I am currently on a downhill roller coaster I had a long day that just gave me more questions and not answers.
Today I got a haircut because I want to improve my appearance and be better in all aspects of my life. I was hoping to make good impressions today and I thought that this would help. It didn't.
I taught 4 classes today and none of the students showed respect to me. I love kids because they are interesting and can be fun. I want to have good times with them but being ignored in the office by them, dealing with their behavior which is atrocious and not feeling rewarded at all with my teaching has made me not care about them. The kids don't ever EVER show me respect. Saying hello is like yanking the chain on a dog to come here. I had 1 good class~ a class I don't care about because its Conversation Practice Table and only on Saturday.
I had high hopes as a teacher but I feel let down because the kids don't show respect, or give me anything its usually bad from them. I will still try and be their teacher but its the least of my concerns right now.
Maybe I am doing something wrong in my life right now I don't know what it is but I am so scared and wish I knew an answer. I have found happiness and made the best of a bad situation. I say its bad situation because a lot of the happenings that go on at Yale are difficult and truly in my opinion an excruciating vendetta.
Personally, I look at it as a job just doing the best I can I am more set on personal things and want beyond anything that I have ever had before in my life to make things work out well. I would go to any distance or any measures just to make miracles happen. I know that this is a sad story and I will only say that it isn't meant to be a sad one.
Some student asked me What are you afraid of? I said nothing, but truly what scares me is Making the Wrong Decision. I just want to make what is right.
Through all the pitfalls of the job there is so much to look forward to and above all I don't want that to change. I write this with the only intent of good things and also to not worry about the future but accept anything that may happen because I truly believe I can work Miracles and I don't want to lose sight.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Moral Conceptions
I would like to say a little bit about myself. I am trying to make every posting new and exciting to read. Its more than just a progress about my Korean Experience its my life and more so its my life in Korea. I would like to write about anything that is of interest.
There are many things that I would like to say about myself because at times I feel like I have to explain my self. This blog was started with the sole purpose of informing about my Korean Experience. I set it up the Day I got here and have logged as many days as I could. Its my passion and my hobby.
A little background information about me. I went to the University of Montana where I got a B.A in Geography. I wanted to study about Cultures and learning about places I could see on the map.
I am from America and as such I naturally have some patriotic feelings about it. I have as much admiration as any normal person would have. I never would want anyone to think I hate America or think its The best place in the world because its just different. I don't like Labeling people or places. Every place has its special characteristics and its pitfalls.
I would like to Share my Missoula Experience a little. I lived with some Roommates from Asia both of them from Japan. I was part of a Culture Show where I organized Cultural Groups from all over the world to talk about their cultures to Children. I had friends from all over the world. There were 400 foreign students and I knew them all. I tried to help all of them with whatever I could and it was this community that made my experience good. I think the city had an overall good feeling of many different lifestyles. I wouldn't want to say that it was the best place in America, or even Montana but it was a good city for me. It is whatever you want to make of it.
I would like to just say that I applaud anyone who is a teacher because I feel that a Teacher is a hard job. Why? I am still trying to find a way to motivate kids who don't care to learn and I am pretty much GIVING UP. In my experience I have found it hard to find a way to make kids learn a language that they don't want to learn at least under these conditions. You shouldn't judge unless you have been here.
Gumi, my new home. My new city, and my new life. I don't want to talk about Racism because its something that exists everywhere. It has a different feeling every place you go. Intolerance and poor treatment aren't going to go away in my lifetime but maybe we could change it. I only am mentioning this because it was commented about in a post.
I would like to say I am sorry if my comments about Korea are unjust, insensitive or negative but I would like to just say this too.... I really don't care about what people may think because all I want is to accurately depict and show Korea and or aspects of my life that I feel are important to broadcast. I am very thorough and try to be as detailed as possible.
There are many things I like about Korea and in a smaller sense even Gumi. There is a morning calm that is a peaceful resting period. The land of the morning calm...
I can go downtown and buy any clothes I would like to buy for a reasonable price. I love the food there are many good selections and meats here in Korea. I am happy that I am never bored. There are many things to do if I wasn't at work so much of the time. There are things in Korea that I wish I could do more of or change differently. There are still things that I would like to do in Korea but Time will tell.
