I was supposed to go to Seoul today in order to prepare for my Visa information but I have opted to go tomorrow morning instead I just hope I can make the 6 oclock train. I am a little worried about that.
My boss is so stingy that he couldn't give me one day to make sure everything is straight at the Visa Immigration Office which will be the second stop. Forget him I don't care tomorrow is my day to get things done and enjoy Korea unfortunately by myself for the last time at least this month. I am as little worried since I called them on Thursday and they said I didn't need any appointment and because I was bored tonight I called just to check the times they were available (I thought I would get a voice memo) the woman answered and said I supposedly needed to make an appointment but I think I should be fine I will call from the train since I will be up a long time tomorrow. BUSY BUSY BUSY
Its too bad I have a estranged boss and have to run as fast as I can in Seoul. Yet again a country bumpkin will hit the big city leagues tomorrow.
So last night I felt deflated I don't know why entirely. I have nerves that are nearly about to tear because they are so tight with pressure. I now know that anything can happen and that nothing else matters except for keeping sight of my intended Goal.
A picture is worth a Thousand words and Loving sums it up best. This is my ultimate Dream. I want to buy a Dream Catcher and hang it over the bed someday because my dreams have been extended.

I watched movies most of the day! I went to see Kyung Fu Panda with Christina and we had lunch and coffee downtown as well. Since I have been flooded with "business trips" I haven't had the chance to really enjoy downtown so much as I would like this month. After tomorrow I should have more time.
Today was best day^^
I think I need to put my worrying aside. I Love my girl so much its nothing short of Amazing. I am overjoyed being with her and tomorrow is our Anniversary. Our first of what I hope to be 80?

Its amazing to think of everything that we have done in the last year together. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am scared to get on a train for what will be 6 hours total, maybe 2-3 hours in Seoul dealing with paperwork and then if all goes well I will be teaching 2-4 classes. I do plan to hurry but I know my boss is going to be mad. Whats new though.
Its the beginning of the work week and the worst part is that I will not be able to see my darling tomorrow on our special day. I will not be able to see her until we finish work.
I cleaned my house today, I wanted to start afresh. We only have one more week of June before July and I want to make July perfect.
Gumi may not be the most wonderful place in the world nor even in Korea but its a place where dreams can be unlocked. This week I will do more to make things happen I will be happier because the stress of Visa work is away. I can focus more on just the most important things in my life.
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