Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ringing in the New Year

Finally a break from work albeit it a small and quick one it was well spent.

To cap off the end of the year I spent it with my Fair Lady in the booming metropolitan of Busan. Its seems to me that everywhere I go is truly more Korean than the place I live. Busan was glamorous. There was never a dull moment and I would do anything to go back there. I wish I lived there other than Seoul. I wish My Girl and I could move there and enjoy so much all the time. Then again maybe I would never sleep.

The next day took the train back to Daegu where I bought some new shoes converses--fast becoming my favorite brand...
Upon return to Gumi I got a new coat that was personally picked out by Christina....I think I am looking like a model nowadays because of her. I hope so because I want to be of the same caliber as I am with someone that's in comparison a princess (Aphrodite) while I am just a country boy naughty boy..

At the end of the day I had to prepare for my final trip of the week. I went to Chungju to see my friend from Korea who lives in Heaven...oops I meant the garden city of Missoula. He was in the hospital because he had a car accident thankfully he wasn't seriously hurt.

We went out to lunch and visited. His girfriend and my friend also from Missoula came over too.
Later she and I went to Gimbob for dinner. this was my first solo trip without my righthand...she was missed terribly and I need her to start travelling north hopefully later this year.
It was snowing there and this is the first time I could say I saw enough snow in Korea to say that it actually snowed. Other than that it was a good trip. I can't wait to see him again...probably in 2 weeks.

This year is full of promises but I do know that I have to go back to work tomorrow yippee skippee that's not good.

JAnuary is going to be long.

Gotta get going more preparation.

Happy New Year~~~~Now is the time to let live.

*Final Note A note about driving ...

not to with any stereotypes but I seriously think i could drive anywhere in the world after surviving the driving in Korea. Its horrendous. I see people driving on the wrong side doing a U turn at inappropriate times (whenever you feel like) and driving on the wrong side playing chicken) and this isn't even the worst.
I dont know if this is a right term but I am going to say that this is pretty Mad Buddha.

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