Saturday, December 29, 2007
New Year Countdown
I havent written about my sleepy little town yet so let me inform you of my extact location in this mundo.
I am centered in Gumi, an industrial city in the Southern prefecture of Korea. Nearby is Daegu a shopping area and is much bigger than Gumi... I think next year I have to go there more often.
Busan is the biggest city in the South where I am located. I have only been there once and will be revisiting there again tomorrow. Good ole Port city...a place for pirates seriously.
Aye matey I will be watching my back scoundrels just a head argggg.
Anyways, back to Gumi....
There's a downtown district which is actually pretty small to me nowadays even though there are 450000 people here.
Gumi is unfortunately a conservative place (backwater?) in Korea. I have become more conservative since getting here and in many ways this is good but people are conservative in the wrong ways.
I live near a bakery, half a dozen restaurants of which I rarely go to any of them except for ones previously mentioned
Lunchbox, Ra Cha Cha Kim Bob, Mcdonalds mainly.
I am trying to broaden my horizons and try some new places. I have been here long enough to start seeing the expansion of this town, an itsy bitsy village if you will
Today, I stayed in Gumi trying to get a little things done here and there~ It was a great day nice and relaxing.
Tomorrow my baby and I will go to Busan and watch the Sun go down if we are ever so lucky. If not we will just Rock it all night!
And so comes 2008! Wow has it really been 6 months and counting almost 7 now (2 more weeks)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Euphoria of Paradise
My life here in Korea at times can mirror the image I tried to build myself while being in College. I feel it is important to just make someone's day. I would always try to do whatever I could in order to improve anyone's situation.
I was telling Christina today about my college days and how I was friends with everyone. In the morning, I wanted to make my friend who works at Mcdonalds happy since she had to work on Christmas. When I go to Mcdonalds which is way too much she often gives me extra food and she also gave me an accessory for my phone, which is not nearly as nice as the one I already have. The heart I stole from Christina. (She gave me a heart and I like it so much)
I gave her some candy, a souvenir and a card and she was so happy and she didnt care so much that she had to work.
My day only got better!
I spent the entire day with my significant other. We cooked Bulgogi and spent a lot of time relaxing and enjoying our company without the chaotic mess below (Academy things). We also enjoyed some wine for dinner. It was a special occassion and one of the few times I will get to drink haha..
thats ok though.
Being with my girlfriend is complete and utter harmony. I feel more alive than I do when I am anywhere else.
I just finished a book called Life Lessons to me it was all about trying to find ways to enjoy life more and to get the most out of it. You only get out of Life what you put in. Life is an enigma and I am all wrapped in its splendor. I dont know what will happen and frankly when I think about it, it scares me. All I know is that I am a combustion of Love just ready to explode.
This week is nice I have potentially Saturday Sunday Monday and Tuesday off! I am happy! I need it so much. I hope tomorrow when I go to work I hear the good news!
the Joyous momentous occassion called Christmas has come to a closure in the East, tomorrow the rising sun will tell me that it is now Christmas in America and my friends and family are divulging in some sort of wild festivities where the can encounter the grandure of everything.
Working the Christmas Miracles if there are such a thing is what i want to focus my life on. Its my hope that each day should see a dazzling display of affection and an array of friendships that will hopefully give birth and pave a way to a glory filled future that can truly unite mankind together!
more later
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A Chocolate -Sushi Surprise
Everyday in Korea is a mystery and magical at the same time. I spent the day with my wonderful Honey. When I am with her as always the whole world seems to stop moving and I become lost in her and all thats good.
Today we had a Sushi lunch which was really wonderful. I love Sushi a lot and havent had it since coming to Asia. Can you believe that? I have had Kim Bob which is similar but doesnt quite cut it. I also had Sushi in Japan but that was a holiday. Special treat.
So spending a lot of time on my back I felt like celebrating the near begining of what will be a good year. This is my first time that I drank with my girlfriend and honestly I love drinking with her there isnt anything I do that I wouldn't want to share with my baby. I dont plan on drinking anything except healthy drinks and wine on Christmas!
Christmas is going to be amazing. I have one more day now to plan for it but I can't wait.
To all the Happiness in the World. ... I know I have it right now because I know I have the most amazing person in all of Korea and through thick and thin I love her so much. My aim is to make 2008 the best year I have had to date. The best time is now and to continue working towards self improvement is my ambition.
In 2008 or right now actually I am going to invest more and therefore live each day to full measure.
Drifting in Idleness is not becoming and I want to open up any windows in the world and let all the sunshine caress my Shuske and I with never ending dreams!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Precious moments lost to time
I have seen my birthday, halloween, 4th of July Celebration (or lack thereof) and now the end of the year festivities (christmas and the prepartion of 2008!?!). I have undergone many transitions to say the least.
I am still going to Mcdonalds to much. I am not excersizing yet but I am hoping to change that soon.
I used to watch Baseball in the mornings. I also liked Kim Bob so much and eating Dongas Fried Pork. I do miss the Popping Sue days. Paris Baguette is still in my life every Saturday when I work in the morning. Its a good bakery.