Right now I am thinking of staying longer. I am wanting to make DREAMS come reality and I think I need another month. I need C sam's help so much though^^
More than ever I am trying to learn more about Korea. I would like to learn as much about Gumi as possible. I am not sure what I will be doing when June comes around but I want to find a new job and continue to try to teach. I want to learn as much about Korean Culture as I can.
"Cuando me aprendo una nueva langua este es muy divertido. Viaje a una nueva pais tambien. Quiero a ver todos cosas possibles, pero no es possible. Este es mi vide de Corea y me espero que personas con interesantes sobre de Corea, mi vida o enseñanza ingles aprender sobre de Corea etceteria por mis escrituras de mis experiencias. En este blog hay muchas historias y cosas que sensitvas. Espero que te gusta estes cuentos pero es mas importante que su cambia en mis pies primero. Si tengas preguntas y quieres a escriber en internet este es mi direccion: palmdawg03@yahoo.com
Me creo que tus sentimientos de mi vida en Corea son absurdos. Mis Conceptions de Corea y Vida en jeneral son verdad para mi. Eres una profesora verdad? Por que crees que mi commentos son tan negativo? Este es mi vida y Soy honesto y intente entender. Me siento mi espanol no recuerdo mucho y a este tiempo me queiro que escribir Corean. Aprendo tres languas ahora. Por Favor escribe un email o pasar sus commentos. No Creo tu y Me Creo que sus commentos son injusta" Finalmente, mi historia llamer Katherine solo por que no diga me nada sobre ud. Por Favor, abra su mente y digame mas si quieres pero por favor juzgue no hasta que usted hace lo que lo hago. Gracias."....
I will write more about things later its time to get ready for another busy weekend. I can't wait to go to Busan^^ and be with my One and Only...
There are many things that I would like to say about myself because at times I feel like I have to explain my self. This blog was started with the sole purpose of informing about my Korean Experience. I set it up the Day I got here and have logged as many days as I could. Its my passion and my hobby.
A little background information about me. I went to the University of Montana where I got a B.A in Geography. I wanted to study about Cultures and learning about places I could see on the map.
I am from America and as such I naturally have some patriotic feelings about it. I have as much admiration as any normal person would have. I never would want anyone to think I hate America or think its The best place in the world because its just different. I don't like Labeling people or places. Every place has its special characteristics and its pitfalls.
I would like to Share my Missoula Experience a little. I lived with some Roommates from Asia both of them from Japan. I was part of a Culture Show where I organized Cultural Groups from all over the world to talk about their cultures to Children. I had friends from all over the world. There were 400 foreign students and I knew them all. I tried to help all of them with whatever I could and it was this community that made my experience good. I think the city had an overall good feeling of many different lifestyles. I wouldn't want to say that it was the best place in America, or even Montana but it was a good city for me. It is whatever you want to make of it.
I would like to just say that I applaud anyone who is a teacher because I feel that a Teacher is a hard job. Why? I am still trying to find a way to motivate kids who don't care to learn and I am pretty much GIVING UP. In my experience I have found it hard to find a way to make kids learn a language that they don't want to learn at least under these conditions. You shouldn't judge unless you have been here.
Gumi, my new home. My new city, and my new life. I don't want to talk about Racism because its something that exists everywhere. It has a different feeling every place you go. Intolerance and poor treatment aren't going to go away in my lifetime but maybe we could change it. I only am mentioning this because it was commented about in a post.
I would like to say I am sorry if my comments about Korea are unjust, insensitive or negative but I would like to just say this too.... I really don't care about what people may think because all I want is to accurately depict and show Korea and or aspects of my life that I feel are important to broadcast. I am very thorough and try to be as detailed as possible.
There are many things I like about Korea and in a smaller sense even Gumi. There is a morning calm that is a peaceful resting period. The land of the morning calm...
I can go downtown and buy any clothes I would like to buy for a reasonable price. I love the food there are many good selections and meats here in Korea. I am happy that I am never bored. There are many things to do if I wasn't at work so much of the time. There are things in Korea that I wish I could do more of or change differently. There are still things that I would like to do in Korea but Time will tell.
