I woke up today at nine its the first time I got up so early. I had huge plans today to work really hard and to get as much work done as possible. In the morning I cleaned up and got ready. I was able to get a lot of work done around the house and read as well.
Didn't go as planned. I wanted to get ahead in some classes for next week and also try to improve my teaching but unfortunately it didn't go as planned...
TC2: No problems quick and easy. Its an OK class. Liam is one of my smartest kids. He has improved a lot since I last saw him.
Break Time5 minute break...
Tc1: The class has a few problems but basically nothing to really worry about.
BREAK Time ... problem.
Mr. Jeong is so obsessed with the Reports that he complained about the name of the textbook.
I forgot to put the correct name in the report and I don't use page numbers. I follow his lesson plan verbatim and never lose site of that. I plan as well as I can. My job is to give them a handout with review questions. I plan my homework and then ask them many questions in order to check understanding. I am still not sure about my teaching style its just impossible to know.
My boss made me feel uncomfortable and angry. He has questioned me from the moment I got here and frankly I am tired of it. Today I have officially been here for 9 months. I have never asked for a day off. I have never complained about working Saturdays...to him. I have given my best effort and sometimes my best effort has been "there is tomorrow" I have felt burnt out and somehow I keep going. I seek to improve myself each week.
I feel like I have been mocked at by everyone. In the morning people stared at me and asked me stupid questions
Who are you?
Where are you from?
oh look foreigner
blah blah blah
like what else is new.
Lately I have had random girls come up and give me candy because they think i have a small face and am handsome. In America this would make me happy but I am not every school girls dream. I want to open up doors and explore the realm of possibilities with the people I love. Its the reason why I work.
Work made it worse. my boss's attitude towards me was of distrust and lack of belief in my teaching. I am trying so much. I made a few books, I am trying to put together a few projects and he doesnt ever take the time to walk in my shoes.
I have kids who sleep in class. who talk in Korean who disrespect me all the time. Writing their names or going to Mr. J proves nothing. Its my responsibility to control them. "I will punish them today but you need to control better" I think he is just protecting his investment. He doesnt want the kids to leave and he is too much of a coward to say that too me. Nick you are right but I need more money.
Its ok if the kids want to treat me bad in other words.
I have a lot of worry right now just because time is so short and I dont know what to do with it. I am getting desperate for finding a job. I think I will go home but I am not sure I am tempted to stay in Korea longer. I am just scared and not sure what the best thing to do would be. I need to try to do more and find a way.
After work I went to the Waegook Cook. This is the third time I went there and i didnt drank. I wanted to eat and talk to some foreigners. I met some South Africans and A Scottish guy. I stayed for a couple of hours and talked and left.
That's all in a days work
More later. I will admit I am preoccupied and wish I knew what I could do to make it stop.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Finding my Way and Looking at my better half

I am quite busy these days trying to find improvement in my work, life and future...
Lots of things are needing to be done in the next couple of months and I am not quite
On top of things as much as I would like to be. Today I went to the bookstore I got a
Very good book or two actually. I want to read more and expand my mind. I also sound
Educated when I have been reading. After I went to the bookstore I met Christina and
Yoddled for awhile. We played the Ocarina. She is very good and I love the sound of
Ocarina very much escpicially when she is playing it. Sitting on a bench in the park
Under the Sun was really inviting and other than going to work or because of the
Stinging sun it was a very pleasant feeling and afternoon.
Out of all the places in Korea to be I think that park will always have a special
Memory in my heart. Its a good quiet place and sometimes you can feel Isolated and
Unknown in the swarm of people that are constantly around. After playing the Ocarina Christina and I went to a Kim bob place to have lunch and also talk about my future Hopeful job opportunity.
More than the Sun Moon and the Stars....** this Time i spend in the morning before Work felt so good and I always have nothing but happiness in my heart before the wave of chaos follows
Work was nothing special today. I taught 6 classes and frankly I hope for a schedule change soon. I can wait until April but its ridiculous whats happening right now.