I went to Japan and had a blast! I can't wait until I go again. I also went to Taiwan. So much things happened in 2oo7
here is a list that will be forgotten due to the passing of Time.
January-May: Enjoying my last semester in Missoula. Deciding my future...Grad school, America work or go abroad. BY chance I found work in Korea. I had also met with many Korean Teachers by chance. Many Korean Teachers came to Missoula in order to learn effective English Skills.
I remember having dinner with a couple of them and learning about Korea. two years ago.
May: Graduation say goodbye to all of my friends some unfortunately probably forever.
May: enjoy my last month in America.
late May-early June: Go to Minnesota, say goodbye to my family, Spend a wonderful 2 days in Missoula with my Korean friend, Spanish Friend and a few other good friends. Take my old roommate back to Whitefish. he had to catch a train in order to go to Japan later in August.
June: Arrive to Korea
go to Japan
July-September: Work at Yale
Discover the most important thing in my life... ^^
October: Halloween Party
November: No Thanksgiving... Adjusted to Korea for the most part.
December: Christmas Party begining to try to improve my teaching manner.
More importantly, my love is growing.
Its going to be a good year 2008! What will I do next I am not sure. Its time to be the "crazy" Nick everyone knew me as not that they know me anymore :( if my friends could see me now they would say something like OMG-WTF is this still Nick? I am interested in seeing their expression
Time is of the essence especially in Korea. I long for the days of resting on the oval and killing time. I also long for FFT~~~ Food For Thought! Its going to go out of business if I dont get back soon :(
more on Precious moments in time.
The most precious moments are the ones where I am cradling my Chagi in my arms.
(*-*) (^ ~^)
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Legend of Palmer-Kim

Saturday, December 15, 2007
healthy Addictions
Other than the shopping it was a nice time to just relax. When we got back I was really sad to see the day end. I went to the bookstore and ended up buying "LIFE LESSONS"
I think its an important book that everyone should read sometime. Its giving me some perspectives to think about a little bit.
On to more important things....
One of the things that I have liked to collect are socks. I dont know why but I think Korean socks are much better than the socks made in China. Except I am shocked the Socks my dad sent me are actually Made in I didnt know that existed.
I like collecting Socks with the English Flag on it. They match my pillow ENGLAND! What a pretty country. I want to move there eventually one day. I think Europe may have a huge potential for me. I want to study Spanish and improve my language ability skills.
Back to Addictions:
I am addicted to Law and Order. I watch Stabler and the rest of the cast each night after work.
Crime Scene Investigations interest me. I also like seeing how people interact with each other. I would like to solve some of the mysteries that are going around me. Especially at work. A weird secretary who is unfortunately scared of me and also doesnt say much, and she never asks me about what I am thinking. A boss who is like the weather in Missoula...unpredictable, a complaining Co-worker and my savior/angel sweetheart honey Christina.
Mcdonalds is still unfortunately an addiction I have over 12 Mcdonalds cups. I go there in the mornings. I like the coffee and American Breakfast its nice to just go and relax. Lately I like Christmas songs that are playing. Speaking of Christmas songs.
All I want for Christmas is my Sweetheart. "All I want for Christmas: is zzzzzz You ooooooooooooooooo....
My Sweetheart is a loving caring person who has so much energy with kids it blows me away.
My honey is my source of energy. She makes me happy when I am sad.
At work when I am ready to go crazy because of the kids I melt at her sight. I am hard and strict because the kids make me so angry, or because I have had it with complaints from my boss or other teacher and my headache and anger go away and become soft with an overflowing abundance of love.
When I am with her cooking meals, and relaxing before work I feel the world can stop spinning and I would be ok with that.
I am finding continual inspiration because of my greatest addiction~ my everlasting growing love (daily) for my Baby-Shuske, Christina~ My Darling. ^^
That's it for now...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Living a Personal Legend
I have been here for almost 6 months come December 16th. Time is flying by.
I used to write everyday when I first go here. I was so relaxed and open for anything.
Steadily month by month my writing has decreased....
I am reading a new book "the Alchemist" its pretty good. Reading is one of my favorite things to do here when I am actually able to relax or when I am on my own.
I have always believed in omens and have also started seeing the signs of what exactly my destiny/purpose is. It is important to live your dream and follow it to the maximum. Success is right around the corner.
Our life is largely dictated by chance. The decisions and people that i have met have lead me to here.
Why did I pick Korea of all places? I know it was originally a way for me to be able to see my friends again. I also saw it as an opportunity to explore new possibilities.
for the first time in my life I am a foreigner and I understand the implications. I still hold true to the one world view that sometimes makes me think I will get myself killed for holding onto this idealogy.
Life is Surreal and the Duality of everything is overwhelming and something that I choose to fight each day.
This is a part 1 of 2 blogs
Its now December and other than being burned out with work.. I anxiously look and await what this month will give me in my korean Adventure.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
They Call Him Shogo

I have had a lot of momentary realizations during my teaching hours. I have had glimmers of my past suddenly seige me at the oddest moments. I literally am seeing my entire life from the past flash before my eyes. Its an interesting feeling just like sleep deprivation.