Right now I am thinking of staying longer. I am wanting to make DREAMS come reality and I think I need another month. I need C sam's help so much though^^
More than ever I am trying to learn more about Korea. I would like to learn as much about Gumi as possible. I am not sure what I will be doing when June comes around but I want to find a new job and continue to try to teach. I want to learn as much about Korean Culture as I can.
"Cuando me aprendo una nueva langua este es muy divertido. Viaje a una nueva pais tambien. Quiero a ver todos cosas possibles, pero no es possible. Este es mi vide de Corea y me espero que personas con interesantes sobre de Corea, mi vida o enseñanza ingles aprender sobre de Corea etceteria por mis escrituras de mis experiencias. En este blog hay muchas historias y cosas que sensitvas. Espero que te gusta estes cuentos pero es mas importante que su cambia en mis pies primero. Si tengas preguntas y quieres a escriber en internet este es mi direccion: palmdawg03@yahoo.com
Me creo que tus sentimientos de mi vida en Corea son absurdos. Mis Conceptions de Corea y Vida en jeneral son verdad para mi. Eres una profesora verdad? Por que crees que mi commentos son tan negativo? Este es mi vida y Soy honesto y intente entender. Me siento mi espanol no recuerdo mucho y a este tiempo me queiro que escribir Corean. Aprendo tres languas ahora. Por Favor escribe un email o pasar sus commentos. No Creo tu y Me Creo que sus commentos son injusta" Finalmente, mi historia llamer Katherine solo por que no diga me nada sobre ud. Por Favor, abra su mente y digame mas si quieres pero por favor juzgue no hasta que usted hace lo que lo hago. Gracias."....
I will write more about things later its time to get ready for another busy weekend. I can't wait to go to Busan^^ and be with my One and Only...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Today was a holiday that we didn't get off. It was Teacher's Day and like most holidays in Korea it went by unobserved.
I had a good day though. I had delicious food from Christina, a small walk in the park and some time in the morning to clean my house. My Chef is going to have a good restaurant someday and I will be by her side.
Work was easy I survived my 3 classes with little to no excitement. The kids were all quiet and good! I was happy. I went to Daegu tonight. It was nice just to step out of Gumi and breathe some fresher air for a little bit. I should've gone to Daegu more and a long time ago.
I know that this weekend will be exciting. I stayed out to late and time is of the essence. I have many thing I need to do.
I really want to make my Darling see how much I love her and how special she is because she treats me like a King everyday. Someday I will....
I have to get to bed though cause its too late and I have so much things to do tomorrow.
More soon
I know that I learn from the best Teacher at the Academy and that is my Girl ~~~Smart,Beautiful and Adorable I find her Simply Irresistible to me. I hope to be half as a good as a Teacher as She is.
I need more time to learn Korea fast Anyways it was a beautiful Day and nice time today in Korea mostly Thanks to Yours Truly.
More soon,
I had a good day though. I had delicious food from Christina, a small walk in the park and some time in the morning to clean my house. My Chef is going to have a good restaurant someday and I will be by her side.
Work was easy I survived my 3 classes with little to no excitement. The kids were all quiet and good! I was happy. I went to Daegu tonight. It was nice just to step out of Gumi and breathe some fresher air for a little bit. I should've gone to Daegu more and a long time ago.
I know that this weekend will be exciting. I stayed out to late and time is of the essence. I have many thing I need to do.
I really want to make my Darling see how much I love her and how special she is because she treats me like a King everyday. Someday I will....
I have to get to bed though cause its too late and I have so much things to do tomorrow.
More soon
I know that I learn from the best Teacher at the Academy and that is my Girl ~~~Smart,Beautiful and Adorable I find her Simply Irresistible to me. I hope to be half as a good as a Teacher as She is.
I need more time to learn Korea fast Anyways it was a beautiful Day and nice time today in Korea mostly Thanks to Yours Truly.