My boss is so weird. He leaves me notes about marking the progress reports but he actually made a mistake and did it on his day not mine. He forgot to fill it out and naturally assumed it was me.
I had 6 classes.
I think MB1 is getting a little better actually.
I also taught MA1: The girl may drop which is unfortunate she is so nice. I hope that she doesnt because the class wasn't very good today.
I wasn't to impressed today with the class. They were slower than they usually are.
I taught MC2 and MC3: Nothing really happened here either.
MD2 and MD3: I was angry because both classes killed my mood. I was happy and then I got angry because the kids dont know how to show respect. It was so bad that I couldnt do anything other than just wait for class to end.
I was also going to Give Molly extra homework because the entire class didnt listen to me. She and Beth were the only 2 who answered questions and the rest of the time my voice was nothing more than an echo in the noise of the endless ranting of Korean that will not be stopped.
I used to go home and feel angry because of this because I didnt understand why students will not listen to me and just pretend like I am not even there. I dont care anymore because nothing I do will change it. Even complaining which is the last resort. Complaining just invited more complaining in my experience that I have seen here.
Miss Jeong asked me another question today I am having to count on two fingers and maybe one foot now how much times we talk. It bothers me to see her scurry in the office just waiting for us to arrive so she can gossip and or give information about work that sometimes I feel she could do. I have strong opinions but since I am kept in the dark and either blamed for something or expected for something I have my opinions.
Mr. Jeong yelled at me for Flashcards of all things and even though I had made a set he wasn't satisfied and so Miss Jeong is putting it together but unfortunately she hasnt given me them so I had to borrow for my class regardless.
I wish she could tell me what was going on sometimes its important.
She asked me a question after work that was none of her business and it bothers me that she can't stand up for herself so her way is to make people feel bad with what little power she can have. I am going to be happy to leave the Jeongs in 3 months regardless of where i go.
After work I ate leftovers again and spent some time cleaning up and relaxing.
I am so happy that I spent a good morning with my Darling~ I am looking forward to more exciting things in Korea as the time continues to roll.
Tomorrow a quick 4 classes from 1 until 5:30 should be quite a thrill. Most kids dont come on Saturday.
more on this later. I am going to eat some more yogurt so I can hopefully gain 10 pounds by the end of this month.
I doubt it but there is always a hope and a prayer. I have a lot of prayers right now...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Reaching for new heights
To all of those who are out in Me goo Land (America: the land of the free and the home of the brave) (except for those who are hiding) I will admit it. I am spoiled and pampered like none other here in Korea. This place has its ups and downs. Working Saturdays, 6 classes a day whatever, at the end of the day its always the same. I am happy that I have a job, a wonderful Honey, and a good situation going on for me. Most of the things I have I never want to see changed.
I am on a pedestal trying to reach new heights in every way shape or form that I can. Today's lunch was so wonderful I ate it for lunch and dinner. Dinner which I am still eating right now was leftovers, and things that I also had to use quickly in my fridge. I never have had to use food so quickly before. My fridge looks like it did when I was in college. A tub of milk, some scant eggs, and a few essentials here and there but the irony is I don't have to worry about eating I always have plenty everywhere everyday all the time. I need to gain some extra weight though. Eating at Mac and everywhere hasn't helped
I talked to a couple foreigners today. One was in Mcdonalds and we talked about Korea and potential jobs. We talked about our job situations and nothing much in particular. I havent really felt like talking to Foreigners much simply because I dont have the time to hang out much. However, I am changing my view nowadays.
I am never bored that's for sure. I always have something to due.
I worked as hard as I could today. I am rewriting some summary reports and trying to put together a database so to speak before I leave in June. I am a little scared to leave on that account for reasons I probably dont need to mention right now.
I taught 4 classes and they all went well. I had
MB3: There were no major problems. I feel that they are learning as best as they can. The youngest kid has some major issues with the class and I dont see how anything will change. I feel bad for him. I wish he would lighten up and try to be friends.
