As has been the case in most of my stint here in Korea I had work today. I worked from 9 am until 1. I taught my usual 4 classes and Christina taught 4 as well. I had 3 tests though it was nice. I didn't have to do so much this Saturday. Saturday is a rest day in my mind. The kids aren't interested during the week and motivating them on the weekend is even more treacherous.
TC classes both were tests and relatively harmless. TD1 I ended up ranting to my students about the importance of listening and taking notes. They didn't do well on my test. One girl got a 4 out of 50. She didn't even try. If you don't understand you still need to ask questions please explain this to me but they all prefer the silent treatment and just getting poor grades. I don't know how I can honestly help them because I have given them all the tools I can. Email, office time, no homework, more homework, i feel bad for them. I wish I could be more of a service to them but other than my two silent rock stars that class has major Boungeeda issues.
Truthfully I do care about Teaching and Education because I think its important for our future as a whole but I feel despair at times because I don't see the joy of it here. The kids squabble and don't care and the system is just clockwork and rhythmic.
I spend a good portion of today hanging out and resting with Christina. We had a good meal and drank some tea and had a quiet relaxing day. I needed a day of rest after such a flurry of a week.
I went downtown for a little bit and had some pizza for dinner. I met some guys from the Military base in Waegwan and just talked about Korea it was a very enlightening conversation. I can't wait to have conversations with my girlfriend and other people like my friends back home. In my mind it will be paradise.
PARADISE? I think we should go sometime soon?
I sure hope to find a viable solution to Korea because I care so much
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Go Time
Go Time is more of an attitude that is a constant in our life. Everything is on the go except for yet again the Morning Calm. Go time makes for everything to be up and down and in a constant state of flux, but that's not why I am titling my story Go Time...
I always feel pressed for time. I want to rest more but I can't I have to go to work, I want to spend more time preparing or teaching but like the hands on the clock its always going.
Now I have no time. I told my boss today I would stay until July 16th. He asked me why I was wanting to stay longer. I want to stay to simply figure out a plan. I told him I wanted more time to experience Korea and Teaching but that's only half of it and personally the secondary importance.
I have a life here in Korea and I can't imagine packing it all up. I feel all torn up inside just thinking of what leaving will do to my soul and the people here. So much for a monument haha..
I am scared and I don't care if everyone know it. The fact is, is that I have 7 weeks left in Korea and then I will go home for a little bit. Time's a wasting and I don't ever want to waste more time than I already have wasted.
I want to go back to America knowing that I have many things awaiting me back home.
More so I don't want to leave anything here I have Gates I will do more than promise to Open.
Korea is a Dream Catcher and I am trying to weave in a good pattern..
I always feel pressed for time. I want to rest more but I can't I have to go to work, I want to spend more time preparing or teaching but like the hands on the clock its always going.
Now I have no time. I told my boss today I would stay until July 16th. He asked me why I was wanting to stay longer. I want to stay to simply figure out a plan. I told him I wanted more time to experience Korea and Teaching but that's only half of it and personally the secondary importance.
I have a life here in Korea and I can't imagine packing it all up. I feel all torn up inside just thinking of what leaving will do to my soul and the people here. So much for a monument haha..
I am scared and I don't care if everyone know it. The fact is, is that I have 7 weeks left in Korea and then I will go home for a little bit. Time's a wasting and I don't ever want to waste more time than I already have wasted.
I want to go back to America knowing that I have many things awaiting me back home.
More so I don't want to leave anything here I have Gates I will do more than promise to Open.
Korea is a Dream Catcher and I am trying to weave in a good pattern..
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Soiled Waters
Another days passing here in Yale Academy. As always I am making use of the time. Time is a luxury I am always feeling I don't have enough of these days. I believe that in this month of May I have become much more positive about my situation here. I do apologize to anyone who has seriously missed the purpose of my blogs.
I have been down this road exactly 344 days. Its hard to imagine that I have been here that long. in retrospect it seems like a very short time. When I say I have been down this road before each month I know the drill. I am looking more and more inward to my own intuition and for right now I am seeing unsuccessful attempts at teaching English.