More soon,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Katherine I think its time you scuttle along. Your comments haven't invoked any kind of thought for me. I appreciated your feedback but it seems like you are more negative. I have been living in Korea for almost a year. I have heard negative comments about me behind my back I have been stared at humiliated laughed and degraded in the classroom and outside. My house is the only place I feel at home and even there I have been violated. The only person who has my back and who truly cares about me is my girlfriend.
Korea is a wonderful place there is many opportunities but I truly live in a place that is so backwards with their way of thinking that most Koreans avoid coming here. Maybe that's why my friends don't come here to visit me even though I have been here for 11 months. I think I have a right to judge my situation because I am living in it.
I think you are being a little harsh when you say the only people who can be as they are are W.A.S.P.S White Anglo Saxon Protestant Males. 1. America was founded on All men are created equal. Men=all people.
2. I lived in Missoula which is a place that has so many lifestyles. If you don't like a lifestyle you ignore it and you don't care and you don't act out on your feelings if you are a rational person. I truly believe that all people are equal I have a respect for all cultures all people etc. but I have been through a lot just trying to find a way to live here. All I know about you is that you were in Whitefish. I know enough about Whitefish that its known as Conservative Yuppy Rich class society. Of course those people have no thoughts of poor or average middle class people.
Be as You are is a Kenny Chesney Song I like it. Also, in Missoula people truly accepted other people. I don't understand your comments and I think you need to personally move on or send me your website because its a waste of time.
do you understand me?
You have an obscure viewpoint and I think you need to look deeper into American values and also what you yourself care about because what you say is complete Bullshit if you ask me. I think you don't have a concept of what other people's situation is like so please Change your attitude.
Personally, you don't sound like a teacher to me I don't know anything about you but you haven't given me the chance even though I have tried to casually mention in my stories but you refuse to listen
Save me the trouble of reading a comment here unless its going to be useful such as an email address or your blog site I would like to see your perspective more clearly.
congrats you made a title of my Blog ~~~~
pish posh
Korea is a wonderful place there is many opportunities but I truly live in a place that is so backwards with their way of thinking that most Koreans avoid coming here. Maybe that's why my friends don't come here to visit me even though I have been here for 11 months. I think I have a right to judge my situation because I am living in it.
I think you are being a little harsh when you say the only people who can be as they are are W.A.S.P.S White Anglo Saxon Protestant Males. 1. America was founded on All men are created equal. Men=all people.
2. I lived in Missoula which is a place that has so many lifestyles. If you don't like a lifestyle you ignore it and you don't care and you don't act out on your feelings if you are a rational person. I truly believe that all people are equal I have a respect for all cultures all people etc. but I have been through a lot just trying to find a way to live here. All I know about you is that you were in Whitefish. I know enough about Whitefish that its known as Conservative Yuppy Rich class society. Of course those people have no thoughts of poor or average middle class people.
Be as You are is a Kenny Chesney Song I like it. Also, in Missoula people truly accepted other people. I don't understand your comments and I think you need to personally move on or send me your website because its a waste of time.
do you understand me?
You have an obscure viewpoint and I think you need to look deeper into American values and also what you yourself care about because what you say is complete Bullshit if you ask me. I think you don't have a concept of what other people's situation is like so please Change your attitude.
Personally, you don't sound like a teacher to me I don't know anything about you but you haven't given me the chance even though I have tried to casually mention in my stories but you refuse to listen
Save me the trouble of reading a comment here unless its going to be useful such as an email address or your blog site I would like to see your perspective more clearly.
congrats you made a title of my Blog ~~~~
pish posh
Everything in my life is in a constant state of flux. That is the only thing that is certain in my life at this moment. Today was just like another typical day.
I had Galbei at my house because Christina cooked a wonderful meat special with a wonderful aroma. I can't get enough of her food its the best in Korea I am certain.
Lunch Special is always the best!!
Typical Unchangeable happenings at Work
Miss Jeong is constantly unreliable. It was the subject of Teacher's Private Meeting. There are only 3 teachers here in this establishment nowadays. Miss Jeong doesn't do anything beneficial but she isn't worth the time of day to write about. I am trying to stay more positive. She didn't make extra copies for the lazy "Bad" kids who couldn't remember their books, lost them or don't care at all. I lump her in the same category as I do the kids. The kids are lazy, unmotivated lackadaisical miniature cows.
