Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Idle Drifts

I felt like sleeping in class today. I was so tired. I feel the onset of old age growing in my bones.

I spent the morning eating delicious food and watching Law and Order. I am refraining from spending money as much as I can because I am focused on bigger things nowadays and want to use my money for that. I will eat at home more often now.

It was a wonderful morning before the work shifts began.

Work was a new story

I have 3 work phases
Phase 1: The Ma/Mb level classes
They are wild, uncontrollable and curious. So they rampage through the office going helter skelter and no matter how hard we try to control or yell at them they are unstoppable. WE need a principle and we need more stability.

Today my classes were Mb1 and Mb2

I want to write about something new. I have a couple girlfriends in the Mb level classes. --___-- no not really girlfriends but they really like me. These girls like to play with me and they show me respect they try. They are fun too! Its kids like them that make me love my job. TEACHING job.

Phase 2 The MC level classes
Hyena is the best in the Mc level courses I think. Jennifer has gone to the dark side since falling to LeeAnn and the "bad" girls who just talk. I call LeeAnn Nu na just to make her say something to me.

The MC level courses are curious and also just loud

Finally there is the Md level courses which are more calm and not so loud but since they are more mature they are harder to control sometimes.

I have many good girls though. One guy can only be so lucky. I enjoy MD1 now these days. I had the Babo class which is short for stupid and Idiotic Class.

Md2 is the weirdest class in the Academy. They have even passed MB3 in my mind. I made the girl cry today. She is so dumb I can't figure her out. I say hi and I tried to be nice, everything to get on her level but she just hastens me a dirty look. Today she gestured the middle finger and like all the kids just talk bad in Korean. Korean is something I don't want to hear anymore because its English Time when it comes to me and my teaching.

If Mr. Jeong lived up to his rule which is NO KOREAN in my class there would be no kids in this school. Most of them don't try and I have to punish the ones who affect my teaching.

Sukjae Police will be on high duty Friday. Today I just wanted to get through the day. When I don't care It goes better.

I heard my ex-worst student the kid who bit me will drop. Him and his worthless brother. I don't care for Yun tagee because of his clueless behavior but his brother is just babo. he doesn't do anything at all.

* I am not happy that kids drop but I no longer don't care. Some kids don't have books whether its their fault or not. There is no incentive when we have more kids. I am just a kid factory thats all. The kids leaving means that there will be less telephone teaching. There will be less noise because they caused a lot of it. There will be no more fits of anger and there will be many other bonus from this.

I feel bad for the kid. He is going through a rough time in his life and hopefully he will get better. I don't care though because I have been hit with more than just work work work but with blatant disrespect.

I just want a JOB where I can move on with my life and make everything work. I don't want to end up failing and going no where. I don't want to make more mistakes either. I have problems but I can solve them, I just want to know more that's all.

So today is over. I will relax the rest of this month. I hope that I can travel more and I hope a job opportunity lands in my emails. I also hope that Miracles can flourish because I go to work everyday with the aspiration that Change is coming---Its inevitable I just don't know how it will happen.

I am waiting for a Sign and waiting for things at work to miraculously change. I do care about my work but only in the sense that it will provide a stable future. I know I can do many things. I just want to find it! I am looking for the key so to speak,


Thats what I want to do...Bust some balls doing what my man Elliot Does!

I can drive a car and find bad people and get rid of them it would pay well! Do you like?

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