TC2: I had a good class something is wrong when I say my old arch enemy Liam may ultimately be one of my best students. As much as I dont like him I couldnt allow the punishment to go today. I will punish him later if necessary. I dont want to be angry if there is no reason.
TC1: A good class. i have a full 14 class and they for the most part thought i was hilarious. I told so many good jokes and also my lesson plan was perfect. I didnt have anything to work with so I am having to wait until Saturday or next week. I will be giving a test soon in 2 weeks.
TD1: This class is horrible I feel sorry for Rose who is now the oldest student as far as English ability in the Academy. I wish she would speak more. I miss the Rose and Jully days so much. Before Revamping the Academy with Ma2 and losing Pearl and now Packing in a 6 class work day (3 times a week) with only 2 teachers and himself it has done nothing but make things more difficult. I am not liking my T classes as a result. The best one is without a doubt TC1
Singjin left I wish he had stayed i hope he and Jack come back too.
So I worked more on my Summary Reports, Did Email, and prepared for a busy day tomorrow.
I am learning how to play the O-car-ina and I can't wait until My darling and I can play. I look forward to a time when I will be on Mount Sentinel or on the Clark Fork whistling a way on some tune.
I am looking into a Private here as well real soon. I am looking forward to new prospects and expanding my horizons. I need to mentally prepare myself for the remaining days of the month as well as into next month. Some tough times are laying ahead.
At times like this I can't help but wonder what my friends back home are doing. Going downtown Missoula? Acting like Hooligans and cruising in our cars waving our shirts as we pass people. Anybody remember when we put the shirts on like a rag on our head?
Missoula wow...
I really shouldn't talk about it.
I will leave you with a couple poems and also a link to a story in missoula that I used to be apart of...
This story requires more work so I will write more after i finish some other household projects...
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.
here is a Story about the international Food and Culture Festival
The Japanese girl actually in the picture I used to know. Everyone back home knows that I knew most if not all of the Foreign Students. I was in charge of her for her Advocate selection process.
Good Times^^
Missoula is so wonderful ~:)
I am on a pedestal trying to reach new heights in every way shape or form that I can. Today's lunch was so wonderful I ate it for lunch and dinner. Dinner which I am still eating right now was leftovers, and things that I also had to use quickly in my fridge. I never have had to use food so quickly before. My fridge looks like it did when I was in college. A tub of milk, some scant eggs, and a few essentials here and there but the irony is I don't have to worry about eating I always have plenty everywhere everyday all the time. I need to gain some extra weight though. Eating at Mac and everywhere hasn't helped
I talked to a couple foreigners today. One was in Mcdonalds and we talked about Korea and potential jobs. We talked about our job situations and nothing much in particular. I havent really felt like talking to Foreigners much simply because I dont have the time to hang out much. However, I am changing my view nowadays.
I am never bored that's for sure. I always have something to due.
I worked as hard as I could today. I am rewriting some summary reports and trying to put together a database so to speak before I leave in June. I am a little scared to leave on that account for reasons I probably dont need to mention right now.
I taught 4 classes and they all went well. I had
MB3: There were no major problems. I feel that they are learning as best as they can. The youngest kid has some major issues with the class and I dont see how anything will change. I feel bad for him. I wish he would lighten up and try to be friends.
TC2: I had a good class something is wrong when I say my old arch enemy Liam may ultimately be one of my best students. As much as I dont like him I couldnt allow the punishment to go today. I will punish him later if necessary. I dont want to be angry if there is no reason.
TC1: A good class. i have a full 14 class and they for the most part thought i was hilarious. I told so many good jokes and also my lesson plan was perfect. I didnt have anything to work with so I am having to wait until Saturday or next week. I will be giving a test soon in 2 weeks.