Here is a rundown of my day. In the morning I spent it getting ready for work. I am trying to get a lot of personal things done for the weeks to come. Work was as always its ups and downs.
I think in many of my blogs I blame the kids for weird happenings. During my day my darling and I often talk about No concept. These are times when people, kids etc. are just plain weird but unfortunately its also partly my fault.
I think my head has been rolling around for a few weeks and I am losing sight of Teaching. On Occasion I have found myself able to put together a strong class but I still fail to reach out to the floaters as I call them. These are the kids that just bounce class to class without a care in the world. I don't even know their names because they don't do anything in the class other than just sit there and don't do anything.
In my 4 classes I have 23 students. Today I gave a test to 5 of them. Two of them aced it with flying colors 2 got Fs and one got an F-. It makes me think that either my teaching has gone wacko or Mr. Jeongs approach with toefl books to kids who are barely cognizant
Today was a good day though because I got a lot of work done. I am full of energy and trying to get everything I need done this weekend. I am a busy bee and trying to keep it that way.. More soon to follow.
Bottom line is that I am happy because I am working towards a wonderful thing and nothing can detour or steer me in the wrong way~ ^~^ In a place full of uncertainty I am certain about that. All ways possible.
I have been down this road exactly 344 days. Its hard to imagine that I have been here that long. in retrospect it seems like a very short time. When I say I have been down this road before each month I know the drill. I am looking more and more inward to my own intuition and for right now I am seeing unsuccessful attempts at teaching English.
Here is a rundown of my day. In the morning I spent it getting ready for work. I am trying to get a lot of personal things done for the weeks to come. Work was as always its ups and downs.
I think in many of my blogs I blame the kids for weird happenings. During my day my darling and I often talk about No concept. These are times when people, kids etc. are just plain weird but unfortunately its also partly my fault.
I think my head has been rolling around for a few weeks and I am losing sight of Teaching. On Occasion I have found myself able to put together a strong class but I still fail to reach out to the floaters as I call them. These are the kids that just bounce class to class without a care in the world. I don't even know their names because they don't do anything in the class other than just sit there and don't do anything.
In my 4 classes I have 23 students. Today I gave a test to 5 of them. Two of them aced it with flying colors 2 got Fs and one got an F-. It makes me think that either my teaching has gone wacko or Mr. Jeongs approach with toefl books to kids who are barely cognizant
Today was a good day though because I got a lot of work done. I am full of energy and trying to get everything I need done this weekend. I am a busy bee and trying to keep it that way.. More soon to follow.
Bottom line is that I am happy because I am working towards a wonderful thing and nothing can detour or steer me in the wrong way~ ^~^ In a place full of uncertainty I am certain about that. All ways possible.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
SSDD Befuddlement
A lesson in Acronyms: SSDD literally translates into Same Shit Different Day.
If you read my story about Unchangeable Happenings you will understand more.
The kids are never changing. Everyday the one called EunTagee will cause a snafu of some sorts and raise up a stir of confusion at the office. This is including violent temper tantrums, outbursts where he will slam the doors, hit things and yell. Mr. J doesn't seem to ever care. Byoung ee da.
Everyday their is unnecessary fretting over the kids in one of the classes. To me they are all bad. I said this with a grain of salt only to imply that the truth of the matter is, is that they don't care at all about learning English and because its private school they can get away with more than if it was a public school. Mr. Jeong doesn't want to lose money, and the parents want their kids to be able to speak English. To me its a saving face technique that has gone haywire. When the kids are bad its goes to the expense of Christina and Vicki and sometimes me but I usually just shrug it off my shoulders because I don't want them to affect me.
I want to be the best teacher I can but not here. Truth be known I am staying because I have HOPE. I also want to study more about Korean Culture. Most of Korea interests me and excites me and that's why I could viably live here later in the future but I need to find something better than Hyung-gok dong Gumi Yale where its just a blither blather of dysfunctional mayhem.
Today I had 6 classes: The kids are starting to ease up a little because they are afraid of pissing me off and rightly so. I have taken their abuse long enough. When I think of Yale I am only trying to use it as a good stepping stone to get to my next job because there is better conditions and jobs out there. I need to start looking and praying.
