I have been looking at Teaching in all the wrong ways and I am hoping to find some way to fix it before I leave here. I am not sure if its possible here but you never know.
What does it mean to be a Teacher? In my opinion, its what everyone should be everyday with just their manner in how they live and work. Its important to practice what you preach. I learned a lot on my train ride back from Busan about this. I realized some of my errors and areas where I could improve to.
On the train was a drunk guy who was sputtering out bad language left and right. There were children privy to this altercation as well as families and a litany of other people. On the train its a time to rest, talk quietly, and relax while you are preparing for your stop. Cell phones blaring, kids screaming, drunkards who aren't able to control their mouths, and other no conceptual happenings are a bane and a societal letdown. Parents are the best educators and if not parents then cultural norms and practices. You wouldn't kiss your grandmother with that mouth so why say it in front of children its not very pragmatic.
I teach based on the 4 principles that were instilled in me at Camp Manito-wish

Here at Camp I taught kids these values and enjoyed going on Wilderness Trips with them. The 4 Values are Respect, Responsibility Caring and Honesty.
I uphold Honesty as the most important. If you can't do something and be honest about your feeling or intuition then its not worth doing at all. I wish the kids would take more pride in their ability to speak English but they will continue to waste away their talent and not care.
Caring is also so important. I care so much about Christina I am wanting to put everything on the line for her. I want to go EVERYWHERE with her so much. Someday soon I hope.
I am Responsible for my actions I will not let anything go and I will stand accountable for my behavior so in the case where I do wrong or simply have a mishap I will not rest until that burden is overcome.
Respect is the last one that ties everything together. If you will do something than do it whole-heartedly and don't let it waste away for since you are doing it, its important. I wish the kids would have more respect for Teacher's. I think I got screwed when it came to the kids. They don't care at all.
I want to set them straight so they don't give Christina a headache because if they do, then I have one as well. Christina and I are one and one all the same.
In my opinion, Teachers are trying to make perfect what is an imperfect world. We are trying to uphold moral standards and subsequently make improvements that will facilitate societal growth. We are all teachers and its important that everyone becomes more aware of that notion, its a human folly that we are giving our future generation a disservice if we continue to gloss things over and ignore the attrocities that we are living under daily. We are needing to teach the children an appropriate way of life through our actions or our bad habits will continue to perpetuate closed mindedness in society.
I want to find a way to embrace difference and not be afraid of them. Deep down inside I want to be given a chance to change someone and I am not talking about kids because I don't think I can reach them. I am trying so hard to fight for different way of thought but time is flirting against me.
I am still keeping busy its nearly June and right now I am trying to get the process of Working longer finalized at work. Work is painfully slow and for the time being all I want to do is focus on exploring deeper with Christina and all Korea has to offer.
1 comment:
It's great that you're still able to apply what you learned here at Camp in your teaching life.
We currently have 218 boys campers and 53 Canuck and Expeditionary level campers at Camp. It's amazing what a few days on trail will do to instill the 4 core values.
Shoot me an email if you want an additional resources about collaborative leadership.
Keep up the great work.
Jay Creagh
Wilderness Program Director
Camp Manito-wish YMCA
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