Each day is the same. The kids come in the office. I hear them careening up the stairs like they are in an all fired up hurry to get to class. Then they come stomping in the office speaking Korean gibberish whining, complaining, or bothering us about their life when we are "working" or busy with personal things that are more important than the kids' bellyaching. Then after they have figured out who their teacher is for the day they run out of the office and or start to beg for presents/snacks etc. They dont curb their behavior even though its same response everyday. Its irritating listening to beggars.
I also noticed that after 10 months of being here...they are still afraid to talk to me and they don't practice their English. Hi, how are you Im fine is all they say. I think its a waste of their time to not speak in English. They talk to me in Korean if they do talk to me and so I have to learn a lot to just understand their sukjae woes.
Some people may think I am whining and not really conscientious about my Teaching Role but the fact is, is that its not teaching. The kids show disrespect, or lack of interest, they have no concept whatsoever of class. I always though Asian kids had an awe of respect for the word Teacher. I was dreaming. To me they are all little tormentors, there are a few golden students like Molly but they are a rare type.
I taught 6 classes today. I am starting to finish earlier and earlier just because its not going anywhere. I had a good day though because I am making some progress with weeding the kids out. I am not a good teacher but because of all the disrespect I have gotten I think that its starting to decrease. Instead I am getting the silent treatment.
I have classes like Td1 that will not say a word. They are the smartest group of students based on level but they are stubborn and weird. They don't learn they waste their time by sitting there playing with their papers, drawing pictures until the bell tolls and then they leave. They leave or exit like a herd of cattle.
I have dupped a term cow grazers because every time I look into the Teacher's window from the office there are at least 3 faces staring at me watching me eat my snack, talk to Christina or just wait for us to leave so they can prick us.
The kids like opening the door and yelling weird things at us and when we say go away they keep coming back. We are adults but they have no respect for authority. I blame this on Mr. Jeong because he is oblivious as to what goes on in his academy.
Is it too much for me to ask for a class that would listen to me when I am talking, ask questions, write notes in class, do their homework, and bring their books to class? How about reading vocabulary properly, or showing any sign of learning.
Their learning curve is this ------------------------= nothing. OD A Mori? Op Sai yo?
Weird I think.
Here is the bottom line though...
I have already came to the conclusion that if Mr. Jeong wants to run a faulty Academy who am I to try to change his benign system. Its borderline obsolete and needs a lot of Adjustment maybe starting with a new secretary who by the way talks on msn messenger, reads a book, and talks on her private phone most of the day. I always feel she is more of a burden to Christina so I always want to punch her..I don't have to though Mr. J(her family) does this for me.
Through everything weird that happens at work I have Christina. I can't think of anything else because I just want to make happiness permeate through our bodies and minds. The world is too big to be polluted in the Tirades, gossip, and blunders of a corrupted Academy.
Now go ahead put some comment on my blog and don't send me your address ( I can't see your personal blog so I can't write you an appropriate response) I think that if you want to know more you should let me write to you in all fairness. I also would like to just mention the fact that I am not looking at Korea negatively I am rather looking at all the positives or in all honestly the realistic viewpoint of what my life is. Have disrespectful kids beg and stare at me isn't what I call normal. Its poor uncultured kids who act like they live in the 3rd world and its hogwash.
I had Galbei at my house because Christina cooked a wonderful meat special with a wonderful aroma. I can't get enough of her food its the best in Korea I am certain.
Lunch Special is always the best!!
Typical Unchangeable happenings at Work
Miss Jeong is constantly unreliable. It was the subject of Teacher's Private Meeting. There are only 3 teachers here in this establishment nowadays. Miss Jeong doesn't do anything beneficial but she isn't worth the time of day to write about. I am trying to stay more positive. She didn't make extra copies for the lazy "Bad" kids who couldn't remember their books, lost them or don't care at all. I lump her in the same category as I do the kids. The kids are lazy, unmotivated lackadaisical miniature cows.
