Today's Outing included Lunch at a new place which was very good. Army soup is what we had. I don't like to think of the Army because in my opinion its the source of everything negative and the primordial reason for all mis-understandings. I strive and Fight for that to change but I don't know how.
NEXT we went to see a movie at the Theater and have a little CGV action. I saw Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspain today. I have seen both Narnia movies with Christina. I think they are entertaining! They aren't the best movies but definitely worth watching.

After Watching the movie we shopped a little bit downtown. I bought a couple shirts and Christina got a nice dress. I like shopping too much but nowadays I am seeing the importance of shopping for Business and work related endeavors. I want to win the award for Gumi's Sexiest Couple. I think we have a good shot at winning this. Someday we will be Missoula's most Sexy couple. Hands down.
Anyways, Walking the streets of Downtown Gumi has made me a little tired and unfortunately I think the hot weather is giving me a headache. I feel a little tired and its only 8 oclock. I am going to cook something if I can find something worth eating in this house. If not I may have to go to the grocery store. Its going to be a fun and busy week. Its the last week of May and that means I need to finish tons of work.
I want to disregard kids' questions about when I am leaving because I am on a mission and that's all that is important to me.
I have a burning desire inside where Celestial feelings are on fire. As the days continue to go by I am finding constant solace with just my right arm for company. I don't want anything else. I will continue to push myself to new heights and extremes. I think I need to go hike the Mountain sometime. I want more than anything to just make our hearts flow and pour over like waterfalls.

I will write more later I need to take a little rest and or eat something...
Thank you for a wonderful day its always the best when I am with you today, now and Always I Love you and am so lucky to have found you.
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