Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pappa YALE fables: Father of all Immoral Students

I write this story on the day that I had originally been slated to be headed home for Missoula. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving and I still can't. Its something that will happen someday and all I will say about it is 2 things. I will need help later and also I want to make everything work out well before I leave.

I often times don't know what to do or when to do it. Time goes by at an extreme rate.

Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't talk about things either just due to the technicalities that happen throughout the day.

I woke up feeling worried because of a headache last night. I have a lot of things that I should try to focus on instead of worry but my mind drifts from time to time.

Today I had a great morning. I went to PappaRoti and now Christina and I have nice tea drinking cups.

I am happy because they look really nice at work for us and they are better cups than our Mcdonalds Coffee cups. I love sharing things with my BABE so much. We have a lot of nice things at Yale.

I taught 6 classes today its the kind of day that I just want to tell every student to put a sock in it but I choose not to care anymore because its just Byoung. I am sick of being harassed by the kids. Today was awful unfortunately: I had some kids tease me about Christina which happens all to frequently. The kids here don't have the common sense to mind their own business. To me the kids have always caused me these problems.

Maybe no one understands or knows why I am becoming more forceful when it comes to kicking kids out of the office. I am tired of their complaints, harassment and poking their noses in other peoples business. Do you love Vicki Do you love Christina? What kind of questions are these for kids to ask nearly everyday?

Today a kid got stuck behind my desk. Why? Because the kids run rampant through all teachers desks, etc. They touch everything and act like its their fortitude and it gets tiresome. This kid is fat too. I feel bad for him because he truly takes pride in being called PIG.

KIDS: NO CONCEPT whatsoever. IT doesn't matter who teaches them. Christina and Vicki speak Korean to the kids they don't listen. STOP or Ha Ge Ma mean the same thing but they don't care.

I am not going to waste more time on this subject. YALE harbors ill mannered, rude, and improper kids who don't have basic humanistic concept of REALITY.

To me it isn't Korean what these kids do. These kids are the ones that ruin Christina's day and consequently mine. I have gotten so much flack from them that I turn away and endure this wild charade of what supposedly is a teacher-student relationship.

나의 머리 is a head ache and continually being rewritten. I find the 학생 좋지 않.

Today when we were eating 밥 we were talking about how my mind is being calibrated in English and 한국어 at the same time. I can read all of this that I am writing here. I was so 배고픈 오늘.

I need to practice more. Everything I do is important and most important is finding a way to make everything right. 학교는 질병이다 그러나 나는 나가 행복한 섹시하고, 귀여운 소녀가 있다^^
나는 나의 여자 친구를 순전히 사랑한다
당신은 혼자서 이지 않는다
당신이 나에 의하여 항상 곁에 있을 것이다
나는 당신을 아플 것을 보고 싶지 않다
당신이 아플 때 나는 아팠다
나는 결혼한다 당신과 가진 결혼식 원한다
나는 당신을 영원히 사랑할 것이다

1 comment:

traci said...

ome on man--kids will be kids. My kids ask me if I love other guy teachers and they are in high school! Little kids ask questions like that even more often. It's not disrespect; it's just kids being kids. I've been asked or told everything in the book, from "Do you like the mota Miss?" to "Wow Miss, you're really white." to “Miss, you have bedhead.” I respond with, yes, I am really white, and you’re right, I forgot to brush my hair this morning. You just have to laugh it off right in front of them so they know stupid comments don't bother you. If they know it bothers you, they’ll never stop.