Friday, May 16, 2008

Moral Conceptions

I would like to say a little bit about myself. I am trying to make every posting new and exciting to read. Its more than just a progress about my Korean Experience its my life and more so its my life in Korea. I would like to write about anything that is of interest.
There are many things that I would like to say about myself because at times I feel like I have to explain my self. This blog was started with the sole purpose of informing about my Korean Experience. I set it up the Day I got here and have logged as many days as I could. Its my passion and my hobby.

A little background information about me. I went to the University of Montana where I got a B.A in Geography. I wanted to study about Cultures and learning about places I could see on the map.
I am from America and as such I naturally have some patriotic feelings about it. I have as much admiration as any normal person would have. I never would want anyone to think I hate America or think its The best place in the world because its just different. I don't like Labeling people or places. Every place has its special characteristics and its pitfalls.
I would like to Share my Missoula Experience a little. I lived with some Roommates from Asia both of them from Japan. I was part of a Culture Show where I organized Cultural Groups from all over the world to talk about their cultures to Children. I had friends from all over the world. There were 400 foreign students and I knew them all. I tried to help all of them with whatever I could and it was this community that made my experience good. I think the city had an overall good feeling of many different lifestyles. I wouldn't want to say that it was the best place in America, or even Montana but it was a good city for me. It is whatever you want to make of it.

I would like to just say that I applaud anyone who is a teacher because I feel that a Teacher is a hard job. Why? I am still trying to find a way to motivate kids who don't care to learn and I am pretty much GIVING UP. In my experience I have found it hard to find a way to make kids learn a language that they don't want to learn at least under these conditions. You shouldn't judge unless you have been here.

Gumi, my new home. My new city, and my new life. I don't want to talk about Racism because its something that exists everywhere. It has a different feeling every place you go. Intolerance and poor treatment aren't going to go away in my lifetime but maybe we could change it. I only am mentioning this because it was commented about in a post.

I would like to say I am sorry if my comments about Korea are unjust, insensitive or negative but I would like to just say this too.... I really don't care about what people may think because all I want is to accurately depict and show Korea and or aspects of my life that I feel are important to broadcast. I am very thorough and try to be as detailed as possible.
There are many things I like about Korea and in a smaller sense even Gumi. There is a morning calm that is a peaceful resting period. The land of the morning calm...

I can go downtown and buy any clothes I would like to buy for a reasonable price. I love the food there are many good selections and meats here in Korea. I am happy that I am never bored. There are many things to do if I wasn't at work so much of the time. There are things in Korea that I wish I could do more of or change differently. There are still things that I would like to do in Korea but Time will tell.

Right now I am thinking of staying longer. I am wanting to make DREAMS come reality and I think I need another month. I need C sam's help so much though^^

More than ever I am trying to learn more about Korea. I would like to learn as much about Gumi as possible. I am not sure what I will be doing when June comes around but I want to find a new job and continue to try to teach. I want to learn as much about Korean Culture as I can.

"Cuando me aprendo una nueva langua este es muy divertido. Viaje a una nueva pais tambien. Quiero a ver todos cosas possibles, pero no es possible. Este es mi vide de Corea y me espero que personas con interesantes sobre de Corea, mi vida o enseñanza ingles aprender sobre de Corea etceteria por mis escrituras de mis experiencias. En este blog hay muchas historias y cosas que sensitvas. Espero que te gusta estes cuentos pero es mas importante que su cambia en mis pies primero. Si tengas preguntas y quieres a escriber en internet este es mi direccion:

Me creo que tus sentimientos de mi vida en Corea son absurdos. Mis Conceptions de Corea y Vida en jeneral son verdad para mi. Eres una profesora verdad? Por que crees que mi commentos son tan negativo? Este es mi vida y Soy honesto y intente entender. Me siento mi espanol no recuerdo mucho y a este tiempo me queiro que escribir Corean. Aprendo tres languas ahora. Por Favor escribe un email o pasar sus commentos. No Creo tu y Me Creo que sus commentos son injusta" Finalmente, mi historia llamer Katherine solo por que no diga me nada sobre ud. Por Favor, abra su mente y digame mas si quieres pero por favor juzgue no hasta que usted hace lo que lo hago. Gracias."....

I will write more about things later its time to get ready for another busy weekend. I can't wait to go to Busan^^ and be with my One and Only...

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