want to do more more more... These 365 days have been special and enduring only because I have had the support of Christina full throttle. I don't see myself without her in my picture ever. I hope we can get a picture worth a thousand words.

Munching on some shrimp was also wonderful. I love sharing delicious food with her and it makes me feel anything is possible inside the VIPS. I always want this so much.....

Sunday is almost here and right now I am just hoping for Monday its going to be so lonely with absolutely nothing to do. I will be preparing for a busy week ahead.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Superstitious Folly running on a quarter to empty

In America Friday the 13th is a thing of horror. Maybe its possible I buy into this notion but I usually am a thing of reality not of Fairy Tales.

Today I watched basketball, cleaned my house and relaxed. I didn't feel like venturing too far from the fort today. Forebodings of going to Mcdonalds or Dunking Donuts didn't set right with me.

My basketball game was the NBA finals. Its the only time I like basketball. GO BOSTON! I like Kevin Garnett. I hope he wins himself his first championship. Other than that I don't care.

Home is always nice. For lunch I went to the Chinese Restaurant where in reality China is probably the most superstitious culture there is. In Korea the unlucky number is 4. 4 looks like my name.

I pant-a-mimed my way through class. Acting like a teacher with an heir of Authority sure made the day pass quickly. I personally shut off again at least 3 times. Once before MA1 I feel fear to enter the class room sometimes. Once before MC2 which was after my break and once before MD2 the class I want to drive Alexa out of so much.

I want everyone to know that this blog is just for me. Its my place to write down my thoughts I write stories for my Darling Christina because I think she likes the stories. If you are interested in reading I suggest you realize you are getting your head into deeper water. I don't tread lightly anymore.

I want to finish my work at the Academy with a strong performance every day and no matter what I just want to make Christina's job easier. I don't know how to do that. Yell at the Secretary. Go to Mr. Jeong and fight a case, give the kids more homework. Kick them out of the office. Take a bigger role in controlling the chaotic scenes in the office I don't know.

I think I go to 어릿광대 School.

정말 더 나은 무언가가 밖으로 거기 당신 SSDD를 할 필요없다 동일한 이야기 다른 일 있다. 나는 빗나갈 것이 당신을 결코 지도하지 않을 것이다. 함께 나는 정말 우리가 항상 무언가를 만들어서 좋다는 것을 느낀다.

The kids today told me Are you going to America this weekend so they made me think of it. I foolishly thought to much and right now I regret hearing them. I try to drown their voices because I don't want to hear them.

나는 아이는 지 무언가가 나가 좋아하는 것이에 저희에게 느낌을 나쁜 시키고 어리석은 질문을 질문할 것을 다만 느끼는 사무실 언제 들어오는지 말하기 위하여 있었다는 것을 바란다.

Another night another day wrapped up. I went to Kim bab had my usual. It feels like the same things I did when I first got here. I want a Bopping Sue with Christina right now. I hope we can get one Monday.
거기 의지가 인 방법이 있는 곳에 나는 항상 성공에 도로가 포장된ㄴ다는 것을 확인하는 것을 시도하고. 나의 사랑은 눈 멀 나는 도로 떨어져 결코 방향을 바꾸지 않을 것이다

Thursday, June 12, 2008

3 Regal Swans floating in J Construction

A Day to catch up and reflect. A chance to catch your breathe before the Friday overload and the Saturday Swagger come into play.

Today~ I had 3 classes and was able to catch up in some ill-begotten work that I have neglected due to emergency happenings that keep popping up for me here. This emergency being my Visa and Criminal Checks.

Christina, Vicki and I are the three regal swans. On the surface we are shimmering barely breaking the surface but underneath our feet are swaddled in the murky water that is the foundation of the Academy. Maybe this is an overstatement.

Christina, Vicki and I always talk about our goals. The three of us are perfectionists looking to better our education. In my opinion, I think we are three good teachers who are meant for something higher than checking up on the kids and trying to keep them in this school.

I would like to make a note back to my previous post about the disrespect the kids give me. I have learned to laugh or shake things off because if I let each one of them get under my skin I would be pulling hair out left and right and my limbs would be flung off my body in a fit of madness. Kids say the weirdest things at the most innapropriate times. Its expected by nature they are simply immature and obviously just kids. But there is a learning curve. I don't see one present here.

