Well September continues to be Wonderful. I went to Seoul finally.
I saw two of my best friends: Hyung Jin and Min young. I stayed at their house and had a great breakfast that Hyung Jin's parents made. They made me feel so special and I can't wait until I can see them again.
I was a little naseated from the bus rides but other than that everything was ok.
The next day I went to Church tried something new with them. It was a service in English. I have only been to church a few times in my life and all 3 times its been Korean church and with them.
My friends were in Sewon.
They were impressed with how many Korean phrases I knew and in their opinion I was doing much better than Missoula so I am glad.
Seoul is so modern. Its also much cleaner and more friendly. I think that its more acccepting too.
Seoul made me feel good and had such a good vibe. I prefer Seoul much more than Gumi.
I will write another story just about Gumi sometime but for now I will just focus on the adventure.
I met another friend of mine too. All of us had a one thing in common. We had all been to Missoula. My other friend is a Korean English Teacher.
We had a good time walking around the busy streets of Seoul. I saw many interesting things but the time went by way to fast.
I took the Train to Seoul and back to Gumi. It takes 3 hours each way. Now I have been everywhere in Korea at least North to South in Korea. I still have a lot of exploration left to do but for now I am happy to have just gone to Seoul.
I can't wait until I return there and hope its soon. I could honestly see myself working more there.
I learned a lot from my friends and am looking forward to trying out some new way of thinking back here in Gumi.
Well more on this later this is part 1.
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