TD1: This class is horrible I feel sorry for Rose who is now the oldest student as far as English ability in the Academy. I wish she would speak more. I miss the Rose and Jully days so much. Before Revamping the Academy with Ma2 and losing Pearl and now Packing in a 6 class work day (3 times a week) with only 2 teachers and himself it has done nothing but make things more difficult. I am not liking my T classes as a result. The best one is without a doubt TC1
Singjin left I wish he had stayed i hope he and Jack come back too.
So I worked more on my Summary Reports, Did Email, and prepared for a busy day tomorrow.
I am learning how to play the O-car-ina and I can't wait until My darling and I can play. I look forward to a time when I will be on Mount Sentinel or on the Clark Fork whistling a way on some tune.
I am looking into a Private here as well real soon. I am looking forward to new prospects and expanding my horizons. I need to mentally prepare myself for the remaining days of the month as well as into next month. Some tough times are laying ahead.
At times like this I can't help but wonder what my friends back home are doing. Going downtown Missoula? Acting like Hooligans and cruising in our cars waving our shirts as we pass people. Anybody remember when we put the shirts on like a rag on our head?
Missoula wow...
I really shouldn't talk about it.
I will leave you with a couple poems and also a link to a story in missoula that I used to be apart of...
This story requires more work so I will write more after i finish some other household projects...
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.
here is a Story about the international Food and Culture Festival
The Japanese girl actually in the picture I used to know. Everyone back home knows that I knew most if not all of the Foreign Students. I was in charge of her for her Advocate selection process.
Good Times^^
Missoula is so wonderful ~:)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mysterious Mayhems
Another jam packed day in Korea. Hyung-gok dong Gumi Korea nonetheless. i woke up early in order to get a lot of work done before making my way to my office. Home away from Home, Home.
I had an excellent morning~ I had some wonderful Curry and played the Ocarina. my Darling is wonderful at that. She can play better than me and she is a wonderful cook too. Lunch was amazing and delicious^^
I enjoyed a nice meal before the busy work day before us. Another day of 6 classes.
The worst possible way to begin the work day happened to me. Maybe not the worst part but I had to open my mouth and discuss things that didnt need to be said. i felt regret, shame and anger at myself for not having the clarity of mind to hold my tongue. Maybe I could give an excuse like the stress around here makes me crack a little but there doesnt need to be excuse. I didnt like the reaction from Christina and as a result I felt bad throughout the day.
Work is always in Turmoil for me. I feel uncertain lately when it comes to teaching.
This is where I tell everything simply because I want people to understand my situation and not feel that I am not working hard or I am doing things badly. Its a problem for me that I need to figure out at some point.
I had 6 classes in a row.
The MB classes were ok.
The first one is with very smart students and its very easy. They are learning fast.
The other class takes some more motivation but they were better today. Its my hope to not get angry so much because they are hard to control at times. They answered very well though today. Jake needs some more work but I tried to be outgoing and nice today with him. i still have a hard time figuring out how to talk to kids.
MC classes.
I was dog tired I wanted to go to bed I think its because of my emotional rollercoaster I was on in the afternoon onset.
By the time I got to MD classes I had nothing left to give today...So I played and finished early. I didnt want to but there was no way I could teach effectively.
After work I went to dinner with Christina at the place where I went on my birthday. We had Sam ga tang. It was good.
Well I am keeping busy. i think a lot about my future and therefore I am busy now more than ever. I hope that this month will go smoothly. I have a lot to think about as I go to bed. I worry about things maybe too much but that's only because they are really important.
I am going to be counting my blessings and knowing that I got an apple in my eye that brings me more happiness than anything else. I only hope that I am able to give as much.
I had an excellent morning~ I had some wonderful Curry and played the Ocarina. my Darling is wonderful at that. She can play better than me and she is a wonderful cook too. Lunch was amazing and delicious^^
I enjoyed a nice meal before the busy work day before us. Another day of 6 classes.
