I will say this though... It was nice to talk to him just casually. Its too bad he couldn't be more open at work because I don't want to approach him unless I have to. I say this not from any perspective other than an employee not as a friend or someone else.
I learned a few things about me today. I have Blood Type B. I forgot my blood type. Secondly, I am officially an English Conversational Teacher---I talk mostly to myself. I am not a grammar teacher.
My English is far from perfect.I don't use words or phrases properly its part of my wild and vivid imagination. Its my creative juices that build me up and destroy me at the same time. I am pressed for time all the TIME so my stories aren't proofread as well as I would like. I don't write to be grammatically correct. I would like to say this too...
I am a White American who hates distinguishing that. I still want to hide my face when kids notice my whiteness. I do this because its not cool to be white here. I only say that because there is resentment I feel that a lot of people have. I also say this because I don't want to write for "white people" or anyone in particular. I am color blind and maybe most people who read this are too but I don't want to notice what white people say Black people etc. Its not what I am about. Before I get lambasted for this comment I am not meaning any disrespect or judgment I just think that grammar is not that important and I just want to try to clarify things.
Because I live here I want to clear away all misconceptions and try to learn as much as I can even though its hard at times.
Today~ I was in a bad mood. I was hungry because I was cheated a lunch. I missed my normal morning routine for the 2nd straight day and I am angry because its the most important week that I am here. I had to make sure I wasn't leaving soon.
I still have many things to do but at least now I have a small breathing room. I am fighting teacher and to be honest with you I am tired of fighting- I nearly give up upon occasion. The baloney I go through at work is hardly worth it--I just care about the bonus' I get.

Today I had 4 classes
1. Ma1: a disrespectful class who I no longer view as the smart group that started out to be. 3 kids didn't do homework and never have their books etc. I wish they weren't here. They have no purpose. I doubt their parents know what the hell they are doing there which is nothing. I enjoy the new boys the most. One is a prince type kid who jokes too much but is as Christina says Cute and funny. The other is quiet and s getting bolder and smarter. There is hope for him. I gave the one I call "james" 10 times homework. I don't care for him at all.
you would have to be here to understand don't ask unless you want an earful.
2. I had TC2: So so .... the kids talk to much. Kerri is great, Amy surprised me was really smart today and well the boy were so so I didn't want to give more homework. They talked only half in Korean and wasted only 20 minutes instead of 30.
3. TD2: THE best class. We learned something. Jane, Ann, and Magnus thats all I want. I don't like Sarah, Peachy, or Julie. They are gossipers, princess syndrome and self righteous.
4. TD1: 2 star students no homework.
I graded some tests, and am making steps towards getting the end of the month in sight.
Daegu: my boss dragged me on a wild goose chase but its over! I can sleep
I can relax in my slippers.
daegu :( Daegu, -_- DAEGU------------___________---------- ahhhh
slippers SLIPPERS^^ SLIPPERS ^^ ^o^

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