June has come in with a Bang. After having a great dinner last night and spending part of the night talking to Christina and her brother in the park I slept later than I usually did. I had pondered how Days are just going by and how I wasn't entirely sure how to handle this. Its now June and other than for a few small health issues that are short term things are looking better. I was a little anxious for part of the day having bad dreams and bad thoughts but I just have a few things to say about that...
The Road of Life is filled with surprises and bumps around every corner. Keeping busy is a good way to forget about things and being occupied on anything is better than idle wanderings of a lonely heart. I am a lucky guy I truly feel this and therefore I am learning ever so slowly to put behind me the negative things. I am going to try to keep June free of negative news.
Today I had some wine with my darling. It was called D-Day and a special Vintage from France. It was a little wetter than most wines I have had and It reminded me of the few times I had wine back in Missoula. I haven't had much alcohol since coming here and this is the second bottle of wine I have had with my darling since coming here. I am certain it will not be the last. I am happy we both enjoy wine.
Drinking Wine is better than drinking Beer or Soju or anything else. In my opinion, its not as habitual. Just a personal opinion.
Its June and I have a lot of ambitions and plans to carry out. I should rephrase that me, Christina and things at Yale have a lot of things to figure out. Its called life and in my mind everything will work out. Korea has pushed me to the limits of emotional and mental growth. I have had to find ways to balance time and develop my goals much more considerably than before I had came here. Its good for me.
Every Challenge and Obstacle that we come across we can fight it together.
This week i work 5 days and I hope that Saturday I can just get off. I am not sure it will happen highly unlikely. Christina has been studying for a test. She studies hard at the Library where I write my stories, post cards or read a book. The Library is a place of Solace and a good excursion its a favorite place of mine in Gumi. Christina is dedicated, driven, smart and savvy when it comes to studying. She is a serious person. She is good at everything she does and I am beyond proud of her for her studies. Proud isn't the right word. She studies at work when she takes a listening test and listens to many tapes, she studies intravenously when we are swinging in conversation, when reading my stories and at home. While I am a distracting influence at times she pulls through and does superbly. I don't want her to worry about the test because she has passed the important test already.
In my opinion we don't need to worry I think we should just cast it aside. Just like little drops of red wine its time to focus only on whats truly important and not let anything get in our way.
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