The worst possible way to begin the work day happened to me. Maybe not the worst part but I had to open my mouth and discuss things that didnt need to be said. i felt regret, shame and anger at myself for not having the clarity of mind to hold my tongue. Maybe I could give an excuse like the stress around here makes me crack a little but there doesnt need to be excuse. I didnt like the reaction from Christina and as a result I felt bad throughout the day.
Work is always in Turmoil for me. I feel uncertain lately when it comes to teaching.
This is where I tell everything simply because I want people to understand my situation and not feel that I am not working hard or I am doing things badly. Its a problem for me that I need to figure out at some point.
I had 6 classes in a row.
The MB classes were ok.
The first one is with very smart students and its very easy. They are learning fast.
The other class takes some more motivation but they were better today. Its my hope to not get angry so much because they are hard to control at times. They answered very well though today. Jake needs some more work but I tried to be outgoing and nice today with him. i still have a hard time figuring out how to talk to kids.
MC classes.
I was dog tired I wanted to go to bed I think its because of my emotional rollercoaster I was on in the afternoon onset.
By the time I got to MD classes I had nothing left to give today...So I played and finished early. I didnt want to but there was no way I could teach effectively.
After work I went to dinner with Christina at the place where I went on my birthday. We had Sam ga tang. It was good.
Well I am keeping busy. i think a lot about my future and therefore I am busy now more than ever. I hope that this month will go smoothly. I have a lot to think about as I go to bed. I worry about things maybe too much but that's only because they are really important.
I am going to be counting my blessings and knowing that I got an apple in my eye that brings me more happiness than anything else. I only hope that I am able to give as much.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Omnipotent Walls
Well its yet another busy day in Korea. I can't stop thinking how fast time goes by. I am always here. Classes go by in a blurr.
Today I decided I will do a private lesson. I will finalize it this week. I am hoping that I can make it work.
Privates are a big thing in Korea. I compared it to being a Drug Lord in Columbia I think this is funny maybe not. I would never do that kind of thing. I am looking for honest work though^^more about that later.
Schedule Change again and its really a bogues way to run this Academy. I was at least impressed with the orderliness of the first 8 months. I had a lot of changes but the timing was consistent.
This Tuesday I had a record low 3 classes. It is ridiculous I think.
The problems at work have reached a Climax unfortunately and I am really worried for a lot of things. I know that no one is happy at work right now.
Since I have been here 2 teachers have left and many kids have also left. I dont think its a normal thing. In fact I am positive its a Jeong problem.
This man is so selfish and naive to think he has the best situation. Today is pay day...I just checked and it wasn't right. I dont know whats going on but Mr. Jeong didnt pay me the entire amount. I will have to ask tomorrow. This is weird though.
He is a weird guy
Today I was talking with Christina about Work and the obstacles we are facing and out of no where he did something that fixed the problem but it was done in a way that was innapropriate to me. I dont really respect him right now he is destroying everything he has made. He is just too stupid to realize his mistakes. This week is going to be interesting.
I went to a tent afterwards just to gather my thoughts and my how the time flies its already 11 and I have much to do. I have to get up early tomorrow and finish everything.
May the Timing be better tomorrow.
I am worried sick right now about a lot of things and tomorrow has to be more promising granted I have 6 clases tomorrow
MA1: a little loud but still fast becoming my favorite class in the Academy
TC2: Liam/Tom/Kendra/Amy all have problems. I wish they would leave. I shouldnt say so directly but I am tired of it. Hi and Bye are the only appropriate words out of their mouths. Liam is smart if he just knew when to close his trap. I am going to give more homework on Thursday lucky him
TD2: I have 3 girls all of my boys are gone. (LARRY, CHRONO, TYLER, TAEYOUNG, all gone..)
That's it...
Today I decided I will do a private lesson. I will finalize it this week. I am hoping that I can make it work.
Privates are a big thing in Korea. I compared it to being a Drug Lord in Columbia I think this is funny maybe not. I would never do that kind of thing. I am looking for honest work though^^more about that later.