But Just like everyday there is my positive joy maker amongst the hectic pomp and circumstance. I am dazzled everyday by her and will continue to strive for perfection and a brighter future.
If you read my story about Unchangeable Happenings you will understand more.
The kids are never changing. Everyday the one called EunTagee will cause a snafu of some sorts and raise up a stir of confusion at the office. This is including violent temper tantrums, outbursts where he will slam the doors, hit things and yell. Mr. J doesn't seem to ever care. Byoung ee da.
Everyday their is unnecessary fretting over the kids in one of the classes. To me they are all bad. I said this with a grain of salt only to imply that the truth of the matter is, is that they don't care at all about learning English and because its private school they can get away with more than if it was a public school. Mr. Jeong doesn't want to lose money, and the parents want their kids to be able to speak English. To me its a saving face technique that has gone haywire. When the kids are bad its goes to the expense of Christina and Vicki and sometimes me but I usually just shrug it off my shoulders because I don't want them to affect me.
I want to be the best teacher I can but not here. Truth be known I am staying because I have HOPE. I also want to study more about Korean Culture. Most of Korea interests me and excites me and that's why I could viably live here later in the future but I need to find something better than Hyung-gok dong Gumi Yale where its just a blither blather of dysfunctional mayhem.
Today I had 6 classes: The kids are starting to ease up a little because they are afraid of pissing me off and rightly so. I have taken their abuse long enough. When I think of Yale I am only trying to use it as a good stepping stone to get to my next job because there is better conditions and jobs out there. I need to start looking and praying.
But Just like everyday there is my positive joy maker amongst the hectic pomp and circumstance. I am dazzled everyday by her and will continue to strive for perfection and a brighter future.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Teacher's Program
I have been looking at Teaching in all the wrong ways and I am hoping to find some way to fix it before I leave here. I am not sure if its possible here but you never know.
What does it mean to be a Teacher? In my opinion, its what everyone should be everyday with just their manner in how they live and work. Its important to practice what you preach. I learned a lot on my train ride back from Busan about this. I realized some of my errors and areas where I could improve to.
On the train was a drunk guy who was sputtering out bad language left and right. There were children privy to this altercation as well as families and a litany of other people. On the train its a time to rest, talk quietly, and relax while you are preparing for your stop. Cell phones blaring, kids screaming, drunkards who aren't able to control their mouths, and other no conceptual happenings are a bane and a societal letdown. Parents are the best educators and if not parents then cultural norms and practices. You wouldn't kiss your grandmother with that mouth so why say it in front of children its not very pragmatic.
I teach based on the 4 principles that were instilled in me at Camp Manito-wish

Here at Camp I taught kids these values and enjoyed going on Wilderness Trips with them. The 4 Values are Respect, Responsibility Caring and Honesty.
I uphold Honesty as the most important. If you can't do something and be honest about your feeling or intuition then its not worth doing at all. I wish the kids would take more pride in their ability to speak English but they will continue to waste away their talent and not care.
Caring is also so important. I care so much about Christina I am wanting to put everything on the line for her. I want to go EVERYWHERE with her so much. Someday soon I hope.
I am Responsible for my actions I will not let anything go and I will stand accountable for my behavior so in the case where I do wrong or simply have a mishap I will not rest until that burden is overcome.
Respect is the last one that ties everything together. If you will do something than do it whole-heartedly and don't let it waste away for since you are doing it, its important. I wish the kids would have more respect for Teacher's. I think I got screwed when it came to the kids. They don't care at all.
I want to set them straight so they don't give Christina a headache because if they do, then I have one as well. Christina and I are one and one all the same.
In my opinion, Teachers are trying to make perfect what is an imperfect world. We are trying to uphold moral standards and subsequently make improvements that will facilitate societal growth. We are all teachers and its important that everyone becomes more aware of that notion, its a human folly that we are giving our future generation a disservice if we continue to gloss things over and ignore the attrocities that we are living under daily. We are needing to teach the children an appropriate way of life through our actions or our bad habits will continue to perpetuate closed mindedness in society.
