April has started and with it has come a new hope and new chance for endless possibilities.
While this job hasn't always been a picnic I can at least have comfort in many things that I have.
Almost a year ago when I first decided to go to Korea I was hesitant because of the things that I would give up. I Love Missoula so much because I had everything at my disposal. I had many friends of whom I barely now know. I got around well in my community doing whatever I pleased and was happy just knowing that I could go anywhere and strike up a conversation with anyone.
I remember one night in particular where I got together with some friends that I have known since my freshman year and they talked about my Future of all things. I was a hot topic for conversation. Why I dont know. While it was flattering it sometimes got out of hand.
My friends decided to talk about Korea and wanted me to go. They thought I was foolish to believing in some of the ideals that I once held and even said that if I stayed in Missoula I would be making a huge mistake. This is a "once in a lifetime chance"
I was not so sure about Korea but it was at this moment that I decided that I had to go. While I was angry because they said they wouldn't talk to me anymore if I stayed I decided that since some of my good friends didnt want me in Missoula it was my time to leave.
I left too because I got tired of saying goodbye to everyone. Many people said goodbye never to return and I didnt want to be the last one in Missoula just to remember everyone coming and going. The more I think about it Missoula is a place to retire and enjoy the post work life. I told this to my best friend Peter a few days ago.
This was on a night way back in School when Peter, Steve and I drove to the top of the hill and looked at the mansions.
Oh Missoula
As I said I am thankful for coming here.
Since coming here I have had to grow up quite a lot. My wild carefree spirit had to be broken. In some ways it never will be broken but if you dont want to make it far in a company you can keep that spunk in you that is only noticeable in College students. College students think that they are the best because they are learning all about this responsibility and earning their degree at the same time. Little do they know that in the Real World Life isn't glossed over with weekend parties and easy escapes (whenever you want)to see a friend.
My appearance has undergone a total new look. I wear different clothes, I care more about my physique and presentation to the job.
My attitude about things is a lot more serious now than when I first got here. I got here in June thinking Work-work-play. I thought it would be much easier than it really is. Its a good thing I decided to be a teacher because I dont think I could have adapted under a different type of job.
I care more about my health than I used to. I am looking into Eye care and trying to avoid certain foods.
If you thought I was worried about Future planning before I left to go to Korea well now I am more concerned with figuring out Future possibilities. I am a serious person and I dont want to waste time doing things that are unimportant.
I am trying to find ways to improve work ever so slowly. It was a good start to the month because Mr. Jeong wasn't there and when he isn't there its less stressful.
I am just waiting to see what will happen for the rest of this month.
Today I got Syllabus and Report Cards Done. I am all set for this month. After next week I should have my Monthly Tests started! If I can I want to finish everything right now so We can relax at the end of the month.
My April Promise
*My life is wonderful and everything that I have become I know its largely because of Christina. I have had my life enriched by her in many ways. I hope to keep climbing new heights and to never falter.
I will keep continuing my quest to make my self, life, relationship, and job better.
The Things that I do are important to me and I hold a strong value to what I do.