Schedule Change again and its really a bogues way to run this Academy. I was at least impressed with the orderliness of the first 8 months. I had a lot of changes but the timing was consistent.
This Tuesday I had a record low 3 classes. It is ridiculous I think.
The problems at work have reached a Climax unfortunately and I am really worried for a lot of things. I know that no one is happy at work right now.
Since I have been here 2 teachers have left and many kids have also left. I dont think its a normal thing. In fact I am positive its a Jeong problem.
This man is so selfish and naive to think he has the best situation. Today is pay day...I just checked and it wasn't right. I dont know whats going on but Mr. Jeong didnt pay me the entire amount. I will have to ask tomorrow. This is weird though.
He is a weird guy
Today I was talking with Christina about Work and the obstacles we are facing and out of no where he did something that fixed the problem but it was done in a way that was innapropriate to me. I dont really respect him right now he is destroying everything he has made. He is just too stupid to realize his mistakes. This week is going to be interesting.
I went to a tent afterwards just to gather my thoughts and my how the time flies its already 11 and I have much to do. I have to get up early tomorrow and finish everything.
May the Timing be better tomorrow.
I am worried sick right now about a lot of things and tomorrow has to be more promising granted I have 6 clases tomorrow
MA1: a little loud but still fast becoming my favorite class in the Academy
TC2: Liam/Tom/Kendra/Amy all have problems. I wish they would leave. I shouldnt say so directly but I am tired of it. Hi and Bye are the only appropriate words out of their mouths. Liam is smart if he just knew when to close his trap. I am going to give more homework on Thursday lucky him
TD2: I have 3 girls all of my boys are gone. (LARRY, CHRONO, TYLER, TAEYOUNG, all gone..)
That's it...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Daily Progress Report
Time flies so fast here its just another day. I wish I had wrote a story each day but its hard to think of an appropriate Title each time.
I am fast approaching a successful completion of 9 months here in Korea. Its going by so fast and yet there feels like I have so much more ground to cover.
In the morning I spend my usual time at Mcdonalds and relaxed before heading to work. Its back to the grindstone and I am expecting 5 full days of busy work. Saturday not so much but still none the less busy as well.
First off, I worked 6 classes in a row. This is hard for me because usually the kids aren't even interested in hearing what I have to say. I am just getting through it as fast as I can in order to survive.
I have a potential new plan with my future endeavors in Korea.I was offered a chance to take on a private. i think I will do it and get some extra dough!
Work Schedule
First hour I was bored I didnt do anything
I counted the number of students in this Academy
Total: 112
I realized today that I didnt send out report cards or hand out syllabus this month. Its really no big deal since most of my class has left me. I am pretty sure that the new TD2 class will all drop within a month. I lost all of the students from my old class. The 5 boys have all dropped and now I am just left with girls. This class has done a complete change and I miss the good days when i had a group of solid kids and not just students to fill the time slot. I personally dont feel very good about the new classes.
Some of the new group are students who originally left months ago when I was in my early teaching days. I think these students are just here for a short time. None of them came on Saturday.
Anyways, Second class
MB3: no problems. I had fun. I played with the kids and they laughed for the most part I had to be serious at the end but it was a good class.
MB1: Its a good class. I am also able to finish this class well.
MC3: The old MB3 Class. Nothing much happened
MC1: Start a new textbook
MD3: This class is alright but it does have some problems a little bit. I think its getting better though!
MD1: Too talkative today but I think its a good class. Once we get out of Open HOuse and into the Reading Advantage books!
After work I went to a Chicken place with my friend Aaron to discuss private teaching. I am going to see how I can swing this into my schedule^^
I am excited for the prospect of tomorrow
I am fast approaching a successful completion of 9 months here in Korea. Its going by so fast and yet there feels like I have so much more ground to cover.
In the morning I spend my usual time at Mcdonalds and relaxed before heading to work. Its back to the grindstone and I am expecting 5 full days of busy work. Saturday not so much but still none the less busy as well.
