Sunday, January 20, 2008

Peeling away Layers

Well its Sunday by far the best day in Korea. Its the only day that people actually rest and take time to smell the roses so to speak.

Its now been almost 7.5 months in Korea. Why am I counting? Carrie asked me this question at work yesterday. To begin with i am trying to suppress doubt from the people back home that I could actually do this-living abroad that is.

Sometimes I really can't and sometimes I would rather not to be honest. However life is truly the same everywhere

When I come across people it takes to to make a relationship. I am in the middle of something that truly represents the best thing to have in my life. Each day I am learning something new about myself, my girlfriend, or our relationship.

As in all relationships there are problems. There is also an occassional fight or argument. These things are actually what end up making our relationship better. Once we can see the hidden layers behind someone ~ you know you really got something special. I realized today in all of my haste and mistakes that I need to take more heed and care when it comes to dealing with matters.

1). I gave up on going to Japan too soon. I didnt even bother to ask my boss for time off because I believe he won't give it to me. I thought If I worked hard maybe I would be able to get time off. In my opinion, because I make 2k there is no way he will want to give me extra days off. Especially because our work relationship is contingent upon me being there and doing my job start to finish. Never minding the inadequacies or problems like being bitten or blatant disrespect that is as they say in America below the belt.
2). I broke my key today and I was talking about my keys prior to the exact moment of it happening. I think Mr. Jeong gave me some faulty keys and he should take more care when it comes to providing me with my accomodations. The truth of the matter is, is that I need to iniate myself and get things done.

On a related note: Shaving, and combing my hair, dressing all need to be improved on for 1. impressions in the workforce, and social appeal. More importantly, in order to show more respect to yourself.

My gf has transformed me. My friends would be happy knowing that I look more respectful and better. Its important to take pride in what I have become and not to feel ashamed.

In conclusion, I know how much my relationship means to me and its important to me to keep so therefore I will push myself even harder to insure this.

I went to the Movie Theaters with Christina WE saw a movie about True Love and ultimately how to find Happily Ever After. It was a movie coming out of Fairy Tale: Like Cinderella and I can't remember the other name but some Evil Queen who wants to be greedy and keep her kingdom away from her prince son.

WE can't be afraid of the truth. Imperfections are everywhere and only through mutual understandings can we determine the right course.

I love Spending Sundays with my gf simply because this is the day where we can truly do anything we want.
I can't believe its almost February.

Its now 7 pm and I am going to go out to eat with a friend and just relax for the evening.

Its snowing/raining here in Gloomy but I am feeling wonderful...

Part 2 maybe later tonight?

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