Friday, May 2, 2008

Affirmed Ambitions

Its kind of hard thinking of a Creative Post each day. Here in Korea I can understand why my friends never call or emailed me much when I was living in America. The days are all kind of a blur as one. There is my work time and there is my free time. That's why Sundays are so special and also why holidays in the rare circumstance that they occur are important.

I am really trying to develop my writing in a way where its more interesting and not just the Daily Report of my life.

Teaching Korean kids is a nightmare for me. I am not very good at it and for all the patience that I believed I have I think I am out of it. When I go to the classroom I am deep down inside afraid. I am not really teaching the kids so much as trying to survive the pitfalls of doom if there happens to be many problems.

Here is a list of observations I see about the kids in the classroom and I guess what "Culture Shock" I have.
The kids dont take notes. There is nothing that I say that makes any difference to them whatsoever. I am truly not teaching them anything new.

When I check their homework it is full of spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and sloppy handwriting. I really don't see the point. I guess if they do something enough it will eventually stick but truthfully it doesn't work because the kids drop like flies as I pointed out in one of my other stories.

When it comes to classroom time, I feel like I am literally Teaching as fast as the Life pace is here. GO GO GO. I do this because its out of FEAR of Jeong Wrath. The kids line up at the door just like the people do when waiting for a Train. The train isn't going anywhere and neither is my class time. Unfortunately Time is Money and its ingrained into the kids.

I have found that handouts/extra sup. material and anything else you could possibly think of is a complete waste of time. They don't listen to this. Their favorite thing that they say to me in Korean Translated to is: Homework check, please. let me go, let me go, I dont want English I am bored.

I truly want to open up Kims Restuarant and make my Darling's dreams come true.

Teaching and Education are completely different than this place. I have been here nearly 11 months and I feel that We are still wasting time on unnecessary work and happenings. Work is Work but unfortunately it follows us home.

I live on the 5th floor and I feel there is no real escape for Yale. I have been branded with a Y stigma.

In another allusion to another story my heart yearns for Seoul. I still envision a Korean Experience glazed with adventure and success.
I am very ambitious and is such I strive to make possible anything to happen. I will succeed because I CARE so much and nothing will stop that from happening. I will always TRY harder.

Today was another Trial day at Work. I had a headache after 2 classes, took my one break and then taught 4 classes. I used to think napping was bad idea at work but truthfully not working is just What the DOCTOR ordered.

It gave me a chance to see that the sun was still shining, it was till a sweltering 70 something degrees outside and blue skies were all around.

BLUE SKIES and Green grasses

I want to build a White Picket Fence and dream a brighter future^^

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