I want to find a way to embrace difference and not be afraid of them. Deep down inside I want to be given a chance to change someone and I am not talking about kids because I don't think I can reach them. I am trying so hard to fight for different way of thought but time is flirting against me.
I am still keeping busy its nearly June and right now I am trying to get the process of Working longer finalized at work. Work is painfully slow and for the time being all I want to do is focus on exploring deeper with Christina and all Korea has to offer.
I have been looking at Teaching in all the wrong ways and I am hoping to find some way to fix it before I leave here. I am not sure if its possible here but you never know.
What does it mean to be a Teacher? In my opinion, its what everyone should be everyday with just their manner in how they live and work. Its important to practice what you preach. I learned a lot on my train ride back from Busan about this. I realized some of my errors and areas where I could improve to.
On the train was a drunk guy who was sputtering out bad language left and right. There were children privy to this altercation as well as families and a litany of other people. On the train its a time to rest, talk quietly, and relax while you are preparing for your stop. Cell phones blaring, kids screaming, drunkards who aren't able to control their mouths, and other no conceptual happenings are a bane and a societal letdown. Parents are the best educators and if not parents then cultural norms and practices. You wouldn't kiss your grandmother with that mouth so why say it in front of children its not very pragmatic.
I teach based on the 4 principles that were instilled in me at Camp Manito-wish

Here at Camp I taught kids these values and enjoyed going on Wilderness Trips with them. The 4 Values are Respect, Responsibility Caring and Honesty.
I uphold Honesty as the most important. If you can't do something and be honest about your feeling or intuition then its not worth doing at all. I wish the kids would take more pride in their ability to speak English but they will continue to waste away their talent and not care.
Caring is also so important. I care so much about Christina I am wanting to put everything on the line for her. I want to go EVERYWHERE with her so much. Someday soon I hope.
I am Responsible for my actions I will not let anything go and I will stand accountable for my behavior so in the case where I do wrong or simply have a mishap I will not rest until that burden is overcome.
Respect is the last one that ties everything together. If you will do something than do it whole-heartedly and don't let it waste away for since you are doing it, its important. I wish the kids would have more respect for Teacher's. I think I got screwed when it came to the kids. They don't care at all.
I want to set them straight so they don't give Christina a headache because if they do, then I have one as well. Christina and I are one and one all the same.
In my opinion, Teachers are trying to make perfect what is an imperfect world. We are trying to uphold moral standards and subsequently make improvements that will facilitate societal growth. We are all teachers and its important that everyone becomes more aware of that notion, its a human folly that we are giving our future generation a disservice if we continue to gloss things over and ignore the attrocities that we are living under daily. We are needing to teach the children an appropriate way of life through our actions or our bad habits will continue to perpetuate closed mindedness in society.
I want to find a way to embrace difference and not be afraid of them. Deep down inside I want to be given a chance to change someone and I am not talking about kids because I don't think I can reach them. I am trying so hard to fight for different way of thought but time is flirting against me.
I am still keeping busy its nearly June and right now I am trying to get the process of Working longer finalized at work. Work is painfully slow and for the time being all I want to do is focus on exploring deeper with Christina and all Korea has to offer.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Unearthing a Tower of Solidity
In the Days to come I am hoping to solidify my life. I spend a good portion of my day at the public library writing postcards with pictures of Buddhist Temples on them.
Just like the Pillars in the postcard I am searching for an Ecstasy that is Transcending or Spiraling in an upward motion.
"Life wasn't meant to be this difficult. I am not talking about Culture Shocks or hard work and being busy everyday. These things are natural. I am not even talking about the unsettling things such as Un Tagee's caterwauling, or other work related problems but rather unleashing dreams. Perseverance has been a human virtue for over 2 Millenniums and we have invoked on many quests and ushered in many thought patterns into the wake of knowledge that is masked or glossed over in our society today. As a result this has tromped new beginings and heralded mass successes in the Days of Mankind. Our world is in a state of mass confusion and fledgling thoughts that need to be heard. I live in a small town where I still hope to find a way to make a difference. Making Dreams come true is all that's worth it in the course of our life for in my opinion seeing something fail as a result of a crushed spirit is the worst defeat a person can go through ~Nick Palmer ESL Teacher
Amongst all the hustling and bustling that is oscillating rampantly there are sites that one can be moved by. As a result I believe that there is a tranquil calm that one can experience when exposed to such ancient sites.