My best friend came and visited me this week. I needed it so badly. ...A Walk down memory lane if you will.
before I talk about the trip let me sum up work. Its a job it gets me money and as long as I do it as well as I can everyone's happy. Unfortunately I dont feel a reward from it. At times my boss scares me simply because he can't see my struggles as a foreigner. I am also not like any other foreigner here I have my own style and way of looking at things.
I am begining to think my boss is unhappy about my work performance and his choice in hiring me. This is because when we had our conversation last time he startd it by saying "When I invest 2,000 dollars into something I expect it to work properly. ...I dont think he has any idea what he is doing sometimes. Although he does care a lot (too much?) about my happenings.
So Shogo came on Wednesday and that were this grand adventure goes full throttle.
First night: Pearl and Christina treated us to a nice meal of favorite. It was a great meal and a good way to start off the korean Experience.
We ended up staying up until 3 am just goofing around. We went to Mcdonalds and had coffee with some random Korean who will be known from now on as "samsung"....he was a very nice and drunk Korean.
The next day I had to work but I spent most of my time not caring about work. After work we went Downtown (Christina, Shogo and I) went and shopped a little and then Shogo and I went to a dinner place and had Bulgogi. This is the Gumi experience.
Friday we went to Ra Cha Cha the Chicken Bar.
This whole time it felt like I was back in College. Ra Cha Cha was nice... we had my typcial fried chicken and beer....
I put in a lot of late nights but these were nothing to what awaited me in Seoul. I left after work on Saturday. Shogo came a good weekend because I am always unhappy when Christina doesnt work with me on Saturday~its not as fun.
After work we ate at Mr. Pizza and did our dash to Seoul. Arriving at 10 we went shopping were I later bought a jacket. WE spend most of the time just walking around and drinking coffee and some beer.
I felt guilty about going to some clubs so I decided to take it easy on the alcohol and I didnt dance. I missed my babe so much.
I LOVE SEOUL SO MUCH! Its much more fun than Gumi.
Shogo and I stayed up all day and night. NO SLEEP. WE saw some interesting sites and met interesting people: saw a fight and literally froze our asses off. It was so cold.
It was a trip for the ages....
Back in Gumi on Sunday later that day.... We met Christina who cooked us a wonderful meal Ma She ta. We relaxed that night because I had work tomorrow (Monday)
Monday was Shogo's last day so I treated him to a 50 dollar meal Drank more beer there and had some chicken again...different place though (Downtown CLASSY>? ) WE decided to stay up all night so we went to Mcdonalds again had a lot of coffee and breakfast later at 8 where we unfortunately had to part company.
This has been one of the greatest times of my life and definitely Korean life.
HAving my girlfriend and my best friend in the same place is Ju wa seo. Perfect.
There's more later but I have to eat dinner as I promised my girl.
Here are some pictures
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Retrospective Jaunt
actions that I am going through whether at work in my lessons or in my personal life are taking me back to childhood memories of times that are gone. Sometimes good sometimes bad but the truth be known it is sad to me that a fleeting moment passes and will never be so again.
Seeing the leaves change and wither unnerves me. I seek for perfection and capture the essence of truth and the omniscience of the event before it can fall to ruin. This isnt meant to sound depressive because I stand resolved.
I am known to many of my students as fighting teacher. These kids are very introspective but at the same time they dont realize the implications and variances as to why I am dubbed a fighting teacher and to why I seek truth in my struggle or journey, whatever.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
the Early days seem so distant nowadays. The morning was my own. I ate Gim Chee and rice bowls and I would watch a lot of baseball since Minnesota was on the television. I would go to work earlier because I was bored and thought it would make for a good time. Especially because I liked to talk to Christina and learn about Korea. I made calls at the office until I got a phone.
The weather was so hot a sheet was too much and I would sweat walking up the stairs The rain was unbelievably hot. I am now bundled in2 sweatshirts and my thumb feels half frozen.
I was full of energy and ale to try everything at least once. I hiked the Mountain alone and ran it like I used to do in the olden days when I was a kid.
Going to work early was a norm for me. I wasn't expecting so many harsh demand and definitely not outlandish.
I went through a lets get reconnected with old childhood activities. Watching friends and Fresh Prince. These only lasted a week. MASH as well.
I am now involved in a long phase....Watching Law and Order if it ever comes on again. Its a great show...probably my favorite.
Food I went through a Fried Pork Dongas Stage, I went through a lets try anything phase and now I am stuck in 2 of them.
1). The evil arch M Mcdonalds.
2). Fried Chicken
I am pretty sure I am going to die due to problems with the heart.
I enjoy shopping too much even though I seldom do it.
Right now I am also focusing on just doing what I need to do.
I will continue this blog at later time....
Phases I and Phases II later....
I like to write so that's another phase.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Palmer Report

Well its officially the end of the month. Life in Gumi continues to run as normal. Or as close to normal as possible. Its Halloween back home but in the grand scheme of things Halloween doesn't mean anything to people in Korea. In my opinion it also means nothing to me.
I couldnt post the pictures last time so here are some pictures. These are the "Jack o lanterns I carved for class, my darling and a few of the students. more later about those.
