Today we went to the library it was my day to finish as many personal things as I could. I completed the saddest book I ever wrote. It was also one of the best book though too. A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS!

Its a story about Afghanistan and my heart goes out to those people. Most Afghans are just like me wanting to raise a family and not have a war torn home and just pursue happiness. Islam is a separate issue and just like all religions can provide a sense of comfort under proper activities etc.
I had 2 Teachers Meetings. I should've had more. I am wishing that I knew Korean better because I hate saying I wish people would speak English more.
The first meeting was strange and very stupid. I couldn't believe that we listened to our boss say Vocabulary page numbers for 3 books (70 pages per book). The books we have or at least myself are completely and utterly damaged due to extensive wear. I think the other foreign teachers messed them up personally there are so many worthless notes written in a textbook. The meeting went until the next class time and I had to Wing it or make it up on the spot and it wasn't the best but that's ok.
Actually its not ok but my boss's attitude really bothers me. BE a TEACHER and BE a Businessman at the same time. Students are profit and students are heartache and a huge issue.
TC2: I punished kids and I felt like getting MR. Jeong but I know its a waste of time.
Liam Sungmin whatever causes problems again for everyone and yet he is the 100 bucks a month GOD BLESS Him. I sure as hell don't.
Mr. Jeong is same as Chungja.. so everytime I go to the bathroom I feel like taking a piss right on him.
Chung---- Jeong
TD classes.
I am angry because the kids dont know how to talk to me yet. I expect them to sit down and not be talking in Korean. Not playing with hand phones and then sit and not do anything to me when I get a little upset. I yelled stop talking please and oh my god Teacher Angry. I dont feel sorry for them they are immature girls who just love to gossip and play drama queen.
They told Mr. Jeong that I showed my temper and therefore instead of telling me to my face and "Saving me" from Humiliation they stab me in the back. I am not at all happy with TD2.
TD1: With Rose exception not one student awknowledges my presence. I dont get much reaction out of them. Blink if you can hear me are you alive. They don't write notes they barely look at the book. They dont understand verbally but they dont have the decency to say Teacher Wait I dont understand. They talk and when I yell its my fault.
I guess somebody didnt listen when I taught What is this? PENCIL what is this? PAPER? What do you do? WRITE!
How babo seriously. I am livid with them because they made me cry. I am about had it with this job. I have been here 10 months and I dont get any respect from my boss or the kids. I dont complain because I just do my best. MY boss gives me to much work though that its impossible to do it all.
I know that there is a lot of work that's undone around here. Vicki, Christina, myself and I think he likes me as a whipping boy. I am really starting to hate him for it.
I have been here 10 months as of pay day which is this Friday. I am surprised he hasn't fired me he has made it that big of a deal about everything. Never a kind word to me.
Last words: " Forget about this, don't come around work tomorrow its holiday: be serious Thursday." Well F*$* you Im always serious Jeong. ********Sorry Babe for my dirty mouth but I can't help it. He is a money driven schemer and he will hurt anyone he can in order to get his reward.
I am so serious about everything nowadays I dont want anyone to ever get the wrong impression. I care about my work I care about where I will go and mostly I care about my Honey Kim.
Its a temporary Holiday and I am so excited that I can have a wonderful day in April here as they say its just the 2 of us.
Just TWO of us. How Beautiful ^^
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