I am trying to soothe my soul right now and prepare for a momentous and wonderful month ahead of me. I think staying in Korea is a good move for me and while I would like to see everyone back home this is a month where I can actually push myself to new extremes and work like I haven't worked before. I have been planting a seed for 11 months and now its time for me to cultivate it and try to make it endure.
My strength is in my writing I believe. Its here where I can be the most influential. I think writing is my strong point. I know that it has been often times good because it has stirred up controversial thoughts with many people who have read my stories. Unfortunately, people still have missed my points but that's ok~~ It just takes time to get points across at times.
I saw many sights that beheld my eyes. We are starting to go to a new cafe for Breakfast. Its a place that I think I should go 3 times a week. Its called PappaRoti. Its a Coffee (커피)and Bread (빵: BBang)

Today we chilled in their for 45 minutes waiting for our bread and milk tea. I want to go here more and more because I love everything that we do together that's wonderful to share.
It reminds me of the Food For Thought with its Quaint Setting and cozy atmosphere. I think I could lose myself in their if I had English materials to study from or Korean that I could understand. I love drinking coffee or tea so much its so relaxing and in the morning.
I feel a perception change just taking everything into account without so much as a second thought. I am in a zone in the mornings that is completely lost to me once the afternoon 1 o'clock tolls.
I still hold true that we are the happiest and best couple in Gumi. Maybe I flatter a lot but when it all comes down to it we are a great couple and I know we were destined to be together.
Sometimes I think I imagined this life when I was a kid. I used to look at the map and say I will marry a girl who lives here and I was pointing to Korea. I am pretty sure this happened to me when I was a young kid like 10 or 11 years old. I don't fabricate so I am sure that this must have happened^^.
Today was a day of hard teaching at YALE. I had 6 classes back to back. I had a good day because my darling and I had a wonderful Lunch and good morning together studying, and drinking tea. It was time well spend and I want everyday to be like this for the rest of my life. I thought teaching was as good as it could get. I have a feisty attitude nowadays with the kids because I am not going to take their blatant disrespectful attitudes anymore.
I don't want to punish this week so I think I will try to not punish as much as I can. I had fun in some of my classes and I didn't yell a lot in 5 out of the 6 classes. My last class all I did was yell but they have made me bottleneck my temper for over a month. I let out my rage today and I am going to punish even more severely on Wednesday. It isn't funny to me when the kids don't show any sign of change. I will be the first to admit that I am using my angst that I have received from the kids maltreatment of either myself, Christina or Vicki and propelling that energy to get me through the class. I am going to punish severely because I don't want some of these kids to be in the School anymore. Kids who say such disrespectful things and can get away with it because they are a spoiled little rich kid who has parents paying for their English Babysitting service.
As always its nice when the night comes and I can welcome a period of relaxation where I can lose myself in my writings about my experiences that are relative to me so its important to take everything I say with a grain of salt.
As I have written in my last few posts its important to keep an Open mind and embrace changes. I am still going through many transformations and I am really hoping to make the next month the best month of My life and more so Christina's Life. MY Pillar, My Tower of Strength. BABE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING the LIGHT that ignites my FLAME

"Life wasn't meant to be this difficult. I am not talking about Culture Shocks or hard work and being busy everyday. These things are natural. I am not even talking about the unsettling things such as Un Tagee's caterwauling, or other work related problems but rather unleashing dreams. Perseverance has been a human virtue for over 2 Millenniums and we have invoked on many quests and ushered in many thought patterns into the wake of knowledge that is masked or glossed over in our society today. As a result this has tromped new beginings and heralded mass successes in the Days of Mankind. Our world is in a state of mass confusion and fledgling thoughts that need to be heard. I live in a small town where I still hope to find a way to make a difference. Making Dreams come true is all that's worth it in the course of our life for in my opinion seeing something fail as a result of a crushed spirit is the worst defeat a person can go through ~Nick Palmer ESL Teacher

Amongst all the hustling and bustling that is oscillating rampantly there are sites that one can be moved by. As a result I believe that there is a tranquil calm that one can experience when exposed to such ancient sites.