So teaching continues to roll. I work 6 days a week 40 +/- hours a week and teach 29 classes. I email kids who never write me back. I make 4 tests which are unfortunately difficult. The kids always cheat and there really is no stopping them. Truth be known-the kids are for money I think. There are 150 kids I see. I see kids come and go faster than anything. Its hard to have a clear cut path or method of teaching when kids are "dropping like flies on honey" Somehow I get through it. Its not great when D is lurking around either. Eavesdropping on my classes doesnt help me out.
I have prepared supplimentary material for the kids to understand and participate and rarely does this help. My kids are from kindergarten to nearly high school. I have a favorite class and always love teaching them. Unfortunately I no longer can have them 3 times a week.
I have no realized the problems existing at work need to change soon or its going to get worse. My friend is quitting at the end of the month...this will cause some indefinite change. I can't wait to see. I hope it isn't bad. End all be all...Work is work no matter where it is and what I am doing ...The good the bad and the Ugly.
I am looking forward to the coming of the one day off and I am not going to do much of anything other than relax and reflect on the happenings of the week.
Halloween party, Pizza Hut, Mcdonalds everyday(pretty much) and working around the clock highlight this month.
November is going to be more promising I am sure.
Other aspects of my life. Seeing my baby's face Smile turns a awful day into bliss.
I have to get ready for work but I will write more later to anyone who cares to read.
Halloween Special
This just meant a lot of extra work for Christina and I on Saturday after work. I was tired and truthfully dont want to be around kids unless I absolutely have to. 6 days of work and 8 hours a day is plenty. I like my privacy.
Maybe its a Korean custom but I am not the neatest person in the world. I live for the time being and sometimes clean when I get around to it. I dont have the work ethic of Koreans and personally its going to kill me if I dont slow down.
My attitude about work is going to get easier. As my friends (who never read this) would say: That's Nick Palmer and he does things his way. The theory of getting eaten alive by the "real World" doesnt exist. There is no real world.
Here are some pictures of the crazy twirps. oh how am I going to explain twirps. ?? oh well.
how about dippy dutzes?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Dealing with The Arch M
The cofee is too strong though for me nowadays. What would Gommy Say?
Anyways, I saw a few foreigners. Its so strange for me to say and even admit this but I can't see Foreigners in the same light that I did before I came here. I dont interact much because my influence is limited to a small area.
Its always a shock to me to see foreigners because I dont see many people. They all know my place though~ oh, Kat's old job I get you. I dont throw any wild parties though unlike Kat.
My house is completely different. Apparently other parties can take place though even though I want to enjoy the weekend.
Well I am discovering I have a crazy habit of always wanting to write. I shouldn't write so much because I need to focus on other things and do as people have said and try to "soak up this Korean experience" I have a huge problem. I am addicted to the infamous Arch M. Every morning I fraternize myself with the people at Mcdonalds and eat a hearty meal of Egg Mcmuffin. I swore an oath I would never sell myself to a Corporate and now I have. Its becoming my new Food For Thought. Its quite a shame actually. I get free food though sometimes. Mcdonalds girl is really nice to me. Koreans either really like me, strongly dislike me or are indifferent. Unfortunately in my experience the hate is stronger. I have resolved myself not to eat at Mcdonalds in November as much anyways. I need to expand my horizons and seek out new places. My attitude has taken a new adjustment as well. I am not to fond of Gumi. It is too small and its too conservative for me. People are entitled to thier beliefs about how they feel about a foreigner. However, I am changing to accept this for what it is. I am believing that I have only looked at the negatives and I am not realizing that there is much more that I am capable of doing or can do later. I am here to teach Korea English and I am wanting to take away as much from Korea as they take from me. Teaching is a giving and taking relationship. I am not seeing that much. This weekend I am having a Halloween party at my house. Its not my idea. Its for work. The truth of the matter was that I wasn't even asked about it and its just a business scam. My boss will post pictures in the newsletter in order to promote the Academy. "If I cover the blood soaked walls, does that mean the blood is gone?" When will people think about people first and money second. I have seen so many kids come and go from this Hagwan or school that its a joke. I want to teach the kids not spoon feed them. I have to get ready for work now. Its my easy day and I am going to finish and have my special dinner of Chicken "all you can eat" and some beer for a party of 1...or I guess I will do that tomorrow...
Pumpkin Carver
Some customs and traditions here are a little stranger than what I was used to back home. For example, kids play with toy weapons and those are banned in America. Relationships are much more personal than I am used to. Unfortunately, even though I am working and around everyone the entire time at work I am still an outsider.
I envy Christina's ability and knack for the kids. They bond with her quite simply. I also wish I had her teaching skill and/or the things that she taught. I like explaining concepts and meanings but I can't get my message across.
Mr. jeong wanted me to teach the kids about Halloween. Even though I grew up on this wacky tradition I never found it really interesting. Its amazing how much Vocabulary I can expound in 45 minutes.
trick or treat
Things of that nature.
Anyways for the main event I was given a knife and told to carve a pumpkin. I made two of them. Dracula Smile with fangs and A Smiley pumpkin. Both of them have a special meaning in my heart but I wont say here.
