Today I went to Daegu. I went to a fine restaurant that Christina had found online.
It was very delicious. Creamed Spaghetti and pizza. We had lemon water and just relaxed in a cozy air conditioned atmosphere.
Being in this type of place makes me think of so many wonderful things I want. I want a sound system, a nice AC system, a set table, furnished vintage around the room, and napkin rings with our initials EJKP and NKP scrolled on them.
Eating Delicious food, shopping, and sitting in the park was a perfect way to spend the afternoon. Daegu is one of the best places in Korea. Its got a city buzz but its also got its places to relax and escape as well. There is "choking air" in Gumi that just doesn't exist in Daegu.
I feel like a King when I am with Christina. I am so happy that we found each other. I haven't ever met someone like her before.
Today was wonderful beyond words, I liked the weather albeit a little too hot, I thought we found some nice clothes downtown and the places we ate at were marvelous.. . It was nice to just escape the byoung attitude of the people in Gumi. I swear there is a sense of no idea on the people of Gumi.
Today made me realize just how much I want to work harder and how much I will always care no matter what happens. I think my fears have been irrational and today I am much more happy than I was yesterday.

I know that there is nothing that we can't beat~ The road ahead is paved with our sweat and toils but the destination is gasping and wonderful^^
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