When they don't stop after being told to its a problem. When they do the same thing the next day its huge problem. When everybody dismisses their behavior and doesn't care its problem. There is a taboo that even kids no about regardless of age. Also if you get burned you learn to not play with fire again...this isn't the case here.

Today the Academy was in the middle of a construction Zone. Mr. Jeong and Miss Jeong were cleaning the back room and getting rid of a lot of junk and also cleaning up. Maybe Spring Cleaning, and I think also a resource hunt in order to try to make the Academy better. While this was going on Vicki, Christina and I sat in our office making small talk, (they were) sewing, and I was pondering and resting. Its Thursday!

Truth be known, for all of the quirks that the three of us have in our own ways we do have a regal approach to work. I do care more about my work than I did before so I do try to put in the most I can each day.

Lately, I am seeing that saving money is more important than it was before. I have saved quite a bit but I need to try to save more. I am trying to find ways to save more money. I think I need to go to the grocery store more frequently instead of going out to eat.

I want to save more money, and I also want to work harder for more money. I did some of my own spring cleaning and I will continue to do so for the next few days. I am going to tear my house apart room by room cleaning it and getting rid of junk.

I am a determined individual and while a lot remains to be done I am fighting for more.

More soon to follow

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pappa YALE fables: Father of all Immoral Students

I write this story on the day that I had originally been slated to be headed home for Missoula. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving and I still can't. Its something that will happen someday and all I will say about it is 2 things. I will need help later and also I want to make everything work out well before I leave.

I often times don't know what to do or when to do it. Time goes by at an extreme rate.

Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't talk about things either just due to the technicalities that happen throughout the day.

I woke up feeling worried because of a headache last night. I have a lot of things that I should try to focus on instead of worry but my mind drifts from time to time.

Today I had a great morning. I went to PappaRoti and now Christina and I have nice tea drinking cups.

I am happy because they look really nice at work for us and they are better cups than our Mcdonalds Coffee cups. I love sharing things with my BABE so much. We have a lot of nice things at Yale.

I taught 6 classes today its the kind of day that I just want to tell every student to put a sock in it but I choose not to care anymore because its just Byoung. I am sick of being harassed by the kids. Today was awful unfortunately: I had some kids tease me about Christina which happens all to frequently. The kids here don't have the common sense to mind their own business. To me the kids have always caused me these problems.

Maybe no one understands or knows why I am becoming more forceful when it comes to kicking kids out of the office. I am tired of their complaints, harassment and poking their noses in other peoples business. Do you love Vicki Do you love Christina? What kind of questions are these for kids to ask nearly everyday?

Today a kid got stuck behind my desk. Why? Because the kids run rampant through all teachers desks, etc. They touch everything and act like its their fortitude and it gets tiresome. This kid is fat too. I feel bad for him because he truly takes pride in being called PIG.

KIDS: NO CONCEPT whatsoever. IT doesn't matter who teaches them. Christina and Vicki speak Korean to the kids they don't listen. STOP or Ha Ge Ma mean the same thing but they don't care.

I am not going to waste more time on this subject. YALE harbors ill mannered, rude, and improper kids who don't have basic humanistic concept of REALITY.

To me it isn't Korean what these kids do. These kids are the ones that ruin Christina's day and consequently mine. I have gotten so much flack from them that I turn away and endure this wild charade of what supposedly is a teacher-student relationship.

나의 머리 is a head ache and continually being rewritten. I find the 학생 좋지 않.

Today when we were eating 밥 we were talking about how my mind is being calibrated in English and 한국어 at the same time. I can read all of this that I am writing here. I was so 배고픈 오늘.

I need to practice more. Everything I do is important and most important is finding a way to make everything right. 학교는 질병이다 그러나 나는 나가 행복한 섹시하고, 귀여운 소녀가 있다^^
나는 나의 여자 친구를 순전히 사랑한다
당신은 혼자서 이지 않는다
당신이 나에 의하여 항상 곁에 있을 것이다
나는 당신을 아플 것을 보고 싶지 않다
당신이 아플 때 나는 아팠다
나는 결혼한다 당신과 가진 결혼식 원한다
나는 당신을 영원히 사랑할 것이다

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beyond Work

I am still in the process of trying to figure out my status in Korea. I think everything has become more resolved but now I just need to fix my own date for ending. I am not sure when that will be its something I will have to decide at a later point.

Tuesday was a typical day of classes. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. The kids were easier to deal with and my lesson plans were well. I got a few new students (hopefully a few droppers too in TD1 I doubt it though).