So, this weekend there will be a party here in my house for 2 hours. I am not really excited about this. Welcome to the real world I guess. I am not able to enjoy the weekend or Saturday anyways because my house is invaded by everyone. What am I to do?
Well maybe I shouldnt be writing this here but I am ready to try anything. In my mind I have always been able to think of some good excuses. I dont lie but I stretch the truth a little. Every where I go I am confronted with these split second decisions~ one day it will get me killed. When you play with fire you get burned. bottom line, is that I want to escape to somewhere else.
Sunday there is supposedly a hike with the Teachers/bus driver. I only want to have some R/R time to what I want to do. This ain't going to fly with me. Not this time.
Anyways back to the pumpkin Carving. I was shocked that I could be allowed to do this. Having a knife in America is big trouble. I am becoming a softy maybe. Carrying a knife around not exactly the best idea. Crazy things have been known to happen.
The kids liked my art display and butchering the pumpkin ended up being easier than I thought. It killed 45 minutes too so I was happy I dont like it when I have to entertain the kids. I need to find a way to become more effective. I can't wait until November!
More later.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Weekend Happenings!
Growing up I never was able to bond well with kids. Ironically I always found jobs though that made me interact with kids. Nowadays kids are my strong as well as week point. I feel like I am getting worn out by them but at the same time thier youth and innocence compels me to keep trying.
After work on Saturday I ended up helping to decorate the Academy for Halloween. I played with some kids there too. There is this young girl who was afraid of me because I am different and tall. By the end of the time at the Academy that night she wanted me to sit next to her and share dinner with me.
I have many girlfriends at the Academy. haha
I want the kids to truly open themselves up to me and learn from me.
When I went shopping this weekend I ended up talking to random kids because I am the only foreigner amongst a crowded Korean version of Walmart. "LOTTE MART" Taxi drivers still can't hear my Korean correctly even though Lotte Mart is written in English. I have been here for 4 months and a week and I am still hesitant about taking a taxi simply because the drivers are so strange to me. Sometimes, I have a good driver.
Sunday, it was so cold I bought myself a nice fleece in order to stay warm. My weekend is going to end in a few hours and before it does I just want to relax and enjoy the last few moments of freedom.
Its a new week, new hope new goals. Anything is possible and I am going to make the best of it.
I want to continue trying and learning anything that is possible.
More later
Saturday, October 20, 2007
In the Days of Pangea
Pangea existed millions of years ago and ever since the break-up people have been trying to find their way back together ever since. This is my personal opinion~
This Super continent if you will would have been ideal in today's world. Within Pangea harboured the ideal value of a Utopian society.
When people go to different countries their hope is to find themeselves. Some element of thier life was or is missing that they couldn't find in their own country.
As time continues to pass on by here, it is my hope that Pangea can be metaphorically brought back together.
English is the Universal Language and its something that shouldn't be feared. I am not a fan of English because just like Christianity many people have connotated it with negative things. Is Language culture?
Its an element of culture but people are the same everywhere. The more I become acquainted with this place the more I realize that intrinsically we are all trying to do the same~find purpose and meaning.
The question that truly exists is why people categorize people differently and want to limit themselves when there is truly a limitless Universe that is only bound by our own confines.
What is the definition of Foreign or Foreigner? Something that is not to or of a particular area. Something that is different and doesn't belong to something. I am no longer thinking in terms of foreign or foreigner
I am always a foreigner to everyone who sees me as an Outsider. Its time that people start thinking in terms of first names or just ONE People instead of Separation.
Its a quiet Sunday and perhaps my last peaceful day before it gets even colder and before Dracula strikes again.
BAck to Yale.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
and then there were two...
This week has been a long one. It started out promising. I went out with Bryant and Traci on Sunday night. Getting out of my Hyung-gok area is important and I am starting to see the personal thrills of just walking downtown.
I sent some money home in order to let it grow, and to keep me from spending too much on frivolous things. I have many plans that I am conjuring up at the moment. Walking downtown is also nice just to see people's reactions about me. Sometimes, its good and sometimes not.
I keep telling myself that I shouldn't care about the problems at work and just look on the brighter side but sometimes its hard. My work follows me home a lot and I really can't break away from this.
Problems at work continue. Unfortunately, I am losing confidence in myself and my ability to perform.. This week I wanted to be positive but my teaching is taking a heavy hit. My boss's words still linger in my mind.
I think my boss and I mis-understand each other quite a bit. All I can say is that I am trying so hard and more so I am focusing on what I think is truly important. i hope in time things can change. Finding a way to make things work. out is all that I care about Some of you know what I am talking about when I say finding things that work.
I am talking to people I dont even know that are reading this... Am I Crazy? Dont tell me.
My friend and co-worker quit yesterday. She has had enough. I dont blame her for quitting if there wasn't something good at the job I would quit.
I feel sorry for my boss because he doesnt realize why my friend quit. What he doesnt know is that we all feel that way sometimes if not most of the time.
I went to Mcdonalds like I do most of the time. The girl there is really nice to me. She gives me free food sometimes, so I get extra food. I need to eat more as I am unfortunately still skin and bones. Christina wants me to be bigger and I am trying.
