Reader Be Ware Sensitive Material ahead...
I feel like I am having to defend myself too much lately. Lets just say that I am living the life I would like to live other than facing many oddities at work. Its something that I am overcoming and its my cross to bare. I am comfortable and fine with all written information and don't think anyone should care too much~I think its odd that anyone would care too much about what I write but that's just me.
Today I ended up showing some authority in class. Its Thursday and its a day I like the most out of the week. I have 3 classes, 4 breaks, and plenty of time to think and relatively enjoy.
Vicki and I talked about school and life. Vicki is a wonderful co-worker and its good that we can have conversations about everything. ME, her and Christina are perfect company. It was same as when Pearl was here. When Pearl quit I hated the job. She made it easier to go to work.
Our conversations are always so serious about work and related happenings. There is a lot of good natured fun to but its only between the 3 of us. We all have a like mind. We all think that the situation is less than ideal and strange and that the only good things that come out of it are between the three of us and our office humor. She is someone that Christina and I both need a lot I feel.
My talk made me feel sad because I realized a lot of things when I was speaking and I just want to try to find a way to not make people feel prejudice about me. I have nothing but good intentions. Truth be known I cry about this many nights because I want to show that I am not simply American.
My first class was Yuntagee class in MB3. I have often joked that he is the devil and at any rate he is a spoilsport. He ruins the fun we have in class and takes all of my energy just to control him. I wish my 3 best friends would read this they would be laughing their asses off.
I kicked a 5 year old out of my class. He came waltzing in like he owned the place. Sat down and stuffed a balloon in his mouth. He was making such a fuss that he was distracting the entire class within 1 minute of his arrival. He came 20 minutes late. I told him to leave the classroom and I simply walked him to the door and told him bye. He left willingly and I was relieved to be rid of him. This kid is so bad that not only should he not be in the Academy, I have changed the name of MB3 to Yungtag Class. I don't want to teach him. People like him don't belong at a private school.
What people don't get back home is that this isn't a school where you actually learn top notch English or even just learn English its poking and prodding done to kids who don't care at all and would just as soon not be there. I have no patience for him or kids like him anymore. My teaching at a lonely Academy goes by to fast to really even notice whether the kids are learning or not. Its just a job where I am bringing home the bacon so to speak.
I am here for a month longer (at least) I am hoping to find a decent situation but I worry now because I don't want my darling to be caught in his entangled web of money grubbing schemes that are only to make the Academy Successful. Teachers are supposedly replaceable thats the feeling I have gotten here because I have seen 2 teachers come and go and I have heard many stories from all sorts of people.
So I finished my 3 classes without so much as a blink of an eye. I worried a little because I had made a mistake that I didn't know how to fix. I am thankful to say it worked out well. I had a nice Galbei Dinner at our usual place and it was nice to just go out and enjoy the nice breezy evening. Preparations for a busy Friday and unfortunately for me a Saturday of work to follow.
Its almost JUNE pray for me if that's what you do.
I am doing fine in the Land of the Morning Calm and finding ways to quell my fears as well. Don't worry so much about what is written but worry instead of things that are more relative to your situations. I have a handle on mine. I am dealing with Korea, America, and Yale and of the 3 one is home, the other is interesting and wonderful and the last one has some peculiarities that are Byoung in nature.
Here's something different:

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