First off, I worked 6 classes in a row. This is hard for me because usually the kids aren't even interested in hearing what I have to say. I am just getting through it as fast as I can in order to survive.
I have a potential new plan with my future endeavors in Korea.I was offered a chance to take on a private. i think I will do it and get some extra dough!
Work Schedule
First hour I was bored I didnt do anything
I counted the number of students in this Academy
Total: 112
I realized today that I didnt send out report cards or hand out syllabus this month. Its really no big deal since most of my class has left me. I am pretty sure that the new TD2 class will all drop within a month. I lost all of the students from my old class. The 5 boys have all dropped and now I am just left with girls. This class has done a complete change and I miss the good days when i had a group of solid kids and not just students to fill the time slot. I personally dont feel very good about the new classes.
Some of the new group are students who originally left months ago when I was in my early teaching days. I think these students are just here for a short time. None of them came on Saturday.
Anyways, Second class
MB3: no problems. I had fun. I played with the kids and they laughed for the most part I had to be serious at the end but it was a good class.
MB1: Its a good class. I am also able to finish this class well.
MC3: The old MB3 Class. Nothing much happened
MC1: Start a new textbook
MD3: This class is alright but it does have some problems a little bit. I think its getting better though!
MD1: Too talkative today but I think its a good class. Once we get out of Open HOuse and into the Reading Advantage books!
After work I went to a Chicken place with my friend Aaron to discuss private teaching. I am going to see how I can swing this into my schedule^^
I am excited for the prospect of tomorrow
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A peak of Sunshine
This is what I love about Sunday... A chance to reflect, Relax, and Rest and enjoy the quiet serenity of Korea. I think most people hide in the mountains or in their houses because everyone seems to disapear.
Today I played soccer with my a favorite student of mine. However, just like my first o-do-to he is leaving the Academy. He and his brother are wonderful students and actually make the Academy a lot of fun I am sad to see them leave. I wish the bad students would leave because it would make teaching much more enjoyable.
I played soccer and hung out with them at my house for an hour. I had many kids say hello to me and frankly sometimes I am bothered by this. Its not only kids but adults to and its how they talk to me.
Today: I was told hi. I was told you are small face, tall. handsome. Do you have a girlfriend? I dont really like this attention much and wish that Gumi was literally transformed into Seoul I think Gumi is too small.
Later, I walked Downtown. I have a need to walk/run again. I feel like I may keel over from a heart attack from too much "M" and also it saves money. If I take a taxi its at least 3000 so I can save a lot of money this way.
I met up with Christina at the Station and we went to Pizza Mall~ some Italian restuarant I think we have to go again^^
After a nice lunch we went to Geumo Mountain for a hike. It was great being on top of the mountain again and away from the city.
I enjoy being with Christina on our way to the top of the mountain. This is a place where we can truly enjoy the beauty of Korea. So in other words I went mountain climbing again. This is the first time since October I think. Nevertheless its been a long time.
After hiking we went to the bookstore and I ordered a new book to read. It will be my assignment for April I think. I am almost done with Dan Brown's last book: DIGITal FORTRESS. I have now read all of his books.^^
This city/town whatchamacallit....Gumi has become a community epi-center for me.
I have the Mcdonalds crew who know me well obviously. I have the people who work at Seraf who see me a lot at the grocery store. I have lunchbox and Kimbob people who see me a lot. I am friends with the guy who I bought my bedding from, the guy at the bookstore as well knows me. Gumi is a place "Where everyone knows your name" ...sometimes good sometimes bad.
I think whatchamacallit may be the longest word I have written in my story. Except my real given name is longer: Nicholas Kelly Palmer (19) characters. I think that it would have been easier to name me Nick ___ Palmer Im not sure. It would have saved me a lot of time when signing official important papers.
N-I-C-H-O-L-A-S K-E-L-L-Y P-A-L-M-E-R too long
I wish I had brought my camera. The sunshine was amazing today and the way it looked before I walked home as it slowly dissipated and hid beyond the horizon was wonderful. You dont get to see this here because I am always cooped up in my office/class telling kids English in some sort of manner.