When I am not working I am spending most of my time, reading and catching up on small errands of this and that. I am so tired lately though I am becoming concerned for my health but I think I am worrying too much. Its unfortunate how much Teaching is taking out of me and what little reward if any that I am getting out of it.
I am thinking of the next step as I always seem to be. I am convinced and certain the answer will come. In the mean time I am hoping that I can make things work out in Gumi and find a way to make my dreams in Korea come true.
What are those dreams?
In no particular order
Learn and Find myself
Develop myself as a man with potential and a bright Career outlook
Improve relationships and change people's minds about Reality.
I will let that last one be the last I say on that for now. Its so important to me that I try if I am going to make things better here.
If I succeed in what I am believing I can be a better teacher and all around human being. Working at Yale can be a great experience and stepping stone for bigger and better things.
So then there were two. Its just me and Christina at work now. Not having Pearl there is sad. Maybe there is a lgiht at the end of this chaotic tunnel called Yale and with Christina's help may it shine brightly.
This saying still is something I keep in mind:
To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. -Confucious
I am here in Korea and want to go Everywhere with all of my heart
Saturday, October 13, 2007
After finishing my 4 classes on Saturday with only 2 major problems :( I went to a local meat buffet with Christina.
At these places we cook/grill our own meat right at our table. I enjoyed having Gal bei again. Its my favorite meal in Korea and I dont get to eat it nearly enough. Usually my diet is Ramen noodles which doesnt bode well for my plan to gain weight. I want to have a Bopping Sue again though too.
Lunch is always so much better though in good company. Nowadays I am no longer able to have a lunchbreak at work. It is better if I eat lunch before going to work.
A job is a job is a job. Everywhere I go there is going to be complaints, and those complaints are the same everywhere 1). boss 2). job duties 3). For a teacher: the kids... 4). I work to long to much etc.
I dont want to complain about those things I am a realist complaining as I said before has no educational rationale or basis behind it.
I wish I had some pictures to post...
more later
Self Righteousness
I am having a lot of difficulties it would appear. On the surface I am calm, composed and strong but the obstacle I am confronted with are posing some horrible dilemmas. I think my cheekbones have sunk in and my face is gaunt with big bags of blue strapped under my eyes. Truthfully, I havent felt rested in awhile and its starting to wear on me.
I am not a quitter and I refuse to complain. Jin in korean means honest.
here are a few related notes:
In my TC1 class I am teaching a chapter called "Say it with Flowers" Flowers have special meanings and apparently Orange means Beautiful and Pure so I told my class that they may give me some orange flowers "jung ja kan" or "Jin" they all think I am full of beans or silly. I can't believe how much slang I am starting to recall.
In another class I am teaching "THE GREAT PRETENDER" about Catch me if You Can and I jokingly told the class I am kind of like the great pretender. I am pretending or masquarading as a teacher. Unfortunately, in the eyes of my boss that may not be far from reality.
The truth is, is that I show up from 1 until 8:30 and I can't stay longer because I usually am stressed because of the kids. I contribute this too many factors, 1). my teaching skill 2). Being an American and not understanding as much Korean as I would like and finally 3). Academy errors
I know I need to improve my teaching but it isnt because of lack of effort or laziness. I am the reason why so many kids left the academy.
Sometimes I wonder why my boss still has me around because I have caused many mistakes.
There is another side to this though and that's the fact that my boss doesnt completely understand my position and he isn't willing to change.
I hate saying these things but I believe that if I dont find a way to make things right I will be leaving sooner than I expected.
I would like to go back to school.
I want to also travel to Europe and maybe find a new teaching system. I think I could do better at a different place.
Here is more irony ... I refuse to complain and I accept the errors in my ways. In doing so I have become more passive and accepting. I am choosing to pick my battles carefully and bide my time.
I have come to the conclusion that this experience is nothing but a stepping stone to bigger and better things and I am hoping that things can iron themselves out or more simply get better. I will make it happen and in the end I am going to have everything that's good from my Life in Korea.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Mori Kara?

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Teachers Meeting
Unlike the teachers meetings that are held at work I had an enjoyable Teacher meeting Wednesday Afternoon!
In my opinion, the meetings at work are pointless and there is no purpose. It is always just criticism and everyone feels awful. Enough said.
Pearl, Christina and I enjoyed a nice meal at VIPS. The three of together are VIP material and this occasion was a perfect way to spend a one day holiday. The atmosphere at VIPs didn’t feel like Gumi but made me feel like I was living in a different area of Korea. I enjoy that feeling so much where I don’t have to worry about who is seeing me or what I am saying.
On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon we all met at the train station just to have “normal social discourse” …
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Back to Kenting, Andong, Freedom
Regardless of what happens during the day these little realizations are the pieces that are important to understanding the entire puzzle picture.
In my mind these events, happenings, or sayings keep playing back in my memory like a never ending tape recorder.
It is important to log these occurences and improve your mental projection of the world.
Events that happened in Kenting, Andong and other places remind me that there is truly a better life.
