Monday, July 21, 2008

helter skelter

So today I found myself zig zagging back and forth. I seemed to be having a mental lapse, or meltdown ...again.

Todays Story is as follows. I had breakfast with a friend, we talked about recent happenings what we did on the weekend and things of that nature.

I drew some poor drawings I am not very good and need to express my artistic talent differently.

L and O wasn't on, I was bothered. I had a good lunch at the Chinese Buffet. I was happy to say she didn't have any kids running around naked. She is a nice woman and probably the person I know the most outside of work.

Work was a disaster for me. I felt like I was having a mental issues all day.

Before work started the computer was temporarily fixed but yet again no one asked me if I could use it. I sat during my break with nothing to do. I didn't want to talk to the kids, I didn't want to work at all. It bothers me that I can't do anything. If I was working in America my opinions, help or actual work would be appreciated. I wish I could be more of the TEAM.

MB3-slight problems, nothing really good.
MB1-slightly bad
MC3-very bad
MC1-was ok but tiresome. Luis was really good. I think he is the one that needs medicine seriously.
MD3-Worst---Bad Girls, class disorganized, no respect, Mr. Jeong had to fix the situation. The kids paid him in my class for the VOCAB books. Miss Jeong isn't doing her job at all and it really bothers me. I feel because of her it makes everything I want impossible.

Sometimes I wish she would not do her job more just so things could get from Worse to Terrible.

I know its the Manic Monday-the work craze. I usually want to put my nose to the grindstone and work hard. Nowadays, I am just wanting to make a career move or do whatever it takes to go to a better place. I am afraid of losing that and that's why I cry myself into my dreams. Seriously all I want is to figure out something well.

Happiness is the Key and other than the poor classes, disorganized work, and just a odd start to the week I am happy~~~~

I got something special, I was able to fix everything before I went home. I just don't want this again and again. My next post Tashi and Tashi

Whatever I can do to make a better future or next stop etc. I will do count on me.

I am working on a picture project now.

It should look good!

talk soon!

Tomorrow is Tuesday it will be a grand day!

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