"Life wasn't meant to be this difficult. I am not talking about Culture Shocks or hard work and being busy everyday. These things are natural. I am not even talking about the unsettling things such as Un Tagee's caterwauling, or other work related problems but rather unleashing dreams. Perseverance has been a human virtue for over 2 Millenniums and we have invoked on many quests and ushered in many thought patterns into the wake of knowledge that is masked or glossed over in our society today. As a result this has tromped new beginings and heralded mass successes in the Days of Mankind. Our world is in a state of mass confusion and fledgling thoughts that need to be heard. I live in a small town where I still hope to find a way to make a difference. Making Dreams come true is all that's worth it in the course of our life for in my opinion seeing something fail as a result of a crushed spirit is the worst defeat a person can go through ~Nick Palmer ESL Teacher

Amongst all the hustling and bustling that is oscillating rampantly there are sites that one can be moved by. As a result I believe that there is a tranquil calm that one can experience when exposed to such ancient sites.
I am trying to soothe my soul right now and prepare for a momentous and wonderful month ahead of me. I think staying in Korea is a good move for me and while I would like to see everyone back home this is a month where I can actually push myself to new extremes and work like I haven't worked before. I have been planting a seed for 11 months and now its time for me to cultivate it and try to make it endure.
My strength is in my writing I believe. Its here where I can be the most influential. I think writing is my strong point. I know that it has been often times good because it has stirred up controversial thoughts with many people who have read my stories. Unfortunately, people still have missed my points but that's ok~~ It just takes time to get points across at times.
I saw many sights that beheld my eyes. We are starting to go to a new cafe for Breakfast. Its a place that I think I should go 3 times a week. Its called PappaRoti. Its a Coffee (커피)and Bread (빵: BBang)

Today we chilled in their for 45 minutes waiting for our bread and milk tea. I want to go here more and more because I love everything that we do together that's wonderful to share.

I still hold true that we are the happiest and best couple in Gumi. Maybe I flatter a lot but when it all comes down to it we are a great couple and I know we were destined to be together.

Today was a day of hard teaching at YALE. I had 6 classes back to back. I had a good day because my darling and I had a wonderful Lunch and good morning together studying, and drinking tea. It was time well spend and I want everyday to be like this for the rest of my life. I thought teaching was as good as it could get. I have a feisty attitude nowadays with the kids because I am not going to take their blatant disrespectful attitudes anymore.
I don't want to punish this week so I think I will try to not punish as much as I can. I had fun in some of my classes and I didn't yell a lot in 5 out of the 6 classes. My last class all I did was yell but they have made me bottleneck my temper for over a month. I let out my rage today and I am going to punish even more severely on Wednesday. It isn't funny to me when the kids don't show any sign of change. I will be the first to admit that I am using my angst that I have received from the kids maltreatment of either myself, Christina or Vicki and propelling that energy to get me through the class. I am going to punish severely because I don't want some of these kids to be in the School anymore. Kids who say such disrespectful things and can get away with it because they are a spoiled little rich kid who has parents paying for their English Babysitting service.
As always its nice when the night comes and I can welcome a period of relaxation where I can lose myself in my writings about my experiences that are relative to me so its important to take everything I say with a grain of salt.
As I have written in my last few posts its important to keep an Open mind and embrace changes. I am still going through many transformations and I am really hoping to make the next month the best month of My life and more so Christina's Life. MY Pillar, My Tower of Strength. BABE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING the LIGHT that ignites my FLAME

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