Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Tamed Lion Caught in a Rolling Thunder

Today I left Busan~ I really hope that I can go back there again soon. The Time I spent there was really too fast paced. There truly isn't any other place I would rather be than in Busan with Christina.

I love that city a lot and feel like it has a lot of potential for us later. Maybe its because I work and live in Gumi but I don't care for Gumi so much. After getting back from a trip that left us tired and sleepy I went home to a Rainy afternoon to rest and have lunch.

The Thunder and Lightening were spectacular. I unfortunately was trapped in Kim Bob waiting for the break in the storm. The streets were flooded with rain and I feel Gumi is either an alluvial fan city or a place where there is always a storm brewing up of some kind.

This scare I got at work has given me quite a jolt and I am nervous to see the coming of tomorrow. I am not wanting more unpleasant news because I am already trying so hard as it is just to make ends meet. Its my true hope that I can save more money and find a job soon because I don't want to go home and have regrets of any sort.

I am a Lion playing on the Serengeti playing fields watching things pass me by. I don't like that feeling. Tomorrow is Monday and I need to be stronger I need to try to find a job sooner, I need to save more money and I need to learn lessons faster.

My mind is rattled because of my idle thoughts I am already Lost in Translation so to speak.

Its a promising week and I am not going to lose sight of what I need to do. I will try harder in the days to follow. I don't know how to fight my biggest enemy and that's Time.

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