Each day is the same. The kids come in the office. I hear them careening up the stairs like they are in an all fired up hurry to get to class. Then they come stomping in the office speaking Korean gibberish whining, complaining, or bothering us about their life when we are "working" or busy with personal things that are more important than the kids' bellyaching. Then after they have figured out who their teacher is for the day they run out of the office and or start to beg for presents/snacks etc. They dont curb their behavior even though its same response everyday. Its irritating listening to beggars.
I also noticed that after 10 months of being here...they are still afraid to talk to me and they don't practice their English. Hi, how are you Im fine is all they say. I think its a waste of their time to not speak in English. They talk to me in Korean if they do talk to me and so I have to learn a lot to just understand their sukjae woes.
Some people may think I am whining and not really conscientious about my Teaching Role but the fact is, is that its not teaching. The kids show disrespect, or lack of interest, they have no concept whatsoever of class. I always though Asian kids had an awe of respect for the word Teacher. I was dreaming. To me they are all little tormentors, there are a few golden students like Molly but they are a rare type.
I taught 6 classes today. I am starting to finish earlier and earlier just because its not going anywhere. I had a good day though because I am making some progress with weeding the kids out. I am not a good teacher but because of all the disrespect I have gotten I think that its starting to decrease. Instead I am getting the silent treatment.
I have classes like Td1 that will not say a word. They are the smartest group of students based on level but they are stubborn and weird. They don't learn they waste their time by sitting there playing with their papers, drawing pictures until the bell tolls and then they leave. They leave or exit like a herd of cattle.
I have dupped a term cow grazers because every time I look into the Teacher's window from the office there are at least 3 faces staring at me watching me eat my snack, talk to Christina or just wait for us to leave so they can prick us.
The kids like opening the door and yelling weird things at us and when we say go away they keep coming back. We are adults but they have no respect for authority. I blame this on Mr. Jeong because he is oblivious as to what goes on in his academy.
Is it too much for me to ask for a class that would listen to me when I am talking, ask questions, write notes in class, do their homework, and bring their books to class? How about reading vocabulary properly, or showing any sign of learning.
Their learning curve is this ------------------------= nothing. OD A Mori? Op Sai yo?
Weird I think.
Here is the bottom line though...
I have already came to the conclusion that if Mr. Jeong wants to run a faulty Academy who am I to try to change his benign system. Its borderline obsolete and needs a lot of Adjustment maybe starting with a new secretary who by the way talks on msn messenger, reads a book, and talks on her private phone most of the day. I always feel she is more of a burden to Christina so I always want to punch her..I don't have to though Mr. J(her family) does this for me.
Through everything weird that happens at work I have Christina. I can't think of anything else because I just want to make happiness permeate through our bodies and minds. The world is too big to be polluted in the Tirades, gossip, and blunders of a corrupted Academy.
Now go ahead put some comment on my blog and don't send me your address ( I can't see your personal blog so I can't write you an appropriate response) I think that if you want to know more you should let me write to you in all fairness. I also would like to just mention the fact that I am not looking at Korea negatively I am rather looking at all the positives or in all honestly the realistic viewpoint of what my life is. Have disrespectful kids beg and stare at me isn't what I call normal. Its poor uncultured kids who act like they live in the 3rd world and its hogwash.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Buddha Tales

MY 3 day Jaunt is over and its now back the Gumian Fiasco thats centered around Yale School. My time in Seoul was a time to step out of the mindless charades of my Gumi life and try to begin afresh. Seoul was a mirror into the perfect future for me. It was a time of celebration and a time I will never forget. It was special beyond imagination and truly a time of my life. Its how I want my future life to be.
The journey into Seoul was non other for me. Ina previous post I said my Soul yearns For Seoul. Its a bubbling city were under the skylights its buzzing with activity all the time. There are so many different sectors that one could never get bored in Seoul. I think its more vibrant and an exciting place to live. Seoul looks to be as a more compelling and more jazzed up lifestyle.
Seoul there is more freedom. Im not restricted to a small part of the city. I could roam anywhere I please. I would love to travel the city at night all the time with my darling.
There are so many people in Seoul that no one cares about you because we all have our private agenda. This gives me a better sense of security knowing people aren't going to intrude on our personal lives whereas in Gumi everyone is topic of conversation.