In many ways this was the perfect way to spend a Sunday but just like the Sun its time to realize that I will need to awaken my dreams for tomorrow. I am certain that this week has a lot of promise.
Tuesday I get paid! I really hope that my boss for once doesnt make a big deal out of it. He can be so conceited as a person overall.
So other than that I am still keeping real busy and this week will fly by just due to the fact that time goes in warp speed here. I dream of the seeing the sun in Missoula with a warm crisp breeze and nothing but green grass, blue skies and white clouds. The warmth of this campus oval is so inviting I am certain anyone who goes there would be thunderstruck at this splendid haven.
I will post now knowing I have a lot of unwritten things that I would like to add but I need to get busy with another task at the moment.
Today I played soccer with my a favorite student of mine. However, just like my first o-do-to he is leaving the Academy. He and his brother are wonderful students and actually make the Academy a lot of fun I am sad to see them leave. I wish the bad students would leave because it would make teaching much more enjoyable.
I played soccer and hung out with them at my house for an hour. I had many kids say hello to me and frankly sometimes I am bothered by this. Its not only kids but adults to and its how they talk to me.
Today: I was told hi. I was told you are small face, tall. handsome. Do you have a girlfriend? I dont really like this attention much and wish that Gumi was literally transformed into Seoul I think Gumi is too small.
Later, I walked Downtown. I have a need to walk/run again. I feel like I may keel over from a heart attack from too much "M" and also it saves money. If I take a taxi its at least 3000 so I can save a lot of money this way.
I met up with Christina at the Station and we went to Pizza Mall~ some Italian restuarant I think we have to go again^^
After a nice lunch we went to Geumo Mountain for a hike. It was great being on top of the mountain again and away from the city.
I enjoy being with Christina on our way to the top of the mountain. This is a place where we can truly enjoy the beauty of Korea. So in other words I went mountain climbing again. This is the first time since October I think. Nevertheless its been a long time.
After hiking we went to the bookstore and I ordered a new book to read. It will be my assignment for April I think. I am almost done with Dan Brown's last book: DIGITal FORTRESS. I have now read all of his books.^^
This city/town whatchamacallit....Gumi has become a community epi-center for me.
I have the Mcdonalds crew who know me well obviously. I have the people who work at Seraf who see me a lot at the grocery store. I have lunchbox and Kimbob people who see me a lot. I am friends with the guy who I bought my bedding from, the guy at the bookstore as well knows me. Gumi is a place "Where everyone knows your name" ...sometimes good sometimes bad.
I think whatchamacallit may be the longest word I have written in my story. Except my real given name is longer: Nicholas Kelly Palmer (19) characters. I think that it would have been easier to name me Nick ___ Palmer Im not sure. It would have saved me a lot of time when signing official important papers.
N-I-C-H-O-L-A-S K-E-L-L-Y P-A-L-M-E-R too long
I wish I had brought my camera. The sunshine was amazing today and the way it looked before I walked home as it slowly dissipated and hid beyond the horizon was wonderful. You dont get to see this here because I am always cooped up in my office/class telling kids English in some sort of manner.
In many ways this was the perfect way to spend a Sunday but just like the Sun its time to realize that I will need to awaken my dreams for tomorrow. I am certain that this week has a lot of promise.
Tuesday I get paid! I really hope that my boss for once doesnt make a big deal out of it. He can be so conceited as a person overall.
So other than that I am still keeping real busy and this week will fly by just due to the fact that time goes in warp speed here. I dream of the seeing the sun in Missoula with a warm crisp breeze and nothing but green grass, blue skies and white clouds. The warmth of this campus oval is so inviting I am certain anyone who goes there would be thunderstruck at this splendid haven.
I will post now knowing I have a lot of unwritten things that I would like to add but I need to get busy with another task at the moment.
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