I think I am looking at things in all the wrong way though. I look at work as simply a means to an end and unfortunately I can't make more money regardless of whether I stay another year. I wish I could find something more. Its a pressing issue to me now.

There isn't anything that I wouldn't try to do...I am going to work harder (not here) but in a place I can find more money. I strive to make my goals happen all the time and that's why I stayed longer than what would have been tomorrow. More teaching maybe I can find a way.

I still feel anything is possible and I want to give more and do more.

I do think about beyond work because its critical for a strong future. Anyways, I go to bed tonight looking for a brighter sun because I do know that there are greener fences to cross.

Today just like all days is just another day passing. I am thinking of not writing for awhile maybe taking sometime off and trying something new I am not entirely sure. There is a lot of things that are going on I hope things slow down work is killing me right now and unfortunately I am not making anything better either. Gotta work harder

Monday, June 9, 2008

Work Tissy Fit

The second full week of June is under way. Yet again I had a nervous breakdown. Fighting Teacher Rises and falls all the time. This time it was as a result of Mr. Jeong.

I am playing in a shuffling madness sort of Academy. I have to disagree with Christina and point blankly say that anywhere other than Gumi would have to be better than here.

I have been tested in so many ways. I cried before my first class because of anxiety and fear pertaining to my departure. I can't say what I want all the time because I am literally around Koreans (kids etc) and I can't expound on my feelings when I need to-
Since coming to Korea I have underwent many transformations but the biggest one of them is my work ethic. I didn't care about work at all. I was a foolish naive kid who just wanted to partake in something for some quick cash and some "real world" experience. I am now someone who cares more about how I look, dress, how clean I am, how much money I can save, and most importantly how I can be more responsible when it comes to future planning.
I am worried about that so much because I don't think I can find a job until I go back. I am wanting to always work hard and I have plenty of reasons to want to work hard.

So today I literally floated through classes I had 3 classes before I even lifted a finger of actual teaching. Its a good thing to because I am livid with emotion and ready to explode.

June 9th just a manic Monday as they say in America but to me its much more than this. I have had kids ask me (snidely) when am I going back to America? (please go soon) I wonder if they are used to just seeing Teachers come and go and have no sense of decency like: Nick seriously thank you for not giving me more homework or thank you for helping me with my homework. That is a lie because I have already come to the conclusion that homework is a lame excuse to just show parents that yes they are doing something while we babysit. Thats why I wish I could get Christina not to care so much about the kids because there are bigger things at work than the kids' poor attitudes.

I promise I can make sure that there is something better out there. I regret my angst its not easy waiting for my boss to figure out and stop dilly dawdling with Papers.

So today the news is this:
1. I got my plane ticket canceled so now I will need to pick a new date and depart from there and 2. I need to get my criminal background check mailed to me as soon as possible.

Korea changed the rules on me. I now need a sheet of paper that say I am not guilty to work in a country where I already did all of previously.

Anyways I will tell more later but I need to rest now. BUSY BUSY BUSY

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Tamed Lion Caught in a Rolling Thunder

Today I left Busan~ I really hope that I can go back there again soon. The Time I spent there was really too fast paced. There truly isn't any other place I would rather be than in Busan with Christina.

I love that city a lot and feel like it has a lot of potential for us later. Maybe its because I work and live in Gumi but I don't care for Gumi so much. After getting back from a trip that left us tired and sleepy I went home to a Rainy afternoon to rest and have lunch.

The Thunder and Lightening were spectacular. I unfortunately was trapped in Kim Bob waiting for the break in the storm. The streets were flooded with rain and I feel Gumi is either an alluvial fan city or a place where there is always a storm brewing up of some kind.

This scare I got at work has given me quite a jolt and I am nervous to see the coming of tomorrow. I am not wanting more unpleasant news because I am already trying so hard as it is just to make ends meet. Its my true hope that I can save more money and find a job soon because I don't want to go home and have regrets of any sort.

I am a Lion playing on the Serengeti playing fields watching things pass me by. I don't like that feeling. Tomorrow is Monday and I need to be stronger I need to try to find a job sooner, I need to save more money and I need to learn lessons faster.

My mind is rattled because of my idle thoughts I am already Lost in Translation so to speak.

Its a promising week and I am not going to lose sight of what I need to do. I will try harder in the days to follow. I don't know how to fight my biggest enemy and that's Time.