Its hard to get around in Korea when many people in Gumi don't appreciate my efforts to speak Korean which I feel is very good nowadays. I am understanding so much and am also able to do so much for my foreign friends. I order the food, ask where we go, how much, anything my friends want to know.

I think I would love to live in a place where no one judges your lifestyle. As we say in America: "BE AS YOU ARE"
Seoul is such a place and is my Utopia like Cosmopolitan Metropolis of Korea. Its somewhere where I hope to spend more time before I leave.
Taking the Subway and arriving to a new place within 5 minutes sounds rather exciting to me. Its what I would like to do every morning on my way to work. I saw people shopping and how they live in their day to day lives.
Fast Paced Society
Korean life and Time is always much more faster than America's. America is much more relaxed when it comes to Time Concept. We don't plan our day down to 5 minutes. I am becoming someone who loves this fast paced life though. It keeps me on my toes and makes me feel more capable of doing more.

I will write more about Seoul soon. Its got a vibrant feeling to it though and its a place thats captured my heart. Perfect picture EUN JU/ME under Cherry Blossoms with the Sunlight of Seoul^^
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Seoul Trip
Well I had a weekend adventure of a lifetime!
I didn't have work for 2.5 days so I went to Seoul with My one and only. Going to Seoul with her was more than a Dream Come True.
We left Saturday afternoon and came home Monday afternoon. We went to many places in Seoul. We took the Subway and looked at many markets and shops. We ate delicious food and we walked around a beautiful city.
I can't begin to describe the situation in Seoul. I saw Korean things that I could only imagine here in Gumi. I saw Traditional things, interesting foods, and street venders, I saw many different types of people in E-tae-wan.
This will have to be a two part posting but I just wanted to start my story since for the first time this year I have missed a posting and don't want to make two in a row.
The best part of going to Seoul was seeing Korea through my girlfriends eyes. I got to experience Korea how it should truly be. I want to live in Seoul not because its bigger, not because its the capital but because there seems to be more life and tradition there. Because of my dreams I want to do everything Korean that I can and learn as much as I can. Being with my girlfriend this weekend made me realize just how much I love her and want to do anything to make her happy. She makes my world so much better. Being in Seoul was as close to Heaven as I have felt since coming to Korea and it wouldn't have meant anything had I not been without my One. For people who don't know me you can't begin to imagine how big a part of my life is with her nor can you imagine what my life here in Korea would be like if it weren't for her.
Seoul made realize that Our dreams are possible and more than anything I want that to happen. I believe in My darling so much that I don't ever want anything to destroy that. She is my world and my most cherished part of my life. Today and Forever I just want to make things right.
I didn't have work for 2.5 days so I went to Seoul with My one and only. Going to Seoul with her was more than a Dream Come True.
We left Saturday afternoon and came home Monday afternoon. We went to many places in Seoul. We took the Subway and looked at many markets and shops. We ate delicious food and we walked around a beautiful city.
I can't begin to describe the situation in Seoul. I saw Korean things that I could only imagine here in Gumi. I saw Traditional things, interesting foods, and street venders, I saw many different types of people in E-tae-wan.
This will have to be a two part posting but I just wanted to start my story since for the first time this year I have missed a posting and don't want to make two in a row.
The best part of going to Seoul was seeing Korea through my girlfriends eyes. I got to experience Korea how it should truly be. I want to live in Seoul not because its bigger, not because its the capital but because there seems to be more life and tradition there. Because of my dreams I want to do everything Korean that I can and learn as much as I can. Being with my girlfriend this weekend made me realize just how much I love her and want to do anything to make her happy. She makes my world so much better. Being in Seoul was as close to Heaven as I have felt since coming to Korea and it wouldn't have meant anything had I not been without my One. For people who don't know me you can't begin to imagine how big a part of my life is with her nor can you imagine what my life here in Korea would be like if it weren't for her.
Seoul made realize that Our dreams are possible and more than anything I want that to happen. I believe in My darling so much that I don't ever want anything to destroy that. She is my world and my most cherished part of my life. Today and Forever I just want to make things right.
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