Allow me to explain:
I told my boss that with any job there is complaints. Most people in America and probably Korea hate their job. Its only for the Benjamins, Chasing after the Benjamins. Ironically, I was showing my boss my American dollar I have (Its the only one) and its a 100 dollar bill with benjamin franklin on it.
This thirst for power and hunger for money is the root of contempt and stress. My boss and I talked about Work and our personal lives. He is an interesting man and at times I can count on him as a friend but there is so much I can't tell him because he is my boss. The personal relationship just isnt there as it could be under(different) extentuating? circumstances. I swear I am forgetting English....
Maybe I have to Quit my job. maybe I have to return to America and re access my life. So many people think I should throw in the towel and walk away. I am learning to never sell myself. I dont care about the contract I care about the people I love the most and what is truly right.
I know that there is something better for me, for everyone that I am around. I am working towards a better tomorrow.
i have a birthday present on my desk that has a bear doing some research and it says Fighting on it. The kids who gave it to me dont realize how appropriate it is for me. i am the bear a lone Grizzly (UM-Missoula) home of the Grizzlies. Fighting to improve oneself in mind body and spirit.
For the time being I am choosing to stick it out and fight through everything come hell or high water.
In all seriousness I no longer care so much about this teaching job since the problems seem unfixable. I came to teach but I also realize that I have to cultivate myself and see myself for what I truly am. In other words, I came to Korea to learn about myself and I found things that are worth fighting for and working for.
I believe I am going to VIPs for lunch and hope to learn more there. I will continue this at a later time...
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Kenting Part 1

The next day we drove to Kenting and stayed at the Duggar Hotel. Some Hawaiian guy's personal establishment. Duggar wouldnt leave us alone for a long time unfortunately. We unfortunately ran into some trouble and were needing some time to figure everything out
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Pre holiday
I had 4 tests today and they all went well.
Some of the kids who are a problem are slowly making some progress towards becoming better students^^
After finishing work at the Academy I finished my errands for my trip to Taiwan and had a couple lunches. The first was by myself and from Lotteria and the second was a hearty meal of Gal bei with my friend Bryant.
It was a wonderful time and I hope that it can happen much more before Bryant and Traci leave.
After lunch I rested comfortably in my apartment. Christina came over to see me off for Taiwan.
I am excited about my trip but a little nervous and a little sad to be leaving. It will be nice to have a few days to relax and not work. Vacations always go to fast so I will be back in the grind before too long.
I am about to venture out on a wild adventure where I am unsure where its headed. But I am driven by my darling's love that is eminating through my heart and is there to help me get through anything.
I am anxious to get to Taiwan! Its time for another Palmer wild adventure
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A Korean Birthday amidst Confusion
Since graduating from high school my birthday has just been another day and has also made me realize how old I am getting to be.
I wanted my birthday to be a small event since I am modest. I also prefer to celebrate like its a birthday everyday.
I believe spending time with family/friends is all that' s important.
Unfortunately, my birthday was a little problem. I wasn't wanting anything at work because I am rather shy and dont like attention. Unfortunately I made a mistake though.
After work, I went to dinner with Christina and Miss Jeong. My boss didnt know it was my birthday until after work and he couldnt go out because he had made plans to go to Daegu. I should have told him but because I am modest I preferred not to say anything.
I wish I knew more about Korean culture because at times I appear to no understand much of anything. Most of the time I feel right at home though and dont even realize I am in a different culture.
At work many of the kids made me feel special either saying happy birthday or giving me something nice.
Life continues to roll here and I am determined to make things better.
I talked to a few good friends in the morning before work and ended up going to bed early.
This week seemed to have dragged on forever. On Wednesday i had a teacher's meeting that left me feeling like a wreck. I am sad because I want to become a better teacher here but unsure as to how I can do this.
End all be all...I have a lot of unanswered tangibles lingering the background and I am waitin to see how it all adds up.
I am now 23 I feel so much older though and its just another day's passing. Nothing much more interesting than that. I am recovering from another minor cold germ and its raining heavily outside. I will be working again in 23 hours.
I will be writing more later.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Fried Chicken and Kids
To begin with, at work my boss hired a new teacher. Her arrival doesnt make my teaching any easier. In fact or on the contrary, it makes it a lot worse. I know have 31 classes and other than Thursday my days are long and arduous.
My favorite class TD1 was dropped on Thursday in order to accomodate the new teacher. My boss really didnt think this through when he hired a new teacher. She isn't necesary. I dont enjoy most of my classes because the kids dont learn from me as much as I would like.
TD1 is special for so many reasons. My star pupils (Rose and Jully) bring a twinkle to my eye everytime I see them. (I wish they would visit me because they are really special kids to me). I almost cried when I heard that i wouldnt get to teach them on Thursday. They get my jokes and enjoy my stories.
After Thursday at work I went to the Chicken Restaurant and ordered a tub of chicken. I ate 30 pieces and had a beer. It helped a little. It reminded me of the times my friends and I would put away 100 pieces of chicken at WOW Restuarant in paradise otherwise known as Missoula.
My personal life is getting much better. I am finding many things to enjoy in Korea nowadays.
My neighbor and adopted grandmother died a few days ago, I wish that i could have said goodbye properly.
