Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Prejudicial Views

Today I was accused of prejudice from a student in the form of a complaining parent that wasn't directly to my face.

It bothered me a lot because it already scorns me as a human being that the kids have reduced me to a Robot and placate me at every turn. Yes, this is very negative and yes its not worth writing about but its because I am a caring sensitive person who wishes to teach properly.

Being a Teacher by definition is someone who teaches life skills through their subject area. This is my definition. You can't learn English if you don't have compassion, or a caring nature for humanity.

I do have prejudice. Its only human. Prejudice isn't what people think it is. It usually is bad but it also simply means that people have a bias. I would like to see someone who expresses themselves with no bias. Everyone is leaning in one direction or the other.

Situations never change here. I have completely given up this because I don't understand it anymore. Its not a Korean thing, its just lack of caring put forth by all parties involved, poor parenting lead to problem children, poor managing lead to a breakdown in the system.

How many years does it take until someone has a mental disorder or lapse due to the Ego centric and benign attitude that comes out of an Academy?

Today the kids comments were unwarranted...he never completely shows interest. He is always late. He doesn't give a Shit about class. There is no such thing as respect from him nor any of the other kids. Most of the words I say are Be Quiet. Its OTL and its not Teaching. That kid I personally wish would drop because he is an insincere little prick who won't change. That class is in its entirety filled with misfits who would do better in a Psych Ward.

Same with MB2. Its not their poor English skills or lack of that drive me up a wall, its the fact that they don't change at all. They don't treat me with any sort of respect. I am hugged from behind, yelled at in my face, flipped off, told bad words in Korean, I have no private space, I can't talk in English to anyone because its a busy busy busy environment and I feel like hyperventilating but the truth of the matter is, is that I am the Teacher and they are just the gold nuggets meant to bring cash to this Academy. It makes me sick

I almost feeling like giving up and just quitting now simply because its bothersome to me that my talent whatever that is, isn't going anywhere?

Am I failure? Did I do something wrong? Am I naive to think that I could educate?

Is it something I am not doing?

I wish somebody would tell me

Once again this is personal but I don't have anything to hide. I am alone in a thicket of noises that I can't make out. I have no where to fall back to Monday Wednesday and Fridays. I seriously feel that this is abuse. I don't want to teach at an Academy anymore.

I will try another place next time I come to Korea but I just hope I can go to a nice college and make a little money too. Its all thats important.
3. EDUCATION in a true form

Love is all that matters and all else will follow. I am not worried about that. I want to see good things come up and end the bad happenings here. I guess I will always be naive to think that something can change.

6 classes of nothing but impurity and disrespect makes me not sleep well. I can't recall a time when I have had a good class with actual teaching taking place.

I will write more soon.

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