I am trying to soothe my soul right now and prepare for a momentous and wonderful month ahead of me. I think staying in Korea is a good move for me and while I would like to see everyone back home this is a month where I can actually push myself to new extremes and work like I haven't worked before. I have been planting a seed for 11 months and now its time for me to cultivate it and try to make it endure.
My strength is in my writing I believe. Its here where I can be the most influential. I think writing is my strong point. I know that it has been often times good because it has stirred up controversial thoughts with many people who have read my stories. Unfortunately, people still have missed my points but that's ok~~ It just takes time to get points across at times.
I saw many sights that beheld my eyes. We are starting to go to a new cafe for Breakfast. Its a place that I think I should go 3 times a week. Its called PappaRoti. Its a Coffee (커피)and Bread (빵: BBang)

Today we chilled in their for 45 minutes waiting for our bread and milk tea. I want to go here more and more because I love everything that we do together that's wonderful to share.

I still hold true that we are the happiest and best couple in Gumi. Maybe I flatter a lot but when it all comes down to it we are a great couple and I know we were destined to be together.

Today was a day of hard teaching at YALE. I had 6 classes back to back. I had a good day because my darling and I had a wonderful Lunch and good morning together studying, and drinking tea. It was time well spend and I want everyday to be like this for the rest of my life. I thought teaching was as good as it could get. I have a feisty attitude nowadays with the kids because I am not going to take their blatant disrespectful attitudes anymore.
I don't want to punish this week so I think I will try to not punish as much as I can. I had fun in some of my classes and I didn't yell a lot in 5 out of the 6 classes. My last class all I did was yell but they have made me bottleneck my temper for over a month. I let out my rage today and I am going to punish even more severely on Wednesday. It isn't funny to me when the kids don't show any sign of change. I will be the first to admit that I am using my angst that I have received from the kids maltreatment of either myself, Christina or Vicki and propelling that energy to get me through the class. I am going to punish severely because I don't want some of these kids to be in the School anymore. Kids who say such disrespectful things and can get away with it because they are a spoiled little rich kid who has parents paying for their English Babysitting service.
As always its nice when the night comes and I can welcome a period of relaxation where I can lose myself in my writings about my experiences that are relative to me so its important to take everything I say with a grain of salt.
As I have written in my last few posts its important to keep an Open mind and embrace changes. I am still going through many transformations and I am really hoping to make the next month the best month of My life and more so Christina's Life. MY Pillar, My Tower of Strength. BABE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING the LIGHT that ignites my FLAME

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Busan Haeng Bok(Happiness)
I went to the 2nd Biggest City today in Korea. I went with Christina and her brother in order to just hang out and look around the city. It was a different sort of day for me. I would love to live in Busan or Seoul just because its so big and there are so many things to immerse yourself in. I couldn't be with better company today. Christina is someone who I don't ever want to leave my side and her brother is fun. Busan is a place where there is never a dull moment I feel. I have been to Busan a few times and each time it has been wonderful. Honey more times to Busan ok^^
I have a lot of things that happened to me that are of high significance to me.
Meeting Christina's Brother was very good. He is a nice guy and very interesting. We drove to Busan via his nice car. I hope to have a car like his someday. It reminded me of Peter's type of Car. I like a built in GPS system and also Sedan Class. I hope to spend more time with him this month and later on as well, as is the case with all of Christina's family.
Anyways, walking the streets with him and Christina was a very nice time. I didn't say much because either I was tired or we were too busy figuring out our next plans. We had a nice fried rice dinner and made small chat where it was nice to just get to know him a little more. I feel a little bad because I think I am not as good as I could be when it comes to going out in public I spend a lot of time in my house. Too much time actually.