You never know what will happen with the time that you have so its important to find a way to make the best of it and to work hard.
Its time I start thinking about a future with some real sense of direction.
Today at work was a long day. I had 4 classes on Saturday and was all by myself.
I felt really bad about losing my kids so i gave them some chocolate. I feel a little better.
Next week is going to bring some interesting changes yet again. Its going to be interesting to see what will happen next.
Now, its time to relax and enjoy the weekend.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dropping Like Flies
This is how I am looking at my Teaching profession these days. With how globalization is working and how the desire to make money is imbreded into our way of thinking it comes as no surprise that kids are now the latest money scheme.
I teach at a private institution where the rules are lax. Yesterday, our boss added another class for just 3 students. This means that I now have 18 classes to teach within the week. My total amount of classes are over 30.
It is necessary that I see each class at least 2 times in the week. The philosophy of herding 150 students and spoon feeding them some english lesson doesn't make sense to me. I would rather have 30 students and focus all of my attention on catering to them. Its all about the Benjamins, or money.
Yesterday, my worst class TC2 told me that they Hate me, they dont care if they disrespect me when I am in front of them teaching. One of the girls said I dont like this academy and I am going to quit.
Personally I dont care anymore. What does this mean to me if a spoiled insullent rich kid quits this academy because she has a problem with me, or the academy in general.
I have done everything I can. I tried many persona's in the classroom to no avail. I tried talking to my boss. I tried to tell them to write me a note or write one to Chrisitina about me so I could understand them better. I have been angry at them, sad because of them, tried to be super nice, tried to not care, and now its just a blessing when I am finished with them.
Its amazing how kids or people can make you love or hate your job.
I keep thinking that when they are older they will truly regret how they treated me. Its the dumbest things too. For example, Would you please read this passage? NO, I dont want to.
Then in all honesty why are you here?
of course i dont ask that.
I dont mind hard work and I dont mind long hours but i have a distinction between WORK and Free Time. I will not think more for kids who dont care about me.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
My Soul Yearns For Seoul

Friday, August 31, 2007
When September Comes
I have been looking forward to September for a long time. September is supposed to be the perfect month,
Nice weather, A long holiday, a new start. I can maybe become a better teacher but here at Yale its going to be interesting to see how I can become a more efficient teacher.
I am trying to become a more driven person and am relying on my life training from Cross Country and Manito-wish.
Work is changing again. My boss hired a new teacher. She has been here for two days and its already kicking up a stir. Insinuating problems, creating a fuss, not good. What ever hogwash you want to get out of this mumble jumble you can.
Sometimes I am starting to think I like to play with language. more on that later.
She was only here for less than a day and she already complained about my friend Pearl's work, and Christina doesn't like her because she is already judgemental about the kids. She is nice to me but I dont think I will like her much just because she has already created stress for Christina and Pearl.
Last night I realized just how ridiculous work is most of the time. I have 31 classes in a week. I have 4 classes that are my own. I am supposed to give them a report card, a test, a syllabus and cover 1 or 2 chapters each month. But I am having problems communicating to the kids and following the lesson plans just for my classes let alone the 25 other classes I Suppliment during the week. I am supposed to draw up my own lesson plans but in all honesty I havent so far. They dont understand the lessons that they are presented. Sometimes they do but most of the time in my experience I dont feel that they truly understand.
WE just do what we can.
September is going to be challenging though especially since I need to find new books, new lessons, and try to find new materials. I am also getting new kids by the day. I dont even know when I am getting new kids I just see new kids show up in my class.
For example, I had to give this girl a report card and she has only been here for 2 days. And of course I gave her all As.
Sometimes I dont think that the kids learn anything and the A simply means "STAY here and dont leave my academy because I need your money"
I got in trouble once because I told my least favorite class I dont care about the test your grade isn't important I just want you to understand what you did wrong. They got very upset at me and when I told my boss he understood the kids point of view. The philosophy of the academy isn't concerned with the learning of the kids but more with keeping the kids happy.
Anyways, I am headed to work filled with promise about the future with Work, Personal, etc.
Its time to develop stronger goals!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Sincerity of Life
Amist all of the problems that I have been having lately with my boss, and work etc. I had a good night with him.
I went to bed feeling a better understanding of him.
I still have no idea what my future may dictate but at least I know I can be comfortable talking to my boss again.
I have always believed that I need to do the best in everything that I feel is important. Its not worth doing if you aren't going to do it well.
I am trying to prepare myself for September in order to do the best I can and succeed. I am reaffirming myself that I can find self improvement in everything.
You must be Sincere in what you put your mind to or else it isnt worth doing.
I am looking at things with a practical mindset, and reality.
If we aren't bettering ourselves, or the world in which we live in then whats the point.
One of my favorite Quotes:
To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. -Confucious
I conclude this story by saying simply: What is truly right and what is truly the most important thing one must do.
The answer is unknown. But in order to be successful and to come out ahead ONE must take a chance and not question the unknown. Every problem must be met or faced with true conviction that one may make it better.
Truly believe that this can happen or else we are all doomed to forever repeat our errors and be lost for all of eternity.