Well its been awhile since I last wrote. Almost two weeks.
I have had a lot of momentary realizations during my teaching hours. I have had glimmers of my past suddenly seige me at the oddest moments. I literally am seeing my entire life from the past flash before my eyes. Its an interesting feeling just like sleep deprivation.
My best friend came and visited me this week. I needed it so badly. ...A Walk down memory lane if you will.
before I talk about the trip let me sum up work. Its a job it gets me money and as long as I do it as well as I can everyone's happy. Unfortunately I dont feel a reward from it. At times my boss scares me simply because he can't see my struggles as a foreigner. I am also not like any other foreigner here I have my own style and way of looking at things.
I am begining to think my boss is unhappy about my work performance and his choice in hiring me. This is because when we had our conversation last time he startd it by saying "When I invest 2,000 dollars into something I expect it to work properly. ...I dont think he has any idea what he is doing sometimes. Although he does care a lot (too much?) about my happenings.
So Shogo came on Wednesday and that were this grand adventure goes full throttle.
First night: Pearl and Christina treated us to a nice meal of Galbei...my favorite. It was a great meal and a good way to start off the korean Experience.
We ended up staying up until 3 am just goofing around. We went to Mcdonalds and had coffee with some random Korean who will be known from now on as "samsung"....he was a very nice and drunk Korean.
The next day I had to work but I spent most of my time not caring about work. After work we went Downtown (Christina, Shogo and I) went and shopped a little and then Shogo and I went to a dinner place and had Bulgogi. This is the Gumi experience.
Friday we went to Ra Cha Cha the Chicken Bar.
This whole time it felt like I was back in College. Ra Cha Cha was nice... we had my typcial fried chicken and beer....
I put in a lot of late nights but these were nothing to what awaited me in Seoul. I left after work on Saturday. Shogo came a good weekend because I am always unhappy when Christina doesnt work with me on Saturday~its not as fun.
After work we ate at Mr. Pizza and did our dash to Seoul. Arriving at 10 we went shopping were I later bought a jacket. WE spend most of the time just walking around and drinking coffee and some beer.
I felt guilty about going to some clubs so I decided to take it easy on the alcohol and I didnt dance. I missed my babe so much.
I LOVE SEOUL SO MUCH! Its much more fun than Gumi.
Shogo and I stayed up all day and night. NO SLEEP. WE saw some interesting sites and met interesting people: saw a fight and literally froze our asses off. It was so cold.
It was a trip for the ages....
Back in Gumi on Sunday later that day.... We met Christina who cooked us a wonderful meal Ma She ta. We relaxed that night because I had work tomorrow (Monday)
Monday was Shogo's last day so I treated him to a 50 dollar meal Drank more beer there and had some chicken again...different place though (Downtown CLASSY>? ) WE decided to stay up all night so we went to Mcdonalds again had a lot of coffee and breakfast later at 8 where we unfortunately had to part company.
This has been one of the greatest times of my life and definitely Korean life.
HAving my girlfriend and my best friend in the same place is Ju wa seo. Perfect.
There's more later but I have to eat dinner as I promised my girl.
Here are some pictures
I have had a lot of momentary realizations during my teaching hours. I have had glimmers of my past suddenly seige me at the oddest moments. I literally am seeing my entire life from the past flash before my eyes. Its an interesting feeling just like sleep deprivation.
My best friend came and visited me this week. I needed it so badly. ...A Walk down memory lane if you will.
before I talk about the trip let me sum up work. Its a job it gets me money and as long as I do it as well as I can everyone's happy. Unfortunately I dont feel a reward from it. At times my boss scares me simply because he can't see my struggles as a foreigner. I am also not like any other foreigner here I have my own style and way of looking at things.
I am begining to think my boss is unhappy about my work performance and his choice in hiring me. This is because when we had our conversation last time he startd it by saying "When I invest 2,000 dollars into something I expect it to work properly. ...I dont think he has any idea what he is doing sometimes. Although he does care a lot (too much?) about my happenings.
So Shogo came on Wednesday and that were this grand adventure goes full throttle.
First night: Pearl and Christina treated us to a nice meal of Galbei...my favorite. It was a great meal and a good way to start off the korean Experience.
We ended up staying up until 3 am just goofing around. We went to Mcdonalds and had coffee with some random Korean who will be known from now on as "samsung"....he was a very nice and drunk Korean.
The next day I had to work but I spent most of my time not caring about work. After work we went Downtown (Christina, Shogo and I) went and shopped a little and then Shogo and I went to a dinner place and had Bulgogi. This is the Gumi experience.
Friday we went to Ra Cha Cha the Chicken Bar.
This whole time it felt like I was back in College. Ra Cha Cha was nice... we had my typcial fried chicken and beer....
I put in a lot of late nights but these were nothing to what awaited me in Seoul. I left after work on Saturday. Shogo came a good weekend because I am always unhappy when Christina doesnt work with me on Saturday~its not as fun.
After work we ate at Mr. Pizza and did our dash to Seoul. Arriving at 10 we went shopping were I later bought a jacket. WE spend most of the time just walking around and drinking coffee and some beer.
I felt guilty about going to some clubs so I decided to take it easy on the alcohol and I didnt dance. I missed my babe so much.
I LOVE SEOUL SO MUCH! Its much more fun than Gumi.
Shogo and I stayed up all day and night. NO SLEEP. WE saw some interesting sites and met interesting people: saw a fight and literally froze our asses off. It was so cold.
It was a trip for the ages....
Back in Gumi on Sunday later that day.... We met Christina who cooked us a wonderful meal Ma She ta. We relaxed that night because I had work tomorrow (Monday)
Monday was Shogo's last day so I treated him to a 50 dollar meal Drank more beer there and had some chicken again...different place though (Downtown CLASSY>? ) WE decided to stay up all night so we went to Mcdonalds again had a lot of coffee and breakfast later at 8 where we unfortunately had to part company.
This has been one of the greatest times of my life and definitely Korean life.
HAving my girlfriend and my best friend in the same place is Ju wa seo. Perfect.
There's more later but I have to eat dinner as I promised my girl.
Here are some pictures