After hanging out with her brother Christina and I had a good train ride back home where we slept, and talked about Korean things. I made a decision today that I am not sure where it will lead but I feel its for the better and necessary.
There is so many things that interest me in Korea and I would like to take more time to explore but so far haven't figured out a way to make it work out yet. I have decided to stay until July 16th.
I will explain this. I will get paid June 11th and at this point I think one more month is good. I don't want to leave on the pay day July 11th because I want a few days to pack and spend good time. I also want to send all of my last pay money home before I get on the plane. If all goes my way I will work one more month, send money home, travel a little bit and go home to a potential job awaiting me. I am still needing time to considering all things.
I know that my job is far from ideal and that's for personal reasons and I will leave it at that. I know that I have a good thing going with my relationship with Christina and I am wanting to go the distance and fight so much for her so therefore I need a little more time to make progress and figure out more things about Korea. Now more than ever I am trying to work hard.
I think my decision is going to come as a surprise to many people but bottom line is this is for me and its really important to my future or else I wouldn't do it. I am not worried about the future and any of the happenings that could or will happen because its truly out of my hands. To be honest, I am missing America a lot and I would like to meet my friends and most importantly show Christina my life in America. I am a strong guy though I can work harder for at least one more month. The fight isn't quite knocked out of me yet.
So now its Raining, I walked home and got a little soaking wet but now I am fine. Its Thunder and Lightening and I enjoy that a lot. It doesn't happen very often but Gumi needs to have a fresh start.
My theory right now with it being late spring is its time to do some Cleaning out the Closet and make a new start. I am seeing nothing but good times ahead. I hope you like this story because I am going to continue working more^^
Share with you more soon!
I have a lot of things that happened to me that are of high significance to me.
Meeting Christina's Brother was very good. He is a nice guy and very interesting. We drove to Busan via his nice car. I hope to have a car like his someday. It reminded me of Peter's type of Car. I like a built in GPS system and also Sedan Class. I hope to spend more time with him this month and later on as well, as is the case with all of Christina's family.
Anyways, walking the streets with him and Christina was a very nice time. I didn't say much because either I was tired or we were too busy figuring out our next plans. We had a nice fried rice dinner and made small chat where it was nice to just get to know him a little more. I feel a little bad because I think I am not as good as I could be when it comes to going out in public I spend a lot of time in my house. Too much time actually.
After hanging out with her brother Christina and I had a good train ride back home where we slept, and talked about Korean things. I made a decision today that I am not sure where it will lead but I feel its for the better and necessary.
There is so many things that interest me in Korea and I would like to take more time to explore but so far haven't figured out a way to make it work out yet. I have decided to stay until July 16th.
I will explain this. I will get paid June 11th and at this point I think one more month is good. I don't want to leave on the pay day July 11th because I want a few days to pack and spend good time. I also want to send all of my last pay money home before I get on the plane. If all goes my way I will work one more month, send money home, travel a little bit and go home to a potential job awaiting me. I am still needing time to considering all things.
I know that my job is far from ideal and that's for personal reasons and I will leave it at that. I know that I have a good thing going with my relationship with Christina and I am wanting to go the distance and fight so much for her so therefore I need a little more time to make progress and figure out more things about Korea. Now more than ever I am trying to work hard.
I think my decision is going to come as a surprise to many people but bottom line is this is for me and its really important to my future or else I wouldn't do it. I am not worried about the future and any of the happenings that could or will happen because its truly out of my hands. To be honest, I am missing America a lot and I would like to meet my friends and most importantly show Christina my life in America. I am a strong guy though I can work harder for at least one more month. The fight isn't quite knocked out of me yet.
So now its Raining, I walked home and got a little soaking wet but now I am fine. Its Thunder and Lightening and I enjoy that a lot. It doesn't happen very often but Gumi needs to have a fresh start.
My theory right now with it being late spring is its time to do some Cleaning out the Closet and make a new start. I am seeing nothing but good times ahead. I hope you like this story because I am going to continue working more^^
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