Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Different Taste

Today one of my kids asked me if I had a headache he asked me because I felt haggard and to be honest I was filled with worry and a little guilt because some of my comments can be bad timed. I am fighting teacher but I do just wish I knew what I could do to make things right.

Why I all of a sudden thought about this I am not sure but I do know how I will get through the teaching day when I am leaving because I will miss a good class like TC1 whose wildness and interest is a nice mixture. The kid who asked me has some interesting tales but I haven't given him time lately because I have been consumed with my own thoughts about class prep, working in the future and other things related to my life. He has a younger brother who is not as smart as him. One brother is smart, understand English to a good level and shows respect, the other plays, is a little goofy and is small for his age. They are polar opposites. I have too many kids lets just leave it at that. I will miss TC1 class, and many of the students on an individual level. Thank God that's down the road for now and not in the near future. I just write that though because there are many personal stories about the kids and the kids are important to me. I don't want my readers to think I am hating kids.

I have kids complaining about American Cows, I have kids calling me stupid, I have kids who said Japan isn't good America isn't good and I fight for that attitude to change because I believe that to be my future and that's why I was choking on tears throughout the day I want kids who are immature, troublesome, and a headache to appreciate what I am trying to do for them because mostly I care.

I have read a lot of things happening to people and things around here that are depressing. Hostilities and Closed mindedness from Americans, Koreans and other people I want to see changed.

I will FIGHT hopefully stronger but as everyone who already knows me best my heart is wrapped or vested in something larger than life and I don't care if I write to the end of the day about that or anything.

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